Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 135: : The Demon King's Former Rivals II

In Xiaogu Xiao\'s opinion, as long as the players from Xinglong High School did not show a bunt stance. He can completely ignore the opponent, just use the extremely powerful ball speed to crush the opponent.

Although he had already dealt with his opponent twice before, in Akatsuki Fukugu\'s heart, he still had a strong psychological shadow over his opponent\'s bunts.

Even after a person\'s weakness is overcome, the fear in his heart is difficult to completely erase.

Once bitten, twice shy.

That\'s what it\'s saying.

Although up to now, Yugu Xiao has overcome the obstacle of his opponent\'s bunt interference to a certain extent.

But whenever the opponent really re-positioned the bunt stance, he was still muttering in his heart.

It\'s not that I\'m afraid, it\'s just a little uncomfortable.

It was an odd feeling, even hard to describe in words.

It\'s a very annoying, very uncomfortable feeling.

It\'s like asking a college student who is accustomed to writing with his right hand to use his left hand in exams.

Even if it does not affect his way of answering the questions, his test scores will be affected to a certain extent.

That\'s the added damage of awkwardness.

When the opponent does not need bunts and intends to strike normally.

Xiao Gu has a feeling of sudden enlightenment.

No matter how the opponent\'s bat is swung, he is sure to let the opponent miss the ball.

At this time, Xiao Gu Xiao was in excellent condition.

Even in Miyuki Kazuya\'s heart, there was still some murmur.

He has a not very good feeling, really want him to explain what this feeling is?

He also did not explain clearly.

But his feeling was also very clear, and Miyuki also judged that the other party must be holding back some big move.

When you don\'t know what tricks the other party is going to play? They can only adapt to change.

With the last outs to go, use your strongest pitch to take down your opponent!

Either Sawamura Eijun or Akatsuki Furuya in front of him.

These two enemies of the same grade have a particularly big similarity.

That is, their own pitching, even if they don\'t use any strategy, is already a very difficult ball path.

To put it bluntly, even if the opponent knows what kind of ball they are going to throw? Often there is nothing to be done, there is nothing to do.

They can\'t hit at all, and it can even be said that there is no way to do it.

In this case, as the partner of the two, Miyuki Kazuya\'s pitching strategy was quite simple.

When you don\'t know what the **** the other party is thinking about?

Directly use his most powerful weapon to smash the opponent with strength!

Everyday people must have heard such a statement.

It is the kind of particularly powerful master, and often the tricks are not very good.

Why is this?

The reason is simple.

When the kind of particularly powerful people fight against their opponents, they often crush the opponent with one finger.

When he can\'t crush his opponent with one finger, then his troubles come.

Because he has become accustomed to this way of fighting, when encountering an evenly matched opponent, he needs to play some tricks and tricks.

But he won\'t at all!

He is used to speaking with strength, and is used to pushing horizontally no matter what obstacles are in front of him.

In the past, Xiao Gu Xiao had such a flaw.

When I first joined the Qingdao High School baseball team, the young man was crazy.

For a long time, he has been steadfast in his belief.

As long as he can perfectly show his pitch, then no matter who the opponent he encounters? He can kill everything.

It was only later that he met Sawamura, who was hit hard by Sawamura.

This problem on Jiang Guxiao\'s body has also subsided a lot.

But it\'s just restrained, it\'s not that he doesn\'t do it anymore.

The country is easy to change, but the character is hard to change.

Perhaps today\'s game was too smooth, and Akatsuki Fukugu did not encounter any decent resistance from beginning to end.

His wild state gradually showed signs of recovery.

He faintly felt that as long as he could perfectly show his pitching.

Then you can easily deal with the opponent.

This psychological change of his is easy to say. But this was after a long and complicated ideological struggle.

Plus this guy, no matter what\'s on your mind?

From the outside, there is no clue whatsoever.

So the friends of the Qingdao High School baseball team didn\'t notice it.

Xiao Gu Xiao\'s mentality swelled a little.

In a competition match, is this bit of expansion good? Still not good?

No one can tell this.

But for the Qingdao High School baseball team, Xiao Gu\'s small psychological problem has brought a lot of trouble to the team.


The white ball was like a beam of laser light, which instantly traveled a distance of 18 meters and appeared in Miyuki Kazuya\'s glove.

The speed of the ball is approaching 160 kilometers, and you can feel that the speed of the ball is extraordinary even from the perspective of a bystander.

It can even be said that it is terrifyingly fast!

If you\'re standing directly in the batter\'s or catcher\'s position, look at the ball.

That feeling is really shocking.

The pitcher just raised his hand, and the next second, the baseball came to you.


Incredibly fast! !

Before everyone could react, the small white ball had passed through and got into the catcher\'s glove.

This ball, do not look at the result, just look at the process.

Absolutely perfect mess.

It\'s just that the result was a little unsatisfactory.

"Bad ball!"

Xiao Gu\'s pitching looks particularly sharp.

It\'s too hard for any batter to hit the ball on the strike zone.

It\'s just a pity that a pitch with such a high degree of completion.

In the end, he was not able to hit the strike zone.

The previous series of excitement from the Xinglong high school baseball team failed to completely solve Xiao Gu Xiao.

But also stimulated, his ball control.

Fukugu Xiao\'s ball control began to have problems, and there was no way to continuously hit the strike zone like before.

In the rest area of ​​the Qingdo High School baseball team.

The friends of the Qingdao High School baseball team looked at each other, not knowing why.

The first ball!

For pitchers, such a choice is understandable.

If you don\'t know the opponent\'s strength and state, first use a ball to throw stones to ask for directions.

This is a relatively common routine in baseball games and shooting duels.

But when this matter is put on Jiang Guxiao\'s body, it is not so normal.

His pitching right now is pretty strong.

There is absolutely no need to add extravagance here.


A ball that theoretically did not need to appear, suddenly appeared.

To say that there is nothing tricky here, it is estimated that no one can believe it.
