Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 219: : Fortunate obscurity stick


The white ball was hit.

The small ball that was hit flew out far away, towards the direction of the center field.

Everyone in the audience turned their attention to the flying ball.

They are all vaguely looking forward to the birth of a miracle.

Was the great demon king Sawamura Eijun hit a home run?

No one has seen this kind of picture for a long time.

Most of the people on the scene have never even seen it.

Until now, Sawamura Eijun is invincible in the eyes of many people.

How could the invincible Great Demon King be hit by a home run?

That is impossible, absolutely absolutely impossible.

But now I see the swing of Thunder City and the ball that he hit.

People\'s original firm ideas inevitably wavered.

Tojo, the backbone of the Qingdo High School baseball team, kept stepping back, hoping that he could stop the ball.

But no way, the ball was hit too far.

He had never seen Eijun Sawamura\'s ball thrown so far.

So much so that he was completely unprepared before.

Although now he is trying desperately to save it, it is obviously too late.

The baseball still landed in front of him, and then rushed out fiercely.

Until this time, the hearts of those who eat melons have completely calmed down.

In the end, it was still seven or eight meters away. Although the ball flew more than 100 meters, it never flew out of the field.

Just a super long shot.

Honglei Shiquan rushed to second base with a smile, but fortunately he did not move to third base.

After Tojo caught up with the ball, he returned the pass quickly.

If Thunder City had continued unscrupulously at the time, he might have been hit directly at third base.

From this point of view, Honglei City has indeed grown a lot after entering high school.

But from his face, people couldn\'t see anything.

After running to second base, the smirk on his face made people have to doubt his IQ.

But despite this, no one dared to underestimate the existence of Thunder City.

Even Sawamura Eijun, whose strength was suppressed. When these players of the Tokyo Stars face off against Sawamura Eijun, there is no certainty that they will win.

Ask yourself, if they stood in the position of Thunder City, they would not have the confidence to force Sawamura Eijun\'s ball out.

In today\'s Tokyo, and even nationwide.

Players with this kind of ability are probably the only ones left in Thunder City.

Others, more or less, lacked a bit of warmth.

Even if the current third-year players have not retired, the strike strength of Thunder City is first-class.

When all the third-year players retire, what is the status of Thunder City in the high school baseball world?

He\'s probably the first hitter, right?

Although Sawamura Eijun\'s record may be more prominent than Thunder City.

But don\'t forget that Sawamura Eijun is with the King Seido High School baseball team.

In contrast, the pharmacist where Thunder City is located, although the strength is not bad, must play a lot of games less.

When it comes to strength, everyone feels that Thunder City is obviously stronger.

Not to mention his one-of-a-kind swing sound.

There are many strong hitters across the country, and the only one who can swing a bat to make that kind of sound is Thunder City.

The undisputed strongest hitter.

Two outs, with someone at second base.

At this time, it was their fifth blow, Miyuki Kazuya.

This scene in front of me made it very difficult for the friends of the Qingdao High School baseball team to accept.

The game has only gone to the 6th game. The players of the Tokyo Stars team are more than halfway through the third round.

Incredible, really incredible.

In their original impression, Sawamura Eisei seemed to be the first time he had dropped so many hits at the beginning of the game.

Under normal circumstances, this situation is absolutely impossible.

At the end of the 6th inning, it is good that the opponent\'s batter can half the round.

Not to mention the fact that there are still people at second base, a fantastic scoring opportunity for the Tokyo Stars.

Miyuki Kazuya, who was in the strike zone, has not been at peace since he stood on the strike zone.

Has been eager to try to show something.

Eijun Sawamura on the pitcher mound raised his eyelids and glanced at him.

I thought silently in my heart.

What a hassle!

At this time, Sawamura also felt that his physical strength seemed a little out of state.

Is there a problem with your physical reserves?

Asking himself, Sawamura Eijun easily rejected the idea.

Of course, it wasn\'t his physical strength that had a problem, the real problem was the opponent.

Even with Sawamura Eijun\'s confidence and strength, he had to admit that the guys on the opposite side were just too strong.

Fight against them, even if Sawamura Eijun himself can suppress them.

But a good tiger cannot stand against a pack of wolves.

The opponent used wheel warfare, but Sawamura Eijun could only rely on himself.

After a game, no matter how rich Sawamura Eijun\'s physical reserves were, he couldn\'t help but feel stretched at this time.

To fight with any of these guys, Sawamura Eijun needs a lot of effort.

So far, his physical strength is on the verge of a dangerous value.

It\'s not that the stamina has been exhausted, but to the extent that it is not very controllable.

As an analogy, it\'s as if you have billions of dollars in your fortune making risky investments.

One or two million will definitely not feel that way.

Even if it\'s 50,100 million or something, it\'s within the range you can bear.

In this way, you will naturally have the confidence to play whatever you want.

But what if you bet your entire fortune?

The results are sure to change dramatically.

In that case, it\'s not up to you to decide whether to win or lose.

This is out of control.

This is the current situation of Sawamura Eijun, his physical loss is completely out of control.

The opponents, these players, have indeed pushed him to a dead end.

Sawamura believes that the more in this crisis situation, the more he should go all out to solve his opponent.

Show everyone how strong he is with a strong pitch.

The sooner the other party knows about things that his physical strength is completely out of control, the better.

Raise your right foot high and drop it like a battle axe.

Eijun Sawamura on the pitcher mound looked unstoppable.

On the next pitch, he used all his powers to squeeze every last drop of potential out of his body.

He went all out to throw the white ball in his hand!


The small white ball looked like a laser beam, instantly crossing a distance of more than ten meters and appearing in front of the hitter.

So fast!

Everyone who saw this ball was stunned.

Through the previous test, they had already guessed 70% to The real ball speed of this ball may not be as fast as they saw.

But the power of this ball is definitely not inferior to the 150-kilometer straight ball.

even more than that.

The kind of ball that Sawamura Eijun threw has life.

Just when it was an abrupt voice, suddenly broke in.


A bat suddenly appeared in front of the white ball.

Just hit the white ball and take the ball out.


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