Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 16: : Wonderful little misunderstanding

"It\'s really embarrassing, it\'s like an adult playing with a child."

Regarding baseball, one of Takashima\'s evaluations is very strict.

These fighters of the Second Army are still very strong. But they obviously lacked understanding of Sawamura, so they were so abruptly arguing with Sawamura. Two years ago, Sawamura could defeat Chris, formed, Ryosuke Kominato.

Now that two years have passed, it is still not easy to clean up these batters who have not entered the first army.

Takashima Rei even knew that Sawamura had deliberately suppressed his own strength because he wanted to cooperate with the hunter. If not, it would be possible for him to strike everyone.

"Strong as a monster!"

Ota was aware of Sawamura\'s strength, but after watching today\'s game, he couldn\'t help being horrified.

Sawamura would be so strong.

"I can\'t take it anymore, I want to play!"

Jun Isashiki couldn\'t help but watch the little friend who fought with him in the past, being abused to such an extent by Sawamura, he couldn\'t help but want to play.


Juncheng called him immediately.

"The other party hasn\'t done their best, how can we play?"

Kuramochi giggled and said, "That is to say, Chun-sang, don\'t worry too much, we are teammates of the same team, and I believe there will be opportunities."

He said words of consolation, but in fact, he also complained in his heart.

"Pretend what to say, as if you can go up if you want."

Who plays and who doesn\'t, it\'s not Isashiki who has the final say.

After all, it depends on what Kataoka means.

In the position of the referee, Kataoka watched the game continue calmly.

In the fifth game, neither side scored, and each went up and down three times.

After that, in the old school team, the pitcher was replaced by Kawakami, and Danbo went off.

His performance in this game was really impressive. Especially the scene of double killing Sawamura, it perfectly shows the attitude of the ace.

In the first half of the sixth inning, the freshmen attacked.

Kawakami\'s pitching is not as scary and tricky as Danbo\'s, but he also has his own set. By getting the batter to keep hitting the ball, relying on the fielding to get the outs.

Kawakami did very well.

In addition, he is a side shooter, so it is really difficult to shoot the ball from the back of the hitter.

After he played in the sixth inning, he quickly scored three outs.

So far, no freshman has had a single hit except for Sawamura\'s one.

In the second half of the sixth inning, the Laosheng team attacked.

Sawamura drew the scoop according to the gourd, and easily let the old school team go up and down again.

In this way, the game unknowingly came to the seventh inning, and the situation on the field, the freshman and the old man gradually began to play each other.

In the position of the referee, Kataoka\'s eyes never left Sawamura.

He knew that Sawamura was very talented and experienced. He should be a pitcher with a high degree of completion, but he never thought that Sawamura\'s degree of completion would be so high?

High school baseball is a typical game of strong and weak shooting. In fact, it is not only high school baseball, but also high school baseball. In elementary school, because of the problem of developing sooner or later, there will be a problem of throwing the strong and hitting the weak.

Freshmen can directly enter the first army to be used as a combat force. This kind of genius itself is rare. Among these geniuses, batters account for the vast majority. A pitcher like Sawamura can play directly in high school.

The whole country is rare.

"It\'s really a treasure!"

Kataoka sighed in his heart that he believed that there was no need to continue this game. But if it is announced that it is over, these senior players will definitely not be reconciled.

There are three games left, so let me see how far you can hold on?

The game continued, and in the first half of the seventh inning, the freshmen attacked.

"nice shot!"

"nice shot!"

"nice shot!"

"strike out!!!"

The first strike just played was mercilessly struck out by Kawakami.

The kind of pitch that seems to be coming around from behind the batter, so that the freshman can\'t find the North for the first bat.

Speaking of which, this game is extremely unfair to freshmen.

Although it was a match between the second army and the first year, the two pitchers were the strongest ace and backup in Qingdao, and the catcher was the backup of the first army. Although most of the hitters were from the Second Army, the capture partners were all from the First Army.

If it wasn\'t for Sawamura\'s understanding of Danbo\'s pitching, it would have been difficult for him to hit the previous ball.

But no way, this is Qing Dao\'s style.

Once out, no one got on base, and it was Sawamura\'s turn to hit.

As soon as Sawamura stood on the strike zone, he faintly heard the sound of the old students sucking in the air.

"This is embarrassing, it makes me like a devil."

The current Sawamura, in the eyes of the third-year senior, is similar to the devil.

After standing on the strike zone, Sawamura raised the bat in his hand high, and then his entire body relaxed completely. No part of his body was deliberately exerting force, he just stared coldly at the pitcher mound. Kawakami.

"This guy is really staring at the senior!"

Kawakami was quite emotional.

He has a good relationship with Dong Qingguo, and from the respected senior Dong, he has heard a lot of legends about Sawamura\'s impoliteness.

Most importantly, Dongqingguo also told him.

"Don\'t give the trump card position to the younger kid!"

That so-called junior kid was talking about Sawamura, right?

I made a decision in my Kawakami began to prepare to throw his proud card ball.

Then he saw the Miyauchi senior in the position of the catcher and gave himself a secret signal.

Straight ball!

Straight ball?


Kawakami does not understand.

Danbo, the ace of his own green road, is not a pitcher who is good at straight balls, and his ball power is not very strong. At least among the ace in the third grade, Danbo\'s straight ball is not a tough one.

And Kawakami is more serious, his straight ball power is extremely small. If it weren\'t for taking advantage of the side shot, his straight shot would hardly even be a weapon. His weapons are ball control and deft change balls.

In this case, why use the straight ball, which he is not good at, to challenge Sawamura, who is very good at hitting?

Kawakami is puzzled!

"Hmm, trust me!"

Miyauchi\'s answer is simple.

The data won\'t lie, and Sawamura is the worst at dealing with straight balls.

Although Kawakami had some doubts in his heart, he still threw the ball according to Miyauchi Keisuke\'s request.


On the first ball, Kawakami threw a straight shot that was off the strike zone from the inside corner.

This ball, Sawamura did not swing.

"Bad ball!"

Sawamura\'s nose almost crooked when he saw the baseball dig into the glove in the palace.

This is really a straight ball, when it is a magic weapon to deal with yourself?

In fact, Miyauchi or many people who study Sawamura have misunderstood. Sawamura is not bad at hitting straight balls, he is just not good at hitting heavy balls.

He has experience and strike skills. It\'s just that due to developmental reasons and the characteristics of his own body, he doesn\'t have a strong swing.

It\'s not that he can\'t hit straight balls, but it\'s hard to hit straight **** that are powerful.

But you Kawakami\'s straight ball, is it considered a powerful ball?

A sneer appeared at the corner of Sawamura\'s mouth.

In baseball, wrong judgment can be fatal.
