Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 183: : The cruelest man Haruichi

The total score was 2:0.

The game between the Qingdo High School baseball team and the Osaka Kiryu High School baseball team is drawing to a close.

Although the score gap between the two sides is not large, the game gives people the feeling that the King Qingdao High School baseball team is still strong.

In the process of fighting between the two sides, whether it is offense or defense, the Wangzhe Qingdao High School baseball team firmly grasps the initiative.

Don\'t talk about it when it\'s on the defensive. So far, the Osaka Kiryu High School baseball team hasn\'t been able to crack the pitch, and Sawamura Eijun will suddenly disappear.

When they attacked, they were suppressed miserably.

Even if it occasionally touches the ball, the ball that is hit is very weak.

There is absolutely no way to threaten the Qingdo High School baseball team.

On the other hand, the Osaka Kiryu high school baseball team, although taking a very cowardly evasion strategy.

But in fact, the effect is not significant.

The Qingdao High School baseball team still scored two points, because there were too many pitches.

Their ace pitcher Morisha is now at the end of the game.

It looks like a complete collapse is a matter of time.

In this case, the Qingdao High School baseball team had their turn again with their core hitters.

It seems that the end of the Osaka Kiryu High School baseball team is not far away.

In the 8th game, Qing Dao will definitely score!

Almost everyone has this consensus.

The players of the Osaka Kiryu High School baseball team naturally realized this.

They have no plans to wait and see.

Whether it is for the consideration of the giants, or for the interests of the players themselves.

At this time, they will not give up resistance.

Even with the final result, there is still no way to turn defeat into victory.

The players of the Osaka Kiryu High School baseball team must also show their own strength in this game.

After all, this is the stadium of Koshien.

The game of the Qingdao High School baseball team was another highly anticipated event.

In this case, it doesn\'t matter if it\'s a college team or a professional baseball team.

Someone must be watching this game.

Although their first choice is definitely a player of the King Qingdao High School baseball team.

But there are more monks and less flesh, and not every team can choose their favorite players.

In this case, will they, who performed well, become the second choice?

No one can tell.

As long as they perform well, there are always opportunities like this.

At the end of the game, the third-year players of Kiryu Osaka wanted to perform well.

Morishita and Takamiya were not reconciled either.

Although they are already at the end of the battle, they still have a lot of fighting will and fighting power.

Kominato Chunshi in the strike area clearly felt the change in the opponent\'s mentality.

It\'s tough!

Although he didn\'t know, what were the nerves of these players of the Osaka Kiryu High School baseball team?

But the opponent\'s will to fight has been fully demonstrated.

At the last minute, they did not intend to give up their resistance.

Glancing at the players behind him, Haruichi Kominato took a deep breath.

At this time, he made up his mind that he must take action no matter what.

Although Sawamura was escorting this game, even if it was only two points ahead, Qingdao High School could still win. But to be honest, the players of the Qingdao High School baseball team would not satisfy such a score.

At the very least, Kominato City was not satisfied with such a score.

King Qingdao!

Although in normal times, Kominato Spring City did not show much.

But he is undoubtedly very recognized for such an identity.

He has always been proud to be a member of the King\'s Qingdao High School baseball team.

Because of this, he is very persistent in the title of King.

Now, they are so embarrassed when they play against the Osaka Kiryu High School baseball team, which has been in decline before.

The game was coming to an end, and they were leading by points, but could not break through two points.

In the eyes of Kominabharu City, this is simply a great shame.

He couldn\'t keep silent, he had to act.

Standing on the strike zone, he put on a stance of waiting, patiently waiting for Morishita to throw the white ball in his hand.


Morishita\'s pitching rhythm, as always.

So far, the friends of the Qingdo High School baseball team have almost guessed the trick to Morishita\'s pitching.

But in a short period of time, it is not easy to hit his ball out.

That small change is really sticky.

Just like a piece of brown sugar, once it sticks to it, you can\'t get rid of it.

In this case, even among the batters of the Qingdo High School baseball team, Haruichi Kominato had the most superb hitting skills.

There is no way to guarantee that the **** he hits will definitely be hits.

Fortunately, Kominabharu City does not have such requirements now.

I don\'t know when it started, but Kominato\'s goal has changed.

His goal is no longer to hit the white ball directly.

This requires not only strength, but also luck.

And now in Kominato, I don\'t want to bet everything on luck.

He hopes to be able to use his real strength to hit the ball cleanly.

Just like now!


The bat hit the white ball with precision and sent the ball flying.

Only this time, the baseball did not fall in bounds, but fell out of bounds.


The referee\'s voice instantly ignited the passion in the rest area of ​​the Qingdao High School baseball team.

The little friends on the bench were extremely excited.

So exciting!

At this time, Kominato Chunshi seemed to overlap with his brother\'s shadow.

Very dazzling!

That feeling is amazing.

Of course, not all friends are so cruel.

Miyuki frowned unbearably.


Although the score gap between the two sides is not large, the advantages of the Qingdao High School baseball team are already very, very obvious.

In this case, Kominato Chunshi\'s use of such a ruthless move seems to be a bit too deceiving.

The pitcher of the Osaka Kiryu High School baseball is only a freshman after all?

Although he avoided the confrontation with Sawamura and Miyuki, in the previous game, he had lost points and maintained at two points.

With such a performance, once he is honed and mature, he will definitely be a particularly dazzling genius in the future!

At this time, Kominato Chunshi adopted such a cruel offensive strategy.

If the young man in front of him is not good, it will leave a lot of psychological trauma, not necessarily.

It\'s really inappropriate.

"What\'s your expression, are you gloating?"

Sawamura Eijun frowned and looked at Miyuki.

At this time, he had put on the striking gloves and was ready to hit the field.
