Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 179: : Best chance! (2 in 1)

The pitcher of the Osaka Kiryu High School baseball team chose to walk Sawamura directly.

Even for supporters of the Qingdo High School baseball team and die-hard fans of Eijun Sawamura.

They have become accustomed to the idols they support being recommended by others.

At this time, he couldn\'t help it, and started booing.

No wonder they.

Before the Osaka Kiryu High School baseball team, the performance was really too strong.

So much so that they all had the illusion that the other party would definitely choose to fight head-on with Sawamura Eijun.

In particular, the pitcher of the Osaka Kiryu High School baseball team is another freshman who doesn\'t know the sky is the limit.

Directly provoke the big devil, win the battle, and become famous in one battle.

are already in sight.

What reason does he have to give up?

The reason why the audience is so looking forward, of course, is not only for this reason.

There is also a particularly important reason, because the idol they support is about to break the record.

These people are about to witness the birth of a new record.

In this case, everyone certainly hopes that the pitcher of the Osaka Kiryu High School baseball team can have more backbone.

You can directly confront Sawamura Eijun.

Only in such a situation, the great demon king Sawamura Eijun could hit a home run and then break his own record.

A new record is about to be born!

The player of the Osaka Kiryu High School baseball team actually gave up at this time?

Are you saying it\'s irritating?

The huge psychological gap made the fans in the stands so angry that they lost their minds.

put before.

If the opponent chooses to avoid the duel with Sawamura Eijun.

They would never be so angry, and even feel particularly happy.

This opponent is very knowledgeable about current affairs. Knowing that there is a huge gap between his own strength and that of the Great Demon King Sawamura Eijun, he voluntarily retreated.

And such a good thing!

They certainly have reason to be excited.

Although I lost the opportunity to watch Sawamura Eijun\'s strike performance up close.

But being able to see with their own eyes that their opponents take the initiative to admit counsel, they are psychologically satisfied.

This is the idol they support, the prestige that only the Great Demon King Sawamura Eijun has.

But now, they are not satisfied at all!

It is not an exaggeration to even say that they are furious.

If it wasn\'t for the law, they\'d want to play right now and take out the pitcher of the Osaka Kiryu High School baseball team.

This guy is too disgusting!

Why can\'t you have a bit of backbone and honestly face off with Sawamura Eijun?

The Osaka Kiryu High School baseball team was stunned.

The fans at the scene were so angry that they almost drowned them with spittle stars.

But this is not the end, just the beginning.

The battle on the field continues.


After Sawamura hits base, it\'s Miyuki\'s turn to hit the baseball team at Qingdo High School.

For the situation in front of them, most of the friends of the Qingdao High School baseball team were very angry.

But there are exceptions.

For example, Miyuki, he feels very good.

In the past, whenever it was his turn to play that stinky boy, Sawamura would often hit a home run.

By the time it was his turn, there were often no runners on the base.

This made Miyuki very unhappy.

Compared with the empty base bag, he still felt that the blow was more exciting when someone was standing on the base bag.

As long as the bat swings, the hit is won.

Naturally, there will be points earned!

This feeling is really fun.

As before, Eijun Sawamura has cleared the bases on the field, and no matter how good he is, unless he hits a home run.

Otherwise, it\'s just a hit.

How can this lift one\'s spirits?

The scene is so good now!

Although Sawamura Eijun was recommended, the Qingdo High School baseball team lost a solid score.

But Miyuki didn\'t care.

He even thought that this was a very good opportunity.

A good opportunity for him to hit hits and even score. Although Sawamura Eijun\'s startup speed is not fast.

The sensitivity on the base bag is far less than that of the warehouse.

But his speed after running with all his strength is still good.

Don\'t look at him staying at first base now, Miyuki also believes that as long as he can win a good long hit.

Relying on the speed of Sawamura Eijun\'s full run, he has every opportunity to run directly back to the home plate to score.

Come on, boy!

Let\'s have a good time.

Miyuki looked at Morishita on the pitcher mound with great excitement, without any condemnation of the young man\'s cowardly behavior before, and even with a little encouragement.

"It\'s horrible, this guy!"

Morishita was a little embarrassed when Miyuki saw it.

He felt goosebumps all over his body.

This feeling is like being targeted by some evil creature.

It is said that Sawamura is not the only star player of the King Qingdo High School baseball team who is difficult to deal with.

There is another one, which is also not easy.

That is the man who is known as the number one catcher in the country, Miyuki Kazuya.

Not only can he form a very good complement to Sawamura Eijun when playing with the ball.

When attacking, it can also bring a strong sense of oppression to the opponent.

Now Morishita felt that oppression.

He felt as if no matter what he did, it would be difficult to escape Miyuki\'s blow in the end.

How could such a dangerous guy exist?

Morishita was puzzled.

Even when he faced off against the Great Demon King Sawamura Eijun before, he had never felt such a strange feeling.

What is going on with this man, Miyukiichiya? How could he have such a strong sense of oppression.

Like a stick in the throat, do not spit unpleasantly.

At this time, without any hesitation, Morishita chose a choice that he had never thought of before.

After Sawamura, who was walking, there were already runners at first base, and there were no outs.

Morishita continued to walk Miyuki Kazuya.

"Bad ball, walk to base!"

The Qing Dao friends who saw this scene were stunned.

Continued delivery!

These guys from the Osaka Kiryu High School baseball team are now completely letting go.

He didn\'t care about these players at all, but put all his attention on Sawamura Eijun and Miyukiichiya.

Not even playing against those two at all now, with the intention of taking out the other players.

Obviously a first-year rookie, ordinarily, he should have the spirit of a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers.

In the first round of duel, didn\'t he meet Sawamura Eijun and Miyukiichi head-on?

How come they have only played against each other once, and their current attitude has made a 180-degree turn.

directly avoided the duel.

"Aren\'t these players on the Osaka Kiryu High School baseball team taking it for granted?"

The beauty reporter of Baseball Kingdom Magazine, Akiko Owada.


On the surface, the most threatening players in the Qingdo High School baseball team must be the great demon king Sawamura Eijun and his partner Miyuki Kazuya.

As for the other players of the Qingdao High School baseball team, although their strength is not weak, compared with these two, they are obviously not on the same level.

In theory, if you avoid Sawamura Eijun and Miyuki completely, and focus on dealing with the other batters on the Qingdo High School baseball team.

Shouldn\'t be that difficult

But now, things are clearly a little different, right?

This matchup has just begun.

So far, the players of the Osaka Kiryu High School baseball team have not scored any outs.

The situation on the field has become that no one is out, and there are people on the first and second bases.

Under this situation, no matter how you look at it, the possibility of the Osaka Kiryu High School baseball team dropping points is very high.

Even the players of the Qingdo High School baseball team didn\'t need to face off head-to-head.

It is not impossible to use tactical advancement to score points.

In the past, the players of the Qingdao High School baseball team did not do much in this regard.

They will be very handy when they do it.

No matter how you look at it, the friends of the Qingdao High School baseball team still have a high probability of scoring.

Is it really meaningful for the Osaka Kiryu High School baseball team to deliberately do such a humiliating act?

Fujio, who was next to Akiko Owada, did not agree with the idea of ​​his partner.

"How can it be so easy?"

The Osaka Kiryu High School baseball team is not a grassroots team.

But one of the country\'s top tyrants.

Although it was silent for almost a year due to the fault of the players.

But it cannot be denied that their strength is still first-class.

Not to be underestimated.

Especially their background, even compared with the Qingdao High School baseball team, they still have a huge advantage.

Supervisor Matsumoto is not as famous as Kataoka of the Qingdo High School baseball team.

But really want to talk about the popularity and personal ability in the circle.

People are not bad at all.

The current situation is extremely unfavorable for the Osaka Kiryu High School baseball team.

No one knows this better than themselves.

The players of the Osaka Kiryu High School baseball team made such a choice without hesitation, knowing that there would be such a bad outcome.

What does this mean?

Could it be that they are ready to disarm and surrender?

No kidding, how is that possible?

In any case, the Osaka Kiryu High School baseball team is always the top giant in the country.

They have their own will and ideas, as well as their own dignity.

In this case, they resolutely chose to walk Miyuki.

That also shows that in their hearts, they still have other plans.

At least they thought they had a chance to get the outs.

At least you can hold on to your temporary score.

I just don\'t know, will the players of the Wangzheqingdao High School baseball team make them happy?

The answer is of course no.

A player on the Qingdao High School baseball team, not a philanthropist.

No one out, there are people at first and second base.

If in this case, they are not demanding to get the score.

Then they are simply weak!

Sawamura at second base and Miyuki at first base all took the stance of actively stealing bases.

The front garden on the strike zone now looks like Angry Eyes.

There was flames in his eyes.

It gives the impression that it is about to melt the opponent away.

Very scary!

The offensive of the Qingdo High School baseball team has begun.


Mae Garden, who had been in a long-hitting stance, suddenly switched to a short-hit when the baseball approached.

The white ball hit the infield and rolled out.

This scene stunned the fans in the stands.

In the past, they always thought that the fifth baseball team of Qingdao High School was a beast in human skin.

In stark contrast to the handsomeness of other players on the Qingdo High School baseball team.

Qianyuan\'s appearance is relatively rough, and there are even many people in the team who directly call him Tarzan.

It is such a character, people\'s inherent impression of him all stay on his terrifying striking power.

Unexpectedly, people use short-term calls, and they are so handy.

It is, incredible!

Everyone was very surprised, obviously not expecting that Qianyuan still had such ability.

In the stands, Fujio nodded seriously.

"The attack of the Qingdo High School baseball team has begun!"

Perhaps ordinary people will be a little strange about the choice of the front garden.

Unexpectedly, such a batter with terrifying power actually abandoned his best weapon in this duel.

But in Fujio\'s view, this is really not surprising, it\'s normal!

The Qingdao High School baseball team is the top giant in the country.

Their players are absolutely impossible to have too obvious weaknesses.

Even a batter who is no longer good at bunts, when the team really needs it.

They can still take bunts.

Just like what Mae Garden is doing now.

Although compared with Sawamura Eijun, he is far behind.

But the strategic significance has been achieved.

At the same time as Maezono was using the bunt, Sawamura Eijun and Miyuki had already advanced one base each.

Although the front garden is out!

However, the chances of the Qingdao High School baseball team scoring have been greatly improved.

One out, someone at second and third base!

At this time, the batter who played was replaced by Bai Zhou.

His presence is not very strong, and even many fans of the Qingdao High School baseball team can\'t name him.

But his strength is solid.

Whether it is the ability to strike independently or tactically, he is very powerful.

At this time, it was his turn, and the hope of the Qingdao High School baseball team to score suddenly increased by a few points.

Sawamura, who was at third base, was very restless. He kept moving his position towards home plate.

It seems that it is like cooperating with Baizhou to force the score.

Morishita on the pitching mound couldn\'t possibly not mind this.

He even had to throw the ball on third in an attempt to contain Sawamura\'s actions.

But unfortunately, the effect is not obvious.

How could an old bird like Sawamura Eijun be hit by such a move?

He was back at base before the opponent moved.

He didn\'t give the Osaka Kiryu High School baseball team any chance at all.

"Sawamura! Sawamura!"

"Qingdao! Qingdao!!!"

The fans in the stands were extremely excited.

The previous players of the Osaka Kiryu High School baseball team really disappointed them.

At this time, the audience will naturally not refuse to be able to see them unlucky with their own eyes.
