Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 20: : Nationwide!

"Akagi Middle School in Nagano Prefecture played, and the competition at Kanagawa Yokozuna Middle School ended successfully! The total score was 1:0. The dark horse Akagi Middle School, which entered the Kanto Conference for the first time, won the first national competition spot in the Kanto region!"

Before he finished speaking, he was overwhelmed by the enthusiastic audience at the scene.

Center of the field.

Hirota, who won the goodbye hit, couldn\'t believe it himself. In such a game, his uncle Hirota turned out to be a key figure.

The opponent, the national giant Yokozuna Middle School, was in the second half of the seventh round, with two outs! The score was 0:0…

Under such circumstances, Hirota and Sawamura-senpai cooperated to score a key point.

cool! So cool! !

His hands were clenched into fists, and Hirota estimated that he would never forget this scene for the rest of his life. Sure enough, I am a genius!

It\'s a pity that all the fans at the scene seemed to focus on Sawamura-senpai, and no one paid attention to him as the savior.

Although Sawamura-senpai deserves his name, he shouldn\'t be so neglected as a hero, right?

Hirota feels a fly in the ointment and has some small regrets.

In fact, it is.

The audience roared wildly, with only two words coming out of their mouths most frequently.


demon king!

Even Chicheng was left behind by them, let alone a small Hirota.

Fortunately, the world has not really abandoned Hirota, and his efforts are still seen.

"Nice job!"

At the end of the game, Sawamura found Hirota immediately and patted his head with a smile.

Never thought that the one who came in through the back door would help him so much at a critical moment.


There were tears in Hirota\'s eyes.

Sure enough, the world didn\'t abandon him, didn\'t Sawamura-senpai see him working hard?

Now all the media that are paying attention to this game, most of their eyes are on Sawamura. The interaction between Sawamura and Hirota was broadcast on more than a dozen local TV stations along with the rebroadcast of the camera.

Sawamura hugged Hirota, and the little friends ran out of the cowshed one by one and hugged them.

Mr. Sano excitedly patted his somewhat bald forehead and muttered to himself excitedly.

"This stinky boy, he really did it!"

A year and a half ago, Sawamura vowed to pat himself on the chest and assured Sano that he would become the coach who would kill all sides in the national competition.

Of course Sano didn\'t believe it.

Who is not young and frivolous? Sano has no doubts about Sawamura\'s sincerity. But even if he doesn\'t pay attention to baseball on weekdays, Sano also knows that it is not so easy to score in the whole country.

In fact, the road for Akagi Middle School to enter the country is much more difficult than Sano imagined.

The era that Akagi Middle School is now in is precisely the legendary generation of the entire Nagano Prefecture. The strength of Nagano Prefecture in this era is at its peak.

The three kings, Tenryu Temple, Dabei, and Nagano have all become obstacles to Akagi\'s promotion to the whole country.

Facing such a formidable opponent, Akagi Middle School not only did not escape, but instead, under the leadership of Sawamura, swept the opponent with formidable strength.

The first time he entered the Kanto Conference, Akagi\'s life was not good.

To be honest, although the Kanto Conference is the No. 1 battle zone in the country, it is still very hopeful to advance to the whole country with the strength of sincerity.

The current Akagi is indeed the strength of the top four in Kanto.

But in this case, Akagi met Yokozuna in the second round.

Yokozuna Middle School can be said to be the most restrained Akagi Middle School team in the Kanto region. Even if Sawamura did his best to suppress Yokozuna Middle School\'s lineup, Akagi\'s chances of winning were extremely slim.

In the words of the reporter, if Akagi Middle School can win two games in ten games of the same game, it is good luck.

The gap between the two is so large that it is unimaginable for ordinary people.

And Akagi seized the 20% chance and defeated the opponent.

Even Sano, who witnessed the rise of Akagi with his own eyes, would feel incredible.

As other bystanders, the appearance of Akagi Middle School is simply a miracle!

Nagano City, the headquarters of the Hirota Group.

In the president\'s office, a tall middle-aged man sat at his desk, admiring the game on the computer screen.

At this moment, the screen freezes on the picture of Sawamura and Hirota hugging.

"Fei Yi, he really played!"

At this time, the doorbell rang. The middle-aged man motioned for the other party to come in.

The person who came in was none other than the housekeeper who went to Chicheng with Hirota to report.

"Master, Master\'s team has won, and Master is still on the court. Goodbye hits!"

President Hirota nodded, noncommittal.

When Hirota Feiyi wanted to join Akagi, old Hirota was against it. But he has always been an open education to his son, and it is unreasonable to block him.

In the end only acquiescence.

Since then, on the surface, he has been indifferent to Hirota Feiyi\'s affairs. That is to say, the old housekeeper will sometimes inform him of some situations.

"I see! By the way, we haven\'t decided on the male protagonist in this year\'s advertisement for sneakers, right?"


The housekeeper didn\'t know why, but he answered honestly, "The heroine has decided to find Miss Ozawa, but the male lead has not."

President Hirota nodded and said nothing.

The housekeeper understands that this means that the president has already had a choice in his heart.

The butler didn\'t think much about it, bowed respectfully, and stepped out.

Akagi wins!

I won the first ticket to the whole country for the Kanto Convention.

After the game, Yokozuna, who should have been disgraced, was surprisingly calm.

At this time, many fans who found their conscience finally realized that Yokozuna was their Kanagawa team.

"You guys are fine!"

As soon as these words came out, the audience who wanted to comfort Yokozuna almost didn\'t give themselves a slap in the face.

Too can\'t speak.

The weaker loses to the stronger, and of course you can comfort the loser by saying that you are doing well. But the strong lose to the weak, and you say that they performed well, which is too slap in the face.

A lot of people are in the same awkward situation as that audience member. It\'s not that they didn\'t want to comfort the yokozuna, but they really couldn\'t find the right words.

In such embarrassment, Yokozuna\'s players acted very calmly.

After the game, I also politely greeted all the players of Akagi Middle School.

"Thank you for your advice!"

After the two sides saluted each other, they shook hands one by one.

Yamanaka was the first to ask Kamizawa Village to ask his own questions.

"Aren\'t you afraid of getting hurt when you just stole home plate?"


Sawamura had a worried expression on his face.

"Then why?"

"I didn\'t think about it at the time!"

Sawamura said lightly.

Yamanaka was stunned for a moment, and finally showed a convincing expression.

"Then we\'ll see you at the national competition!"

"Okay, I will wait for you all over the country."

Don\'t look at Yokozuna Middle School losing this game, but they didn\'t completely lose the place to advance to the whole country.

"Next time we meet, we will win!"