Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 2: : Fujio

Eijun-san is amazing!

Kominato Chunshi looked at Sawamura with bright eyes, and his eyes were full of admiration.

It\'s not surprising that Jinmaru Shinji is still in the army, he will know about the assessment. In addition, Songfang Shaobang is one of the talent bases of Qingdao High School. Almost every year, Songfang players join Qingdao.

Among the seniors in the second and third grades, many are from Songfang Shaobang. They will also take care of their juniors to some extent, such as the information disclosed to them in advance.

As a pure rookie, and a high-profile pure rookie, Sawamura was immediately promoted to the first army as soon as he joined Qingdao High School. Unexpectedly, he would pay attention to the promotion system of the Second Army and the Third Army.

Not only his performance on the court is eye-catching, but his intelligence reconnaissance and collection ability, Sawamura-san is also at the expert level.

If Sawamura knew that Haruichi Kominato looked at him that way, he would definitely have laughed at Big Teeth.

He is not as diligent and smart as Kominato Chunichi imagined. The reason why Sawamura is aware of all the promotion systems of Qingdao High School is only because he stayed at Qingdao High School for a long time.

In his previous life, he spent three full years in Qing Dao.

In terms of time alone, he stayed longer than the current batch of third-year seniors.

"You have to prepare well! Although you have joined the Second Army now, the Second Army can also work hard to climb to the First Army. As long as you can really show your sense of existence, at least you can get one with the First Army. Shared accommodation."

"I will definitely join the First Army."

For Sawamura, it may be casual encouragement. But for Kominato Chunichi, he is very serious.

No matter what, he had to climb into the army and enter Koshien with his brother in the uniform of Qingdao High School.

This is the dream of Xiaominouchun City, and it is for this ideal that he came to Qingdao.

Kominato Chunichi is the second baseman of the first army, the main second baseman, and the younger brother of Kominato Ryosuke.

Let\'s leave aside the stories of their brothers. Speaking of Sawamura alone, after chatting with Chunichi Kominato, he was ready to go to class after eating.

With the advantage of rebirth, Sawamura\'s homework grades were not top-notch, but they didn\'t fall too far.

Belongs to the middle.

"Very sleepy!"

During class, the teacher\'s earnest teaching voice became a lullaby, and Sawamura fell drowsy on the table.

Not far from him, Jin Maru\'s eyes were full of fighting spirit.

In this selection, he will be promoted to the Second Army no matter what. Then in one go, squeeze into an army before summer.

This first year is called the harvest year.

After the Orientation Tournament, there were only two people who were directly selected into the first army, Sawamura Eijun and Furuya.

In addition to them, Kominato Chunshi was also directly promoted to the Second Army.

In the past few years of Qingdao High School, like them, it can\'t be said that no one has been promoted by the Rockets, but at most there is only one. For example, in the current third-year session, it is said that no one has been promoted in the spring competition and the Kanto conference. It was not until the summer that the formation captain was promoted to the first army.

The real situation was somewhat different from what Jinmaru had learned. For example, the first year that was promoted that summer was not just formed, but Chris, who was a catcher at the time. And at the time, Chris\'s fame was much bigger than his name.

In the second year, Miyuki was promoted to the first army in the spring. During the summer, Kuramochi was promoted as a substitute and substitute.

Like theirs this time, Sawamura and Xiaogu Xiao were directly promoted to the first army, and Xiaominochun was promoted to the second army.

It is unprecedented to promote three people at once.

"I can\'t fall behind!"

Kanamaru Shinji\'s fist clenched, revealing his ambition.

Sawamura Eijun is nothing more than the big devil. It is only natural for a star player like him to join Qingdao and be reused.

It is said that if he hadn\'t made a mistake, he might have started training with the First Army on the first day he joined Qingdao High School.

What kind of treatment is this?

This is directly treated as combat power.

When Sawamura Eijun just entered school, he was already confirmed by the coaching staff of Qingdo High School as their summer combat power.

But Gu Xiao, what is Xiaominachun City?

Although they scare people with one pitch and one hit.

But regardless of fame or overall strength, Jin Maru didn\'t think he would lose to them.

Why can\'t they do it themselves?

Jin Maru struggled to prove himself.

At this time, some of the more powerful members of the freshman team had this idea. For example, Tojo, such as Takajin Hiroki, such as Jintian.

But the old students are not to be outdone, especially the third-year old students, who have not even joined the Second Army until now, and there are very few practice games.

How could they easily give up their places to their younger brothers in their last term?


The best of the third army are promoted to the second army, and the best of the second army will live with the first army. After the dormitory, the last-place elimination system is adopted to kick out the extra This is the selection system of Qingdao, cruel and true.

At the same time, the Supervision Office of the Baseball Club of Qingdo High School.

Director Kataoka welcomed his guest, Fujio, a senior reporter from Baseball Kingdom Magazine.

To be honest, since Qingdao High School won the championship in the Kanto Conference, the reporters who were trying to interview Qingdao High School and interviewed Sawamura could line up from the school gate of Qingdao High School to the street.

But these reporters were rejected by Kataoka. In his personality, less than two months away from the summer games. He really didn\'t want his disciples to be disturbed by any outside world.

Don\'t wait for the players to make themselves stars.

But in this world, no one can live in a vacuum.

People always have their own social circle.

Just like now Kataoka can reject others, but it is difficult to reject Fujio.

Before Qingdao High School, those silent years. Qingdao High School was questioned because he never made it to Koshien.

That\'s all, the most important thing is that your players are difficult to become famous due to their performance.

Without fame, you are not eligible to enter the draft. Without the gold plating of the draft, the players of Qingdo High School would have many twists and turns in order to enter the professional baseball.

During that time, all Qingdo High School could rely on was magazines. Increase the influence of players through magazines!

Not to mention, let’s talk about the two most recent magazines. The monster beater Dongqingguo and the savior of Qingdao Yuyuki all came from the hands of Fujio.

Without the help of others, as Dongqingguo has no experience of playing in Jiaziyuan, is it possible to be nominated by the fourth place in the draft?

When you were in trouble, they helped you, but now they are asking for you, are you too embarrassed to turn them away?

Kataoka couldn\'t do something so unprofessional.