Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 16: : back number

Last year, the Akagi Middle School baseball team, despite its imposing manner, rolled up a dark horse storm like a tsunami.

But to be honest, this time has a lot of moisture. Compared with the three kings of Nagano County, the real strength of Akagi is really not small.

Not to mention anything else, let\'s just talk about the formation of the garrison, Akagi\'s garrison is very strange.

Last year, Akagi Middle School had only two sets of garrison formations, and they used these two garrison sets to turn Nagano Prefecture upside down.

In general, relatively strong middle schools have more than just a few sets of garrison.

According to different situations on the field, different batters use different defenses. For example, when no one is out and no one is on base, when they encounter a hitter who is good at speed or a hitter who is good at long hits, their defenses are completely different.

This is two sets.

There are people at first base, people at second base, people at third base, people at base one and three, people at base two and three...

In different situations, corresponding defensive formations will also be extended. Some of these garrison formations overlap, but most do not.

An excellent middle school team cannot survive without a dozen defensive formations.

When Sawamura was in Qingdao in his previous life, there were more than a dozen defensive formations he knew of, and these dozens of formations would be slightly adjusted depending on the batter. On closer inspection, Qing Dao is even specific to the detailed number of **** in the duel.

How many people got on base? Who is the hitter? Are you out now? How bad is the number of balls?

Depending on the situation, Qing Dao\'s garrison formation is also ever-changing. The fielder\'s position and the pitcher\'s pitch are all important.

The same goes for attacks, there are countless tactics that can be applied.

Although Tenryuji Middle School and Nagano Metropolitan Middle School could not achieve the same level as Qingdo, there are always some regular garrison formations. With minor adjustments, there are at least twenty or thirty different garrison formations.

These defensive formations are the supreme treasures that support them against powerful enemies.

Sawamura also realized this problem. Akagi wanted to rely on two sets of garrison formations to defeat Nagano Tsuryu, but Tenryu Temple was still relatively difficult.

If they want to overcome the enemy and win, they must master more advantageous weapons.

At the very least, you need to learn two or three more defensive formations and a few attacking strategies.

For this purpose, Akagi must establish the roster and main candidates as soon as possible, so that Sawamura can familiarize them with the new defensive formation and practice attack strategies as soon as possible.

After a week of intensive training, Sawamura also sorted out the list of the main players.

Although the uniforms and equipment have been changed and the meals of the friends have been improved, the baseball team has spent a lot of money on activities. But a few million is not so easy to spend, and now the baseball team still has more than two million activities funds.

Money is easy to do.

The matter of making the back number has also become extremely simple. When everyone was training, Mr. Sano, who had nothing to do, asked someone to make the players\' back numbers for the competition, waiting to be distributed to everyone.

Now, the day has finally come to issue the back number.

The back number was set by Sawamura himself, but it was Sano and Wada who announced it.

Of the twenty-three baseball team, 18 were selected, and the competition was not too fierce. None of the former members of the Akagi Middle School baseball team were defeated.

"Number 1, ace, Eijun Sawamura!"

Without any suspense, Sawamura took the number one back.

Sawamura smiled and took his back number from Sano\'s hand, and then faced his friends, holding up the back number in his hand.

"Clap clap, clap clap!!!"

The little friends of the baseball team also spontaneously applauded their ace.

If it wasn\'t for them to experience it with their own eyes, I\'m afraid they wouldn\'t even believe it themselves.

Sawamura Leng single-handedly turned a little-known elementary school into a super tycoon who could compete for the regional championship in Nagano Prefecture. You must know that more than a year ago, Akagi Middle School did not even have a baseball team.

"No. 2, catcher, Feng Xiang Ao Yi."

Feng Xiang calmly took his back number, and the little friends behind him sent blessings.

"No. 3, first baseman, Oda Benson."

Oda also happily stepped forward, took his number, and excitedly gestured at Feng Xiang.

The two of them are the only two third-year students in the Akagi Middle School baseball team. This is their last competition. Whether they can enter the country or not depends on this one.

"No. 4, second baseman, Nobu Nakagawa."

Ashin took his back number excitedly, and proudly lit up at the two first-year students who were competing with him. That means, see no, Jiang is still old and hot.

Those two first graders had very ugly faces.

In terms of blows, the three of them were evenly matched, and they were even a little bit stronger. But defensively, they couldn\'t compare with Ashin. Ashin is a wild and wild country boy, fast, sturdy, keen intuition and daring to fight. In addition, for more than a year, he has cooperated with the team tacitly, and won the main position is well deserved.

"No. 5, third baseman, Ken Yamaguchi."

Although Yamaguchi\'s defense is not as dexterous as Ashin\'s, his striking strength is very solid, and he has already secured the fourth place in the Akagi Middle School baseball team.

"No. 6, shortstop, the wind is cool and Zhengtai."

Fengliang Zhengtai has a solid foundation. Although he doesn\'t know who to learn from, his strength has grown rapidly. In the competition with freshmen, it is in an absolute advantage. Whether defending or attacking.

"No. 7, left fielder, Komaki."

In addition to being a pitcher, Komaki is also a good outfielder. The original Koyamazaki was at a disadvantage in the competition and could only abdicate to make a difference.

"No. 8, the backbone, pure and simple."

There\'s not much to say about this. After Cang Yue Ruoca completely quit, she concentrated on being the team manager. Pu Chun came up logically, and he got what he wanted.

"No. 9, right fielder, Oyamazaki."

Although Oyamazaki can\'t do Fortunately, Oyamazaki is still strong, barely keeping his main position.

These nine people are the main force of the Akagi Middle School baseball team, two third graders, five sophomores, and two first graders. Because there are only two pitchers in Akagi Middle School, and after one of them ends, there will be no pitchers to rotate. In order to facilitate the rotation, both must be on the court.

The positions of Sawamura and Komaki can be changed flexibly. Sawamura pitched the ball, Komaki guarded the outfield, Komura pitched, and Nasawamura went to the outfielder.

In addition to the main players, the next is the substitute players.

"No. 10, the first generation of the team, Hirota."

In terms of garrison, this kid is not at all good at all, but his attack is no trivial matter, far from what ordinary first-year students can compare to. It is one of the secret weapons of Akagi Middle School.

"No. 11, the first generation runner of the team, Koyamazaki."

Koyamazaki has been running all over the mountains and fields since he was a child, and his speed is still very powerful. Although he couldn\'t compare with the national level runners, he was the fastest runner in Chicheng, and he was considered the first runner among the hunchbacks.

"No. 12, backup catcher, Matsumoto."

The guy is the only person in the team who can catch Sawamura\'s pitches, aside from Feng Xiang. Just in case, it is beneficial and harmless to recruit him into the roster.


Eighteen numbers were given out, and after that, six more numbers were given. The five players who were not drafted into the team also had their own numbers. And Cang Yue, who was the team\'s jewel, also had her own number.

Number 33!

This number was Sawamura\'s number when he was a relief pitcher in his previous life.

Time flies, more than a month has passed, and the second round of the summer competition after the establishment of the Akagi Middle School baseball team has begun.
