Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 18: : Our grades are different! (2 in 1)

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pps: Thanks to Xiaoxueman, Xiaow, Xiaoyu for their generous rewards!



When that white ball ravaged the stadium like no one else was around.

The entire stadium immediately became silent.

Everyone looked at this scene in shock, and their eyes were full of disbelief.

Treasure Island fans, whispering and whispering.

They are a little difficult to understand, what is going on?

The ball is going too fast!


"Electronic Display."

On the electronic display of the stadium, the speed of the ball just now is clearly marked.

153 kilometers!

Needless to say, standing in front of the ball, even if you are standing next to it, you can feel the extraordinary speed of the ball.

From the perspective of the batter and the catcher, you can search for videos on the Internet.

That terrifying feeling, almost the moment you see the baseball.

The ball is already flying!

To pitch at this speed, it can no longer be described by simple ball speed.

To put it bluntly, this is a terrifying existence in another dimension.

In the rest area in Italy, everyone was silent.

They opened their mouths wide, unable to spit out a single syllable.

Although in the past, they had heard that someone had such a fast ball speed.

For example, Allen, the son of the North American god.

When he first became famous, he relied on this unparalleled ball speed.

It is precisely because he threw such a terrifying ball speed in the World Series that he became famous in the first battle, and later developed into the North American Dream Team, the North American Son of God.

North America is a country that advocates freedom.

Although they are also a country of faith, generally speaking, they really do not associate faith with people.

Allen\'s nickname, to some extent, has broken taboos in North America.

From this, it is not difficult to see how terrifying his strength is?

What kind of shock does his ball speed bring to people?

Those players in Italy had always thought that players like Allen would come out every 10 years.

It\'s already very likely.

Unexpectedly, in that small island country, there are still pitchers of this level hidden.

The supervisor of the Italian team is a fat man in the Mediterranean.

He touched the half of his bald head, frowning deeply.

"It\'s scary!"

The assistant coach next to him nodded deeply.

"I didn\'t expect to have such a high-caliber pitcher in an island country. And..."

The assistant coach didn\'t say a word.

But in his words, everyone understood his subtext.

You know, the island nation\'s most famous pitcher isn\'t the fastball pitcher that popped up in front of you.

It was the man who fought against Alan, the son of God before, who was not at all inferior, and had the title of the Great Demon King.

Eijun Sawamura.

Everyone knew the name of the original game with Ellen, the son of God. But more just think Sawamura Eijun is an extraordinary performance.

This is normal.

Who doesn\'t eat dumplings during Chinese New Year?

A certain player, in a certain game, the performance of strength is no trivial matter.

This is also a very common phenomenon.

However, look up the information of Cha Zemura Eijun on the Internet and see the achievements he created in middle school and high school.

I am afraid that no one dares to use the word short-lived on Sawamura Eijun.

A monster who can win a national championship by himself.

To a certain extent, he is a man more like a monster than Ellen, the son of God.

That\'s the No. 1 pitcher in the island nation.

Now a person who is not ranked first, has shown such terrifying strength.

What kind of horror will the man with the title of the Great Demon King look like?

The Italian assistant coach didn\'t even dare to think about it.

If you think about it, it\'s all tears...

However, the supervisor with the Mediterranean hairstyle is not the same as what the assistant coach thinks.

The speed of the ball exceeds 150 kilometers!

This is of course very surprising, searched all over Italy, and there is no such pitcher.

But that doesn\'t mean that such a pitcher is invincible.

What kind of combat power can such a pitcher play?

After all, it still depends on how well he has completed himself?

For example, if the player\'s completion is so low that they can\'t even hit the strike zone, it doesn\'t matter how fast you are.

But the man in front of him is this guy from Hong Kong.

Apparently that\'s not the case.

He handles the ball very accurately, and statistically, he can basically shoot to the corners.

Hardly a ball, a good ball in the center.

This is not easy!

To put it bluntly, this guy not only has a formidable ball speed, but also a high degree of completion.

Also works well with catchers.

Although the Italian players have good physical fitness, they also swing very fast.

Speaking of strike power.

Their standards are also very high.

But before the game, they obviously did not do special training in this regard.

To put it bluntly, when they were practicing before, they had never played a 150-kilometer ball at all.

At most, I used a pitching machine to feel how fast the 150-kilometer ball was.

But what\'s the use of that?

The ball thrown by the real person, and the ball thrown by the machine.

It\'s two completely irrelevant things.

The Italian player who had only experienced this kind of ball speed before wanted to hit such a ball.

almost impossible.

They can only keep trying like a blind cat kills a mouse.

For the Italian players, their current task is not pretty, to get the ball out.

Instead, finish your swing beautifully.

As for whether the baseball can touch the ball after they swing the bat?

Then it\'s up to God!

If God bless, give them good luck.

Maybe their swing would actually hit the ball.

Once the swing hits the ball, the power and physicality of their players are terrifying.

There should be a chance to hit the ball very far!

When the first game played, it was obvious that God did not favor the Italian players too much.

None of their players could touch the ball.

All the swings were in vain.

"nice shot!"

"nice shot!!"

"nice shot!!!"

"strike out!!"

"strike out!!!"

"strike out!!!"

Consecutive strikeouts made the Italian players go up and down three times.

Treasure Island fans in the stands, including fans who came all the way from the island country.

Looking very excited.

They looked like the authentic eyes of the hometown, as if they saw a rising star.


A senior baseball fan in Baodao was amazed to see such a hometown.

Decades of senior experience have made him deeply love the sport.

At the same time, for young players, senior players, veteran players, and star players from all over the world, he can also know a lot.

He looked at the hometown and gave the highest evaluation.

"If there is no such accident as premature death, then this one will definitely become a great emperor superstar."

His future achievements will be limitless.

Terrifying ball speed and precise ball control are inherently contradictory.

Although it can\'t be said to be absolute opposition, generally speaking, players with fast ball speed rarely have particularly accurate ball control.

Players with precise control of the ball generally do not go anywhere near the speed of the ball.

This is still talking about ordinary players, like Masamune Hongo, the speed of the ball has reached such a terrifying level.

It is already rare in itself.

On this basis, there is also precise ball control.

Hong Kong Authentic may be the only one.

No wonder everyone is so optimistic about him!

Super Mario, as the real ace in Italy, made everyone\'s eyes shine when it first appeared.

Originally everyone believed that Italy was basically incomparable to the island countries.

Sports competition, after all, still have to pay attention to an atmosphere.

For example, table tennis in mainland China is very good.

Is it really because mainlanders are particularly good at playing table tennis?

I\'m afraid not so.

Mainly because of the atmosphere here, which is especially suitable for this sport.

Those who can stay in the mainland national team are basically elites.

Not to mention the players who won the championship.

The weakest among the 20 players in the first team, if the other players do not participate.

There is still a good chance of winning the championship.

It\'s a question of atmosphere.

In Europe, football is especially popular.

It\'s also a question of atmosphere.

With a population of 1.4 billion in China, why can\'t football play well?

It\'s also a question of atmosphere.

If it is really popular enough, I believe that China\'s football business will flourish.

Off topic, back to the present.

It\'s the same with baseball, it doesn\'t have that vibe over there in Europe.

Even Germany, the Netherlands, and now Italy, which were called the light of Europe before and after.

In their country, the popularity of baseball is not very high.

To put it bluntly, they don\'t have that kind of atmosphere there.

Unlike island nations, baseball is already the number one sport.

They can become the No. 1 in the world, although North American players are not particularly willing to participate in international competitions.

Because everyone\'s values ​​are different, it is not easy to judge the right and wrong.

But being able to become the number one in the world, their own strength is there.

The two are completely incomparable.

In more fashionable terms, they are not of the same class at all.

Everyone thought that Italy would soon be defeated.

I didn\'t expect to kill Cheng Yaojin halfway through.

Mario\'s sudden appearance has added a lot of uncertainties to this game that had no suspense.

All of a sudden, things became confusing.

It was another surprise that the island country also sent an unexpected player.

Local authentic.

Just like when Allen, the son of the North American god, just debuted.

From the very beginning, he used unparalleled strength and terrifying ball speed.

refreshed everyone\'s cognition and perception,

As if he was born out of nowhere, he won three ups and threes from the very beginning.

Let the opponent not even touch one of the ball hairs, and be directly struck out.

And it\'s consecutive, with strikeouts.

Just looking at the posture of the two pitchers, it seems that the two are not giving in to each other, and neither is willing to accept the other.

But from the effect, the feedback from the audience outside the venue.

It can still be clearly felt that the local authentic is better.

The same goes for the next game.

Played until the end of the 6th inning, although Hong Kong\'s ball was unfortunately touched several times.

But he never dropped a single hit from start to finish.

Even the ball that was knocked out was picked up by those fielders.

On the other hand, Mario is not to be outdone.

He pulled out all the stops in the first six innings.

It also did not allow the island country to take any advantage.

Although in the process, he unfortunately let two people on base.

But judging from the results, it\'s almost the same as not letting people hit base.

He had good luck, although two times someone hit first base.

But he both won double play with his superb pitching skills.

That is, until the end of the 6th inning.

It seems that the strength of the island country that is obviously crushing the opponent\'s hit, in fact, also does not have any effective hits.

At the end of the 6th game, the score between the two sides is still 0:0.

Ordinarily, a game like this, a game without points and hits, should not seem interesting to the audience.

What the audience wants to see is the score, no matter what sport it is.

Because nothing is more exciting than scoring.

A 0:0 football match, even if it is played in hype.

There will inevitably be regrets after the game is over.

Even football, which has the least scoring, does so, let alone baseball.

What everyone wants to see is the shooting matchup and the Today this game has been played until the 6th inning, and there is no score yet.

It should be a rather boring thing.

But Baodao\'s fans couldn\'t take their eyes off it.

It\'s so exciting!

Although so far, neither side has scored points.

But the fans of Baodao are still very sure.

The scene shouldn\'t be so stalemate forever, there will always be one side who will preempt it.

If their guesses are correct, then the real action should begin soon.

In the rest area of ​​the island nation.

Before the first half of the seventh inning.

Supervisor Takeda gathered all the players with a serious face.

He looked at each player seriously, and then said solemnly.

"If you were just testing each other\'s strength in the previous two rounds of blows, then I think you\'ve almost tested it by now. Shouldn\'t it be time to hit the ball and score points?"

Looking at Supervisor Takeda\'s face, the expressions of all the friends changed.

As Director Takeda said, they really shouldn\'t keep silent at this time.

You have to stand up and make your voice heard.

This is their last round of strikes.

If there is no performance in this round.

Then just play extended games.

This is something that the players of the island country cannot accept no matter what.

Their strength is obviously far more than their opponents, why do they still play that kind of game?

Just kidding.

In any case, they would never let that happen.

In the first half of the seventh inning, the island nation attacked.

"First shot, outfielder, Karl Ross."

The first person in the island nation to stand on the strike zone was Karl Ross.
