Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 20: : Kataoka's evaluation


"The outside world!"

Two consecutive goals, all hit out of bounds. 【Read the latest chapter】

Sawamura Eijun\'s face became strange.

He had underestimated his two seniors before. They deserved to be players who could get a place in the Qing Dao First Army.

Through the previous fight, they have been very fast and corrected the previous wrong information about themselves.

It\'s not that Sawamura is bad at hitting straight balls, he just doesn\'t have a strong swing.

It has to be explained here. The batter also has his own style, just like some powerful pitchers have their own characteristics, a really strong batter must also have his own characteristics.

For example, like Akatsuki Furuya\'s pitch, Sawamura\'s pitch includes Kawakami and Tamba.

These pitchers have their own pitches. The speed of the ball is unparalleled by Xiao Gu Xiao, and the colorful change ball that Sawamura has evolved due to his own physical characteristics is also the only one with scorpion fried peppers.

Although Kawakami and Danbo\'s pitching is not as strong as their two characteristics, they also have their own unique characteristics.

That\'s what makes them great pitchers!

The same is true of strong hits. A really powerful strong hit must have two or even three of the three aspects of striking power, swing speed, and striking skill!

Sawamura is not a strong fight!

Although in middle school, Sawamura\'s blow was very bright and once set a record. But to be honest, Sawamura is not a strong fight.

Because of his rebirth and his previous life experience, Sawamura far surpassed the average middle school student, and even the vast majority of high school students, in terms of striking skills.

It is for this reason that his hit rate is so high, and he often hits home runs.

But that doesn\'t make Sawamura a strong hitter, because he lacks the other two elements of a strong hitter. Powerful striking power and fast swing speed. If Sawamura had one of these two, he would have been a great hit.

Unfortunately, due to the characteristics and development of the body, he does not possess any of these two.

According to the data, Sawamura is particularly good at playing the change ball. This information is of course wrong. What Sawamura is really good at are those **** with a clear path and no power!

The changing ball of the middle school students has a very clear trajectory, and Sawamura can easily distinguish it, so there are so many hits and home runs!

Like some pitchers who don\'t have a feature on their straights, their straights are just as easy for Sawamura to hit.

Before Kawakami\'s ball, the reason why Sawamura easily hit a home run is because his own ball power is not very heavy. The same goes for Tamba\'s lob, which can be very difficult for other batters to hit, but for Sawamura, it\'s his best shot.

The greater the change, the less force is attached to the pitch.

Now Sawamura\'s two goals are out of bounds, it\'s not because Sawamura\'s blow has degraded! It\'s just a small-angle slider like Kawakami throws, and Sawamura is not very good at playing.

If the change ball wants to exert its power, it must be matched with the straight ball! To put it in a fashion, Kawakami\'s current pitching collocation and rhythm are the most correct opening positions for changing the ball.

For Sawamura, it is impossible to distinguish between a straight ball and a changing ball, and he certainly cannot hit the ball well.

"This is hard to do!"

Two good **** and one bad, Sawamura was chased.

Here I want to talk about the difference between Sawamura and strong fights. For a real strong fight, Kawakami\'s move is easy to resolve.

Strong swing power, you can take the ball out and even hit a home run without hitting the center of the ball.

Sawamura can\'t do it. If he can\'t aim correctly, it will be difficult to hit the ball well!

"Chasing the beater!"

"Very good shot, Kawakami."

The second and third graders saw that Sawamura was unlucky, and Le\'s nose stud bubble was about to pop up.

They immediately cheered Kawakami hoarsely.

In this game, the Laosheng team was bullied by Sawamura, and it is not easy to say that their face as the Laosheng team has been completely lost.

At this time, I can teach the leader Sawamura a lesson. My little brother, everyone is very happy.

On the strike zone, Sawamura sneered.

This is really a wall and everyone pushes, I didn\'t expect him to become a punching bag for these seniors.

But do you underestimate me too much?

In his previous life in the major leagues, all of Sawamura\'s strengths and weaknesses were exposed, and he was still an indispensable hitter in the team.

Sawamura also has a way to deal with a ball like Kawakami, although he doesn\'t like it very much.

"Then only guess the ball!"

Sawamura\'s eyes dropped slightly, and his brain started to run at full speed.

If the number of goals is two good and one is bad, with the personalities of Miyauchi and Kawakami Kenshi, the next goal is probably **yes.


"Bad ball!"

Sawamura, who was chased by two strikes, did not swing the bat in the face of Kawakami\'s ball.

The number of balls, two good and two bad.

Keisuke Miyauchi glanced at Sawamura in surprise. Just now, Sawamura didn\'t move at all, and Sawamura never thought about playing this ball. Miyauchi really didn\'t expect that Sawamura would guess their ball allocation at this time.

As far as he felt about Sawamura before, Sawamura didn\'t seem like a batter who could guess the ball.

"This guy is more troublesome than I thought!"

With such a feeling, Miyauchi Keisuke became more cautious in his distribution of the ball.

On the next ball, he still had a bad ball.


"Bad ball!"

Sawamura, who was on the strike area, remained motionless, and had no intention of striking at all.

Miyauchi Keisuke\'s face suddenly changed!

This ball, did not swing the bat?

The number of **** is two good and three bad, and the number of **** is full.

Both sides are being chased at the same time.

If Miyauchi and Kawakami didn\'t plan to walk Sawamura, they would have to hit the strike zone no matter what.

With the ball being guessed consecutively, Miyauchi Keisuke was a little fuzzy.

Fortunately, the hard training gave him confidence.

Next ball, the slider on the edge of the outside corner!

Kawakami was throwing the ball here, and on the strike zone, Sawamura\'s bat suddenly grew long.

When people are forced to be the most nervous, they must choose the safest ball path.

From the analysis of the previous data, I want to limit Sawamura\'s striking power and further solve him.

The most secure ball path is the outside corner slider!

This point, Sawamura also guessed, so when he struck, his feet went straight out. In this way, the ball that was originally an outside corner turned into a mid-center pitch in Sawamura\'s view.

Well done!

Seeing the flying baseball, Sawamura took the opportunity to swing the bat without hesitation.


After being hit, the small white ball soared into the sky and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Sawamura doesn\'t have the power to strike, and it\'s only relative to those monsters. In terms of strength, he also surpassed most of his peers.

A two-run home run!

The total score is 18:3!