Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 136: :trick

? "Sawamura! Sawamura!!!"

"Demon King! Demon King!!!!"

Neat cheers, interspersed with passionate music.

The little guys belonging to the vocal club of the Qingdo High School baseball team are playing hard.

The school\'s cheerleading team echoes Sawamura Eijun\'s exclusive cheerleading team.

This scene was faithfully recorded by the camera of TV Tokyo.

Those who sit in front of the TV and watch the game can easily feel the passion and excitement of the scene.

"This is the game!"

A middle-aged man sat in front of the TV, sipping sake in a glass, and said to his son with a complacent look.

His son was a little Maotou who was only seven or eight years old.

After hearing his father\'s words, his eyes lit up.

"When I grow up, I will also go to Qingdao"

"It\'s not that easy, Qing Dao is a wealthy family."

"No, I must go! Coach Yamada said, I\'m very talented and a good pitcher."

"That\'s really good!"

The middle-aged man looked proud and proud: "I think at the beginning, although I was not able to join the Qing Dao, our school is also very strong, and we have made it to the third round..."

The middle-aged man boasted complacently about his achievements in his youth.

By his own account, he was an important part of the team at the time.

If the players who are ranked lower on the bench are also important players.

The game on the field continued. After Sawamura Eijun pitched the ball, the two sides exchanged offense and defense.

The next to stand on the strike zone is the fifth bar, Qianyuan.

Looking at the first-year pitcher of the Pharmacist High School baseball team, Mae Sono was very emotional.

It is said that people are better than people, and goods should be thrown away. The opponent, a boy two years younger than him, is now competing with him on the Jingu Stadium.

Considering that, the front garden was just promoted last fall.

Seeing such a genius who can serve as a starting pitcher in his first year, Maeyuan still felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

It is precisely because of this that he wants to hit the opponent\'s ball even more.

Just before, the friends of the Qingdao High School baseball team have carefully studied this first-year pitcher.

Tomobe ancestors, his pitching characteristics are already obvious.

It is to let the batter hit the ball, and then rely on the defense to get the number of outs.

Which of the Qingdao high school baseball team players is not battle-hardened?

Such opponents, they have not encountered before, and the strategies to solve them are ready-made.

Generally speaking, there are two ways to deal with it.

One is to rely on a brute force swing to force the ball out.

As the so-called one-strength defeats ten-guild, as long as the strength is good enough, it should not be difficult to achieve this.

There is another way, that is, to find a way to find the flaws in the opponent\'s defense. With pitching like this, the fielding must have been carefully planned. As long as you see the mystery, it is not difficult to solve the pitcher.

The latter method, the friends of the Qingdao High School baseball team, were still confused for a while.

Tomobe\'s ancestors only officially played in the game today, and he hadn\'t played a game on the Pharmacist High School baseball team before.

In this way, the Qingdao High School baseball team naturally has nowhere to study.

It\'s impossible to know what his past routines were...

If you want to research it, I am afraid it will take a little more time to be possible.

So for the time being, all that can be done is the first point.

As long as the swing is thorough enough, even if you miss the center of the ball, you can force the ball out.

Mae Garden planned and did so.

So after seeing the baseball flying, he directly sank into his dantian and slammed the bat out.


When the bat touched the ball, Mae Sono\'s hand sent a huge shock force.

This made the front garden not surprised but happy.

The stronger the rebound from the bat, the stronger the shot.

The baseball that was hit flew high and fell far into the field.

The distance is far enough that as long as the baseball hits the ground, the front garden is firmly on base.

"It must come down!"

Mae Sono threw away his bat and ran to first base, praying silently in his heart.

But unfortunately, the gods are not standing behind him today.



Once out, no one hits base.

Seeing this scene, several Qing Dao friends suddenly fell into a state of contemplation.

Although this ball, the front garden was solved.

However, his attack was not meaningless. Through observation, several friends of the Qingdao High School baseball team discovered a flaw in the opponent.

It\'s not that these players on the Qingdao High School baseball team are really that good, but they have encountered similar opponents before.

So it\'s easy to figure out how a pitcher like Tomobe\'s ancestors should fight?

Qianyuan was out, and the next hitter was Baizhou. Tojo is changing equipment, ready to go on standby.

At this time, Sawamura Eijun quietly came to him and asked in a low voice.

"Have you found it?"

It was a thoughtless sentence, but Tojo understood what Sawamura Eijun meant.

"It\'s very weird. It\'s a bit like Wang Gu I met last fall. It\'s just that I was intimidated by the name of Pharmacist High School at first, so I didn\'t think about it in that way."

There\'s nothing wrong with Tojo\'s analysis, after the pitching change, Yakushi\'s style is interesting now.

It\'s a bit like the King Valley High School that the Qingdao High School baseball team met in the playoff of the fall competition last year.

It is also the pitcher who relies on the possession of the ball to force the batter to hit the ball in a fixed position. Then change the team\'s defensive formation in advance...

Although the core purpose is the same, because the two teams themselves have different styles, there are still some differences in the way of performance.

The one at Wanggu High School is like the essence version, it\'s a complete mess. Even the buddies of the Qingdao High School baseball team were tricked in the beginning and couldn\'t score too many points.

The Pharmacist High School baseball team was different.

Their players are not as smart as Wanggu High School\'s, so the formation is sloppy.

To put it bluntly, it is a grass team.

They can\'t do like Wanggu High School, every ball changes the formation, every opponent changes the formation.

They just rely on a few fixed formations to move.

With such a rough defense method, it is actually not difficult to find the law.


But after a while, Baizhou was also solved.

The other party seemed to be performing a clumsy trick, although the trick was rather crude.

But as long as the trick isn\'t revealed, any trick can work well.

Two outs, no one on base.

At this time, it was Tojo\'s turn for the batter on the Qingdo High School baseball team.

Although they had found the weakness of Tomobe\'s ancestors, Tojo did not act at first.

This is also a very helpless thing, although the friends of the Qingdao High School baseball team have now discovered the weakness of Tomobe\'s ancestors.

But after all, the game has just started, and the information they have at hand is still very limited.

They didn\'t know what Tomobe ancestors would do until Tomobe ancestors used the information they already had.

In desperation, Tojo could only continue to entangle with this first-year younger brother.


"The outside world!"


"The outside world!!!"

In this way, the two entangled several **** in a row.

The little buddy on the Pharmacist High School baseball team, although he kept cheering on the pitcher. Put on an energetic, relaxed posture.

But these are all appearances, and the more they do it, the more it proves that Tojo\'s strategy is working.

On the pitcher mound, Tomobe\'s ancestor wiped the sweat from his forehead.

So far, he has only thrown two innings, and when it was smooth sailing at the beginning, he hadn\'t found it yet.

Now that he has encountered difficulties, he just woke up like a dream.

Before he knew it, his physical strength had been consumed so much. The sweat on his body was at least twice as much as before.

The buzzing in my head is like being sick.

All of these are clearly reminding Tomobe, how much pressure is he under? How dangerous is the situation?

That kind of trick may be able to deceive Qing Dao, but there is absolutely no way to deceive Tomobe ancestors.

Of course he knew very well how he got entangled with Qing Dao? Once the Qingdao High School baseball team sees the flaw, they are finished.

It cannot be delayed, it must be resolved quickly.

With a plan in mind, Tomobe turned to Mishima at first base.

"Senior, you are too far ahead, go back and forth!!"

"You nasty stinky boy!"

Mishima was dissatisfied.

Even so, Mishima stepped back.

At this time, people will subconsciously focus their attention on Mishima.

Even Tojo on the strike zone was no exception at this time. He also subconsciously put his eyes on the first base position.

Then, Tomobe on the pitcher mound suddenly attacked and threw the baseball out of his hand.

So fast!

This gave Tojo, who had just turned his head back, an illusion.

The speed of the ball is faster than before.

So he subconsciously increased the speed of his swing and swept the ball abruptly.


After the white ball was hit, it flew high.

Tojo on the strike zone had an unusually ugly expression.

He didn\'t expect that he had prepared so carefully for so long, and finally missed it.

All of this was obviously designed.

The purpose is to let yourself swing the bat at this time!

Because he swung too early, the ball that should have been swept out of bounds was brought back into the field.

Although Tojo ran forward desperately, the baseball was killed.



Three outs, offense and defense exchange.

The attack of the Qingdo High School baseball team in the second inning was solved just like that.

In the second half of the second inning, Sawamura Eijun will face a fierce attack from the Yakushi High School baseball team.

Even if there is no Thunder City, Mishima, and the Yakushi High School baseball team, the remaining lineups are definitely not to be underestimated.

Fourth stick, flat nose.

An experienced third grader with extraordinary strength.

Eijun Sawamura had a smooth strikeout.

He was followed by Sanada who hit five sticks.

Sawamura Eijun made persistent efforts and still scored a strikeout.

The last one to play was the sixth bat, the pitcher friend of the game.

To be able to be arranged in such a position by the Superintendent of Hun Originally, Eijun Sawamura thought that the other party should have more or less two brushes.

After all, the entire lineup of the Pharmacist High School baseball team was irritable and somewhat threatening. Being able to be ranked in the middle line, Sawamura Eijun took it for granted that this first year should have some ability.

Unexpectedly, the opponent\'s blow was completely disrespectful, and he was struck out without even touching a single ball hair.

"nice shot!"

"nice shot!!"

"nice shot!!!"

"strike out!!!!"

Except for the beginning, Thunder City hit a high home run.

None of the batters after that could touch Sawamura\'s pitch, and all were struck out.
