Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 211: : Home run, here we come!

The duel at the beginning of the first half of the six innings attracted everyone\'s attention.

They all set their sights on both sides of the duel, and at the same time they were very clear in their hearts.

The result of this matchup will probably directly affect the direction of the next match.

Is the goddess of victory more inclined to the Qingdo High School baseball team? Or do you prefer the Tokyo Stars?

The results will soon be known.

In the rest area of ​​the Qingdao High School baseball team, Minister Ota walked around nervously, and he couldn\'t sit still at all.

The friends of the Qingdao High School baseball team are now fighting with blood. As the team\'s minister, he naturally followed with trepidation.

If he wins today\'s game, that\'s all. If he loses, he is worried that it will affect the team\'s expedition to Koshien.

But in the face of such a powerful enemy, did the Qingdo High School baseball team really win?

If it is before the start of the game, Minister Ota still has some confidence.

In his impression, the Qingdao High School baseball team is invincible and invincible.

Of course, the reason for his big impression was his trust in Sawamura Eijun.

This is the most intuitive idea of ​​many people on the Qingdao High School baseball team.

They almost took it for granted that as long as Eijun Sawamura was still on their side. How could they possibly lose?

This idea is deeply rooted in everyone on the Qingdo High School baseball team.

But just after the confrontation just ended, when they realized that after changing partners, Sawamura Eijun couldn\'t even exert 60-70% of his usual strength.

Suddenly they understood.

The result of this game may be completely different from the result they originally imagined.

They originally thought that their side had at least a 50-60% chance of winning.

Now it looks like two or three percent.

This is also considering that the other party has just formed an army, and the cooperation is completely incompatible.

If the other side is allowed to run in for a while, then the chances of the Qingdo High School baseball team winning will be slimmer.

This was a very heavy blow to everyone on the Qingdao High School baseball team.

In the past, the Qingdo High School baseball team was not without a loss.

But at that time, the friends of the Qingdao High School baseball team knew very well that if the game could continue, they would be the ones who would win in the end.

Even if they lost the game, they still took the initiative from the situation.

This game is the first time!

For the first time, the friends of the Qingdo High School baseball team felt this way.

If the game continues, they will lose. And the longer it drags on, the worse they lose.

The scales of victory will continue to tilt toward each other, and time is not on their side.

Under such circumstances, if the Qingdo High School baseball team wanted to win, they had to race against time to end the game as soon as possible.

They are leading now, and holding the score is the perfect result.

Although it is also very difficult.

Sawamura Eijun, whom they regard as their biggest supporter, is in great shape, but his strength has been sealed too much.

Even the members of the Qingdao High School baseball team didn\'t think they could hold on to the score in front of them.

The situation is getting worse and worse, the situation is getting worse and worse.

At this time, Sawamura, who was standing on the strike area, knew very well.

If he doesn\'t take action again, no matter how unwilling the players of the Qingdao High School baseball team are, I\'m afraid they won\'t be able to recover.

Therefore, he must rise up and must not leave any chance for his opponent to breathe.

Otherwise, once they are allowed to relax, the situation will become unmanageable.

The score on the field was 4:3, and the gap between the two sides was only one point.

The game has also reached the 6th inning.

To be honest, the Qingdao High School baseball team had few opportunities to attack.

If Sawamura Eijun can\'t seize the opportunity, then Qingdo High School may really end here.

In order not to let myself fall into such a passive state, but also to refresh other friends.

At this time, Sawamura Eijun absolutely could not back down and could only confront Naimiya Ming head-on.

Of course, with his strength, there is no reason to back down.

As long as Narimiya Ming and Miyuki choose to fight against him, Sawamura Eijun will definitely face it head-on.

The choice of Cheng Gongming and Miyuki did not exceed Sawamura\'s expectations.

Although they are also chasing the outcome in this game, the outcome is not the first goal they are chasing.

Through this game, they want to complete their sublimation.

Under such circumstances, how could they possibly let go of the head-to-head confrontation with Sawamura Eijun?

From the very beginning, Nagiya Naruto threw the winning shot that he had worked so hard to hone.

It looks similar to the ball when Sawamura Eijun and Narimiya Naruto faced off.

But it\'s not exactly the same.

It looks like a chip, but the trajectory isn\'t as big and it\'s faster than that.

Even Sawamura Eijun felt that the ball was much faster than expected under the blessing of the strange state.

Although Sawamura reluctantly swung the bat, he was not able to hit the ball immediately.


When the bat and the baseball collided, there was a crisp sound, and then Eijun Sawamura\'s hand sent a huge anti-vibration force.

Good weight!

Sawamura Eijun frowned slightly.

The force of the baseball hitting was much heavier than he had imagined.

Not only the change of the ball, but also a small breakthrough in his strength after the end of the summer competition.

This strength refers to the basic ability.

Taking the basic ability to a higher level, the current Cheng Gongming is no longer the same as the Cheng Gongming a few days ago!


"The outside world!"


"The outside world!!!"

With two goals in a row, Sawamura Eijun could only knock the ball out of bounds, and there was no way to get the ball into the field.

Such a duel result gave the players of the Tokyo Stars very strong confidence.

In their view, Sawamura Eijun was completely suppressed.

Although both goals were out of bounds, they were not beautiful at all.

The next step is to pull the big devil Sawamura Eijun off his horse in one go.

At this time, Miyukiichi also and Nagiya Ming, the two have the same mind.

After they scored two strikes, they didn\'t use the bad ball to trick Sawamura into swinging.

Because both of them knew very well in their hearts that using bad shots against Sawamura Eijun would not help at all.

If you really want to solve Sawamura, you can only hit hard.


Nagiya Naruto threw his imposing decisive ball.

On the strike zone, Sawamura Eijun\'s eyes narrowed slightly.

Through the previous two fights, he saw more clearly each time.

Until this time, all the rotations of baseball, including the direction and speed of the rotation, he could see clearly.


It\'s now! ! !

At this moment, in Sawamura Eijun\'s eyes, everything around him disappeared, only the white ball whistled.

He calculated the timing and slammed the flying ball with a bat.


After the white ball was hit, it soared into the sky.

"Fly, fly out!!!"


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