Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 22: : The Great Demon Lord's Guild

A private community of an online gaming forum.

"The Commander is here!"

"Salute to the Commander!!"

"Good commander, good commander!!"

"Does our guild have a name?"

"Yeah, how many people are there in our guild?"

As soon as Miyamoto logged into the community, he saw that many people welcomed him.

Honestly, it feels really good.

He crossed Xiao Erlang\'s legs and started typing.

"After more than a day of statistics, our guild has enough members. The maximum number of members in a fifth-level guild is 2,500. Because there are too many people signing up, I set up two more chapters, with a total of 7,000 people. !"

"Salute Commander!"

"The most powerful guild in the \'Dark Age\' was born."

"I want to be the branch president."

"Then I will be the wife of the branch president."

As Miyamoto spoke, there was another reply.

At this time, an ID named \'Rage Boy\' suddenly kept Miyamoto private.

"Call Commander, where\'s the name of our guild?"

Miyamoto had already made up his mind about this.

"demon king!"

The Great Demon King Guild started out as a game guild. Later, during an offline event, everyone discovered that many people have the same interests and hobbies.

They both love baseball and are big fans of Sawamura Demon King.

As a result, this guild gradually became Sawamura\'s second big fan group.

"Magic Palace Guards!"

In the beginning, the Imperial Guard of the Demon Palace was only doing offline activities, but later it evolved into a warrior who fought against Kuroko who specialized in complaining about Sawamura on the Internet.

This is a later story, let\'s not talk about it for the time being, just talk about the \'runaway boy\'.

Chiba Prefecture, in a small attic unique to the countryside.

The boy who turned on the fan still couldn\'t help but irritably wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Cut, it\'s really hot today."

On the TV in the living room, there are reports about the Kanto Conference from time to time.

I really admire those guys, such a hot day, but still such a hot game.

"Yoichi, if you don\'t watch it, turn off the TV."

A sweet female voice called downstairs.

"It\'s annoying!"

Kuramochi Yoichi, put a towel over his face, a teardrop dripped from his eyes.

Kuramochi is a baseball player in an ordinary middle school in Chiba Prefecture. Although his grades are average, his baseball skills are very good, and he is a well-known master in the prefecture. If it weren\'t for the fact that the team he was in was too weak, maybe he could represent Chiba at the Kanto Conference.

Defense, strike, steal base all-powerful.

Although the results of the team competition were relatively average, many high schools came to him and invited him.

Although these high schools have relatively few famous families, it is also very rare for Kuramochi with average grades.

Originally, life was supposed to be bright.

But one incident in the past two days completely ruined all of Kuramochi\'s future.

Kuramochi was a man of righteousness, and naturally a group of little buddies called \'brothers\' gathered around him. This time, it was one of his buddies who was bullied. As the boss, Kuramochi could stand by and watch, and he immediately took action to teach the second generation of Quan who bullied his \'brother\'.

The result after the lesson is naturally more tragic.

Violence is taboo in high school clubs, especially the more powerful ones.

It is not that there are no schools that have obtained the qualification of Koshien, but have been disqualified because of the violence.

A scourge like Kuramochi, where would they want it?

The result of the boy\'s impulsiveness was equivalent to completely ruining his baseball career. He didn\'t have the domineering arrogance of Sawamura, so he founded a baseball club by himself. So for the current Kuramochi, the beloved baseball has completely left him.

After the little buddies found out, they felt very guilty.

Kuramochi didn\'t seem to care on the surface, but in fact his heart was more painful than anyone else.

"Yoichi, I have your courier from Kanagawa."

Kurochi was inexplicable.

Their family has no relatives in Kanagawa.

Taking the box and unpacking it, there is a shortstop glove on display.

"To the greatest shortstop in the universe, Yoichi Kuramochi!"


Kuramochi is very angry, and bullying people is not such a bullying method. Could it be that the second generation of Quan knew his situation and came to laugh at him on purpose?

In anger, Kuramochi left the box on the ground.


The box fell to the ground, and the toy inside suddenly burst like a cone, turning into the shape of stool, bouncing and jumping.

"Are you surprised? Are you surprised??"


Boxes with gloves and prank toys were thrown into the trash by Kuramachi.

When he got home, he was told by his sister that someone was looking for him.

Today is really busy.

"Hello, I\'m Rei Takashima, the deputy head of the baseball club at Qingdo High School."

The person who came here has a very attractive figure of the royal sister, which is bulging forward and backward, which is not eye-catching. The most distinctive feature is the pair of glasses on the bridge of her nose. These glasses bring out the temperament of the royal sister on the other side to the extreme.

"We would like to invite Kuramochi to study at our school."

Straight to the point, not only long and eye-catching, but also direct speech.

Saying that, Takashima Rei pushed a business card in front of Kuramochi Yoichi.

Kuramochi pondered for a moment, the new gloves he just lost and the prank.

Things that felt full of malice just now seem extremely heartwarming now.

"wait for me!"

Saying that, Kuramochi ran out immediately.

On the spot, Takashima Rei didn\'t know why.

Kuramochi\'s grandfather and sister quickly apologized to Takashima Rei.

When Kuramochi arrived at the trash can, fortunately, the car that collected the trash hadn\'t arrived yet, so he easily found the new glove that he had lost.

"Are you surprised, are you surprised?"

In the box, there were a total of two notes, one was written for Kurochi, and the other was written with these eight characters.

Open the box, the address of the box is a hotel in Yokohama, Kanagawa.

Byline: Your dearest friend.


Kurochi is unknown why.

Accepting the invitation of Rei Takashima, Kuramochi decided to go to Tokyo to study baseball.

When he was ready to tell his little buddies that this good he heard words that subverted his three views.

"Don\'t use Kuangchi all the time. Why do people beat you up? It\'s not because you robbed their girlfriend."

"Who made him simple-minded and well-developed."

"Don\'t talk nonsense, be careful if he hears you, you will definitely be beaten."

"If you don\'t tell me, who will know."


Silently, Kuramochi turned to leave.

From then on, in his world, there is only baseball, no more brothers.

Kuramochi is only a member of the Great Demon King Guild. All the members of the Great Demon King Guild have encountered a lot on this day. Compared with these things, joining the Great Demon King Guild is just a trivial decision in their life.

No one ever thought that this small decision would stir up such a big situation in the future, and it would make the whole country change its color.