Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 171: : Slap the face too fast, too late to hide

pps: When I get up in the morning, I habitually turn on my phone. I want to see what everyone has commented, and then reply to everyone. As a result, the little bear was frightened! I have forgotten how long it has been since I received such a reward. It seems that it was when we were just reading the book. At that time, everyone seemed to be very enthusiastic, and there were many rewards. After that, everyone became familiar with it and was able to keep chasing updates every day. Little Bear was already grateful to Dade. Never dared to ask for more! Unexpectedly, in this case, there are even new friends to join in. Book Friends 2019, followed by a series of numbers. Special thanks for your 60,000 starting point coins. According to our previous rules, I need to pay you back 12 chapters. stressed! But Little Bear hasn\'t been so excited for a long time. At this time, he doesn\'t think about anything, he just wants to work hard to code. There is no guarantee that all 12 chapters will be paid back today, but Xiaoxiong will work hard to pay it back. I also hope that when we add more updates, other small partners can do a little bit more, and don\'t let our subscriptions be dropped too much. Without further ado, let\'s start Chapter 1.


A battle for the king between the Qingdo High School baseball team and the Osaka Kiryu High School baseball team.

It\'s in full swing.

At the beginning of the game, the Qingdo High School baseball team took the lead in launching the offensive.

The players of the Qingdao High School baseball team are still very enthusiastic about attacking.

At this time, they want to rub their opponents under them.

But in the course of the game, they were not satisfied.

The powerful representatives of the Qingdo High School baseball team are Kuramochi and Kominato Haruichi.

In this year\'s Jiaziyuan Competition, the progress was particularly obvious.

They were just a little famous before, but now they are already star players.

Even in terms of popularity, Kuramochi is not inferior even to the top star players.

As the two of them grew up, the lineup of the Qingdo High School baseball team also became luxurious.

Originally, the offense has always been the weak point of the Qingdo High School baseball team.

It seems that apart from the combination of Sawamura and Miyuki, the Qingdo High School baseball team does not have other fixed scoring points.

But with the growth of those two guys, the strength of Maeyuan behind them has also steadily improved.

The Qing Dao strike lineup, which was originally questioned, has gradually become more reliable.

The audience\'s expectations for them are also getting higher and higher.

Now they are playing against the giant Osaka Kiryu High School baseball team.

The opponent is Morishita, a first-year miracle rookie.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

Opponents have a certain amount of strength, but they are not top star pitchers.

This is the perfect time to verify whether the Qingdao High School baseball team has improved its lineup.

The fans of the Qingdao High School baseball team, including a lot of melon eaters at the scene.

They are all looking forward to the success of the Qingdao High School baseball team.

Unexpectedly, under such circumstances, the Qingdao High School baseball team was slapped in the face by a first-year rookie.

Although both of them hit the ball out.

But they were also stopped by the Osaka Kiryu High School baseball team with their superb defense.

If such a thing only happens once, then they can still lick their faces and say that the Osaka Kiryu High School baseball team is just lucky.

But now, this has happened twice.

You can\'t put all your problems down to luck!

How can there be such a coincidence in the world that it has been guarded by other people\'s wonderful defense twice in a row?

Things once arrived twice and twice more.

And it\'s continuous.

That\'s absolutely no coincidence!

Although the buddies of the Qingdao High School baseball team are so far. Didn\'t see through what kind of ability the other party had?

But they are very sure that the first-year pitcher named Morishita is definitely not an easy one.

in the stands.

Those die-hard fans who support the Qingdao High School baseball team naturally don\'t have much voice now.

They don\'t even know what sound they should make.

How about applauding your opponent?

Isn\'t that making you feel uncomfortable?

As for encouraging players on his side, that\'s even more nonsense.

They are the King\'s Qingdao High School baseball team.

Overcoming a first-year junior requires encouragement.

Shouldn\'t it be easy?

On the other hand, fans of the Osaka Kiryu High School baseball team are different.

They were really excited, even trembling with excitement.

Although the Osaka Kiryu High School baseball team used to be a very strong team, the past two years have been too sluggish.

Their old friend, the Qingdao High School baseball team, was the exact opposite.

With the full-scale rise of the great demon king Sawamura Eijun, he is now synonymous with invincibility in the Qingdo High School baseball team.

Feel for everyone.

It seems that there is no opponent they can\'t defeat.

In this case, the team they support played against the Qingdo High School baseball team.

These supporters of the Osaka Kiryu High School baseball team, although for emotional reasons, wholeheartedly cheer for Osaka Kiryu.

But they were actually apprehensive.

Although they added two good looking guys to their team.

But just like this, can you compete with the Qingdo High School baseball team?

Honestly, they don\'t have a clue at all.

This also has something to do with the dazzling image of the Qingdao High School baseball team in the past two years.

In the past two years, the Qingdao High School baseball team has truly become synonymous with invincibility.

No matter who the opponent is?

When they played against them, the ending seemed to be doomed.

That is failure!

Just when supporters of the Osaka Kiryu High School baseball team were worried.

The game is on!

They were very surprised to find that in the process of fighting, the team they supported did not seem to be losing ground.

This is amazing!

The opponent was the star player of the Qingdo High School baseball team, and they still managed to solve each other very successfully.

Gave those fans great confidence.

"The King\'s Qingdao High School baseball team is nothing special!"

"Just beat them in one go."

"Kill the Great Demon King!"

"The glory of Osaka Kiryu is coming!!"

These supporters are getting more and more excited.

The cheers that came out of his mouth became louder and louder.

The supporters of the Qingdao High School baseball team next to them did not show too much anger when they heard what they said.

He just gave each other a stern look.

It\'s a scumbag who has never seen the world!

It was only at the beginning of the game that he suppressed Kuramochi and Minato. Who do they think they are?

Do you really think that you have the strength to challenge the Wangzhe Qingdao High School baseball team?

How naive!

The game has just begun, and the players of the Qingdo High School baseball team are now in the warm-up stage.

After that, the Great Demon King will definitely let you know, what is the real terror?

that time.

All the supporters of the Qingdao High School baseball team believe that by that time, these **** will no longer be as excited as they are now.

Next, Sawamura Eijun came on the field to strike.

The opponent had dealt with Kuramochi and Minato in a row before, showing a decent strength.

Originally everyone thought that even if the Great Demon King Sawamura Eijun played directly, he would need time to study the opponent\'s pitching.

It is safer to observe the two **** first.

Unexpectedly, Sawamura Eijun had no such intention at all. When the opponent threw the first ball, he directly waved the bat in his hand.


The bat hit the small white ball firmly, and then the small ball was smashed and flew out.

At the moment when the baseball flew out, Eijun Sawamura made a gesture of victory.

He is very sure!

The ball must be able to fly off the field.


The white ball flew to the stands in left field after soaring to the

These players of the Osaka Kiryu High School baseball team just showed their intention to blow thorns.

He was crushed by the Great Demon King Sawamura Eijun with practical actions.

Supporters of the Qingdo High School baseball team and three fan groups of Eijun Sawamura.

Everyone is so excited!

As for their opponents, those leopards from the Osaka Kiryu High School baseball team.

Now one by one, they are all dumbfounded.

The situation on the field was changing too fast, and Sawamura Eijun\'s face was too fast.

They didn\'t have time to react at all, and they were crushed severely.
