Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 17: : The demeanor of a champion (pay tribute to Xiaohan)

In the quarter-finals of the Kanto Conference, Akagi played in the Yokozuna game.

There was a very strange scene at the scene.

In the second half of the seventh inning, Akagi attacked.

It\'s not hard to see if you know a little about baseball, this is almost the key matchup of this game. If Akagi can score points, it doesn\'t matter, this game is a complete victory for Akagi.

If Akagi can\'t score points, the rest of the game will be very dangerous for Akagi.

The crazy counterattack of the Big Mac Yokozuna is not something that everyone can handle.

before the game starts.

Yokozuna\'s supervisor, Takeda, repeatedly warned his disciples.

"Calm, calm! Endure, endure!! Don\'t be taken away by the audience. Now is the time for us to endure, as long as we survive this game, the scale of victory will definitely tilt in our favor."

At this time, Takeda also noticed the core point of the game.

Sawamura\'s pitching is very cool, but because he uses a lot of strikeouts, he has a lot of pitches, and he has now reached 70!

How many **** can a 13-year-old ordinary middle school student throw at a speed of 130?

Coupled with the sharp changes in Sawamura\'s pitching, the consumption of his fingers and wrists must not be small. As long as the game drags on, nine rounds, at most twelve rounds, will definitely drag Sawamura to death.

And as long as they survived Akagi\'s three or four sticks in this round, the other Akagi batters were nothing to Yokozuna.

In other words, adding the game to nine innings equals zero risk to the yokozuna.

But Sawamura is different. The number of pitches is approaching 100. Can you still maintain such a good pitch?

Don\'t underestimate Yokozuna\'s low-ranking laners, they are also very good. He can hit the ball 135 kilometers from the pitching machine 100%. Such strength is not on the same level as Akagi\'s friends.

If Sawamura\'s successor is weak, he will definitely be attacked by yokozuna.

This kind of game situation should be very attractive to the audience.

But what is very strange is that the current audience is not in the mood to pay attention to these, and they have no mood to know the outcome of the game.

Everyone in the room is discussing.

Who is Sawamura?

demon king!

In such an atmosphere, the duel between Fengxiang and Yokozuna\'s arrest began.


On the first ball, Feng Xiang swung the bat decisively and threw the ball out of bounds.

"The outside world!"

On the strike area, Feng Xiang\'s expression darkened.

Just now, bad ball!

He had an ominous feeling, as if he was being led away by the opponent\'s arrest. In other words, the opponent had expected his first pitch to swing.

At this time, Feng Xiang Aoyi suddenly remembered what his junior coach said.

"Your character is too impulsive. Although it looks calmer than anyone else on the surface, when you strike, you won\'t wait at all. Every move is reflected in your own actions. Others only need to see your preparations. What do you want to do? If you meet a real master like this, you are simply courting death."

It\'s better to be quiet!

How could Feng Xiang understand these words at that time?

Even now, he doesn\'t quite understand.

"No matter what, I\'ve hit here. Now I can only insist on being myself!"

"Come on, I\'m going to swing even if it\'s all bad shots. There\'s no ball that can\'t be hit, only hitters who can\'t hit it."

I waved the words of the young baseball coach in my mind.

Feng Xiang stared intently at Uesugi on the pitcher mound.

"Fish, hooked!"

In the position of the catcher, there was a sneer at the corner of Yamanaka\'s mouth.

In the face of the bad ball, Feng Xiang still has the momentum.

It\'s good, really good. Since you\'re going to hit all the balls, I\'ll let you play.

Second ball: the bad ball on the outside of the outside corner!

A bad ball inside the inside corner of the first ball, and a bad ball outside the outside corner of the second ball.

In this way, the batter will feel that his strike zone is extremely wide.


Fengxiang swung the bat for the second time and hit the ball out of bounds.

Two good balls, zero bad. Fengxiang is being chased!

In the strike area, Feng Xiang was extremely firm.

No matter what ball came, he wasn\'t going to give up his swing. Even if it is a foul ball, he will choose to continue to entangle.

This kind of firm character will indeed put a lot of pressure on the opponent when dealing with ordinary shooting partners.

For an average pitcher, if his **** are hit continuously, even if these **** do not fly into bounds, the pressure on him is not small.

But unfortunately, such a blow is not enough to deal with the capture partner of the national hegemon.

At this time, the catcher Yamanaka\'s ball distribution was still very stable, and the pitcher Uesugi also played his strength calmly.

While waiting for the blow, Sawamura\'s expression became serious.

The seventeen strikeouts just now didn\'t seem to have any effect on Yokozuna\'s shooting partner. They are still playing their strengths calmly.

"Cut, please, at this time, you are like little devils."

Sawamura grumbled helplessly.

At this time, Feng Xiang on the strike zone entered a very strange state.

In his eyes, everything around him seemed to disappear, no spectators, no referees, and even the garrison was blurred.

Yes, just the pitcher in front and the white ball in the pitcher\'s hand.

come on! No matter what kind of ball, I will definitely hit it.

In the position of the catcher, Yamanaka calmly issued a secret signal.

Down from the center, low ball from the outside corner!

On the pitcher mound, Uesugi nodded silently.


The white ball flies towards the home plate.

On the strike area, Feng Xiang\'s eyes lit up.

I\'m coming!

"Play out!!!"


With the low sound of swinging the bat, Feng Xiang swung the bat and hit the ball out.


The white baseball seemed to cross the barriers of time and space, bringing the surroundings to a standstill.

so comfortable!

After letting go of the bat, Feng Xiang unconsciously brought a smile on his face.

He felt his swing take it to a new level.

At the catcher\'s position, Yamanaka\'s eyes suddenly narrowed.

The ball that should have landed in the first category was actually pulled by Feng Xiang into the shortstop\'s defense area. The difference between the left and the right was too great!

If the ball passes through, it is a long hit!

"Stop it!"

shouted the mountain.

It\'s a pity that the ball was too Compared with this ball, the yokozuna\'s fielder seemed to be in slow motion.

Suddenly, a figure appeared in the sky. Compared to his peers in slow motion around him, his movements are much faster.

It was because of his throw that he successfully blocked Feng Xiang\'s inevitable goal.

After catching the ball, the fallen figure rolled on the spot, stood up, and sent the ball to first base.


Feng Xiang was not able to get on base by an inch.

Akagi\'s enemy has never been Uesugi, one of the Twelve Kings, but the entire Yokozuna Junior High School baseball team.

Champions may not necessarily be the strongest, but they definitely have solid strength.

Once out, no one hits base.

Before the seventh inning was over, there were still two outs. There are not many opportunities left for Akagi!