Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 207: : God Eye Blessing


The pitching, which was like a landslide, was finally hit by Kominato Haruichi.

This guy\'s attacking skills, even when the swing is not very stretched, exploded, far exceeding the precision strike strength of ordinary people.

Strong, really strong.

But obviously, his opponent is not weak.

The white ball that was knocked out was not so much thrown out, but bounced out on its own.

The baseball arced and fell to the outfield.

The outfielder for the Troll Trolls high school baseball team, almost effortlessly, got the ball into his glove.



Once out, no one hits base.

There wasn\'t much joy in the high school breakout area of ​​the trolls who managed to score one out.

There is really no way to make them happy with this scene that happened in front of them.

Kominato Chunshi, although after training, his striking power is not his biggest weakness.

But that\'s definitely not his forte either.

Even in the entire Qingdao High School baseball team, his striking power should be the weakest.

But now, even Kominato Haruichi, who had the weakest strike force, was very clean and sent the ball flying.

This scene is truly breathtaking.

There is no room for people to think too much, and there is no way for them to think too much.

It\'s amazing, it\'s amazing!

It is the overall strength of the Qingdao High School baseball team, which has indeed improved.

Or, what is the problem with the authentic pitching in Hong Kong?

On the huge electronic display, the speed of the ball just thrown by Hong Kong was displayed.

153 kilometers!

Compared with his fastest ball just now, the speed of the ball is two kilometers behind.

But even at this speed, you can\'t say that he\'s not in good shape.

In fact, this is very close to his peak speed.

Considering that the game has now reached the 7th inning, such a ball speed fully shows that the state of Hong Kong authentic is not bad.

His current state can even be said to be hot.

But this is the authentic native of the hometown. During the duel with Kominato Haruichi, the opponent was hit by the ball, and even hit the outfield.

See micro-knowledge.

From this small detail, a lot of things can actually be inferred.

The overall strength of the Wangzheqingdao High School baseball team has improved.

The former Qingdao high school baseball team, although the overall strength is also very sturdy.

But to be honest, the shortcomings of their team are also obvious.

Except for the Great Demon King Sawamura Eijun and Miyuki Kazuya, the other players were obviously more than one level inferior in strength.

Not just strength, understanding of baseball, sensitivity of the game, etc.

The gap can be said to be comprehensive.

The gap is too large to be compared at all.

Since Yuuki and the others retired, some people even said that the Qingdo High School baseball team was a one-man team of Sawamura Eijun.

This statement, although ugly, was recognized by many people at the time.

Some people agree that this shows that the Qingdao High School baseball team at that time did show such a state.

Can\'t say anything else.

It\'s not just other people who think so, but there are also many players on the troll Datengjuan high school baseball team who think that way.

But now, their thinking has changed.

Through the performance of Haruichi Kominato just now, the players of the troll Otengjuan high school baseball team clearly realized it.

The current Qingdo High School baseball team is no longer the time for Sawamura to support the scene alone.

After more than a year of hard work, each of these players standing on the court now may pose a threat to them.

Especially late in the game.

In the later stage of the game, it was equivalent to entering the rhythm of the Qingdao High School baseball team.

Under this rhythm, no one can predict what the players of the Qingdao High School baseball team will do?

What kind of potential can they explode?

If all attention was paid to Sawamura and Miyuki.

"It\'s not necessarily that we will suffer from these unnamed soldiers!"

Renji pushed his glasses and crouched down again.

Today\'s game, although they are still behind. But as far as Hongo and Lianji are concerned, their performance is still good.

They themselves do not think that they have lost to Qing Dao.

Although the other players also aroused the vigilance of Lianji.

Because of the performance of Kominato Chunichi, he had to cheer up more.

But before that, there is still an opponent, and he must work hard with the local authentic to overcome.

That is the Great Demon King Sawamura Eijun.

Sawamura, who stood on the strike zone, performed very dull.

He raised the bat with one hand, made an aiming motion, then pulled the bat back and held it with both hands.

The bat was held high and shook slightly.

Eijun Sawamura quietly looked at the man walking up the pitcher mound.

Local authentic.

A ruthless character who Sawamura Eijun had no way to catch up with in his previous life no matter how hard he chased him.

Now stand on the strike zone, watch the opponent\'s pitch, and battle it out.

It\'s cruel, but it\'s the reality, and there\'s nothing anyone can do to stop it.

Sawamura, who was on the strike zone, seemed to have come to the major league arena in a trance.

The place he is standing now is no longer the strike zone of Koshien.

It\'s a baseball stadium in New York.

Flying voice, Go, on\'s cheering prelude.

All this floated in his ears.

Unconsciously, Sawamura Eijun was immersed in that magical state.

This time, it was much deeper than he had ever been before.

At this time, Sawamura Eijun seems to have become the perspective of God.

From this perspective, what he can feel is the truth.

He saw through every move of Honko Masamune\'s pitching.


Regardless of the world in Sawamura Eijun\'s eyes, everything around him has become slow.

But when the baseball should have flown, it still flew over.

well come...

In the sight of Sawamura Eijun, the ball flew very slowly, although the ball path was tricky.

But if Sawamura had guessed the direction of the baseball pitch right from the beginning, it would not be difficult to hit the hum! "

Without any warning, Sawamura Eijun decisively swung the bat in his hand.


The bat hit the white ball firmly, sending the white ball flying far away.

There was a huge anti-vibration force in his hand, and for a few moments, Sawamura even felt that the bat was about to leave him.

"Wear it, go through it!!!"

The narrator shouted hoarsely.

At this critical moment, the significance of Sawamura Eijun\'s double-hit is also very different.

This fully shows that the offense of the Qingdao High School baseball team is far from over.
