Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 217: : Strange ball speed!

Seeing Carlos who didn\'t take a step back, Sawamura Eijun knew that he was in big trouble.

And it\'s still huge.

His original intentions must have been seen. It\'s not so obvious if Carlos has stepped back.

Now Karl Ross hasn\'t taken a step back, and the baseball hasn\'t hit him.

This fully shows that Sawamura Eijun\'s pitch just now is just a bluff.

This is a routine only common pitchers use.

Before the Great Demon King Sawamura Eijun, he never bothered to use this kind of routine.

Now that he has used this kind of routine, what does that mean?

That fully shows that even Sawamura Eijun has nothing to do with the situation in front of him.

Sometimes the duel between the shots is like living as a couple.

You are weak and he is strong!

Once Sawamura Eijun showed a cowardly demeanor, then as their opponents, these guys from the Tokyo Stars team, it would be strange if they didn\'t get tougher.

Just as Sawamura Eijun expected.

Sawamura Eijun\'s seemingly strong conscience was clearly seen by these guys.

Their eyes were all red, and they felt as if they were about to run over and take a bite at Sawamura.

All the harass came out.

They suddenly saw a little bit of humanity from the Great Demon King.

At the same time, a big stone in their hearts finally fell to the ground.

It turns out that the current Eijun Sawamura is not afraid of anything!

Once faced with the top players in the Tokyo Star Team, he also felt guilty.

As long as Sawamura Eijun is not invincible, as long as he has some flaws and consideration.

The players of the Tokyo Star Team believed in themselves, and would definitely be able to find these flaws and deal a severe blow to Sawamura.

They will definitely not let the Great Demon King Sawamura Eijun continue to be so arrogant.

Certainly not!

They were so excited that the whole state in the rest area seemed to be different.

It was as if someone who had been terminally ill suddenly came back to life.

On the other side, Karl Ross on the strike zone also came to the spirit.

He didn\'t flinch, the baseball didn\'t hit him.

The purpose of Sawamura Eijun\'s shot just now was clearly revealed.

He shot bad shots on purpose!

The invincible great devil, why do you do this?

The reason should be very simple, very simple.

It must be that the Great Demon King Sawamura Eijun felt that he had a problem that he couldn\'t solve, so he had to make this decision.

Otherwise, whenever possible, he will still maintain his strong pitching attitude.

Never miss the next ball.

Carlos tightened the bat in his hand and narrowed his eyes dangerously.

If you look closely, you will find that the expression on his face also tightens.

Just because his skin is particularly dark, it is difficult for ordinary people to find him.

Eijun Sawamura on the pitcher\'s mound clearly felt this pressure.

As he expected, these old opponents are better than each other in their kung fu.

Once he finds any flaws in him, he will immediately flood up like a mad dog.


tricky! !

The situation became like this, and the Qingdo High School baseball team was in big trouble.

But now that this is the case, Sawamura Eijun has no intention of running away.

It\'s not his personality to run away from battle, it\'s tit-for-tat.

Now that these guys from the Tokyo Stars are going to eat him as a meal, then he has to tell these people with practical actions.

They are far from it!

After taking a deep breath, Sawamura Eijun raised his right foot high.

From an outsider\'s point of view, Sawamura Eijun seems to be very slow to open his posture.

This made the players of the Tokyo Stars subconsciously tremble in their hearts.

They vaguely have a very bad feeling.

But the situation in front of me is obviously very good.

There is no basis for their senseless feeling.

But it feels real, very real.

It\'s so real that they don\'t want to believe it!

Sawamura on the pitcher mound, something must be brewing?

That\'s what the Tokyo Stars players think. There\'s no reason to think so.

They looked at Sawamura with a bit of dread.

I don\'t know if it\'s subjective factors, they found that Sawamura Eijun\'s pitching action seems to be slower than before.

They can see every movement clearly, even the details are not missed.

Then they saw that the small white ball in Sawamura Eijun\'s hand flew out.

So fast!

In stark contrast to Eijun Sawamura\'s slowing action, his throwing speed remains the same.

The white ball was like a ray of light, and it instantly crossed a distance of more than ten meters.

It feels faster than any shot Sawamura has ever thrown.

Carlos on the strike zone also seemed startled.

He didn\'t even have time to swing the bat for the suddenly flying ball.

He could only watch as the baseball flew past his eyes, and then got into the catcher\'s glove.


"nice shot!!"

Waiting for this ball to end, people seem to be able to breathe fresh air.

There was also quite a commotion in the rest area of ​​the Qingdao High School baseball team.

"What was the speed of the ball just now? Who has the speedometer?"

In such a crucial race, a speedometer is a must.

The speed gun of Qingdo High School was always in Watanabe\'s hands.

He stared blankly at the numbers displayed on the speed gun, his eyes full of confusion.

Don\'t get me wrong, the numbers shown above are not huge.

143 kilometers!

With Sawamura Eijun\'s current ball speed, this ball is even slow.

When they saw the speed of the ball, no one in the Qingdao High School baseball team believed it.

No, the ball is wrong.

The speed they saw with their eyes just now was definitely much faster than Sawamura Eijun\'s previous pitching speed.

As far as they feel, it\'s even more than 150 kilometers.

But why is the number displayed on the ball speed tester only a mere 143 kilometers?

"It must be displayed wrong!"

The speed of the ball displayed by the speed gun is not 100% accurate.

Occasionally errors occur.

The friends of the Qingdo High School baseball team, of course, think so.

But if you test a few more balls, you should be able to find out.

Without making them wait too much, the baseball in Sawamura Eijun\'s hand was thrown in one shot.

The speed of this ball seems to be far less than that of the previous one.


Carl Rose barely touched the ball and hit it out of bounds.

"What was the speed of the ball just now?"

"One hundred and forty-six kilometers!"

When Watanabe said this answer, the friends of the Qingdo High School baseball team were full of disbelief.

Obviously they feel that the speed of the ball should be fast, and the ball should exceed 150 kilometers.

It only shows 143 kilometers.

Now this seemingly unremarkable ball has a full 146 kilometers.

What the hell?

why is that?

When Sawamura Eijun threw the third ball, their surprise reached the extreme.

It was another ball that looked particularly fast. It felt even faster than the first ball.

Without waiting for everyone to ask questions, Watanabe himself gave the answer.

"One hundred and forty-four kilometers."

The rest area of ​​the Qingdo High School baseball team could no longer remain calm, and everyone was talking.

Even the experienced Director Kataoka frowned.

He just saw it with his own eyes.

Sawamura Eijun\'s first and third **** are indeed faster.

The second ball looks slower.

But from the ball speed display, the result is quite the opposite.

why is that?

The only person at the scene who understood was probably only now rubbing the mustache on his chin, and Ochiai according to the abacus.

"I\'ve only heard before that some living **** seem to be very fast. And this kind of ball cannot be measured by a speedometer."

Thinking he turned his attention to Sawamura on the mound.

The Great Demon King Sawamura Eijun!

Ochiai was a little worried that a high school student had received such a compliment.

Now, he was suddenly not worried at all.


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