Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 131: : The Legend of the Great Demon King

Miyuki Kazuya was in a good mood.

Although in the just confrontation, they were not able to completely solve the opponent in one go.

But he was a little more satisfied with the result just now than by directly killing his opponent.

Oda Bensheng, just withdrew the bat, if Miyuki didn\'t guess.

This is not a tactic he has drawn up before.

It can be seen that he originally made up his mind to bunt.

But at the last moment, he hurriedly put back the bat in his hand.

What does this mean?

This fully shows that in the process of his duel with Akatsuki.

Or to put it bluntly, after he saw Xiao Gu\'s pitch.

He felt scared!

It is because of this fear that he thinks there is no way to stop Akatsuki Fukugu\'s ball with a bunt.

Or use a bunt to hit the ball in a good spot.

So he backed off!

His performance, no doubt, will definitely infect the players after him.

They will subconsciously feel that Xiao Gu is an invincible figure for them.

This kind of weakness in momentum has a profound impact on them!

The players will follow, doubting their own strength.

They will doubt themselves, can they be competent for the task they are responsible for now?

In turn, this uneasiness continues to be transmitted to the next hitter.

Fear is contagious.

When I was alone, it might not have felt so scary.

But when there are too many people, when the people in front of you and the people around you feel fear.

Even if he didn\'t feel anything, he would panic subconsciously.

This is a weakness of human nature that no one can avoid.

A good catcher is definitely half a psychologist.

Through Oda\'s little performance, Miyuki could almost guess it.

The status of the other party, there is a problem!

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for their Qingdao High School baseball team.

Just like that, let\'s get rid of the opponent.

There is an opportunity, can you seize it? It depends on the performance of Xiao Gu Xiao.

And for this, Miyuki still believes in it.

He thought that Jiang Guxiao would not let him down, and that his dream must have performed well.

Facts have proved that his idea is really correct.

In the next pitch, Kaguya Xiao was very successful and completed his task.


He tried his best and threw the white ball in his hand fiercely.

After the white ball was thrown, the speed continued to soar.

In the blink of an eye, he came to the beater.


Very very strong!

Standing on the strike zone, Oda could clearly feel how extraordinary Yugu Xiao\'s pitching was.


It is worthy of being the number one player in the country in terms of ball speed. Baseball does not need any changes. Simply showing its speed is enough to leave countless people behind.

When facing this ball, Oda especially wanted to escape.

This is not even an idea that he just came up with. He had such a feeling as early as their first duel.

As long as Xiao Gu Xiao stood on the pitcher\'s mound, the strength gap of the red fruit is enough to make anyone feel despair.

And he, just an ordinary person, would also feel hopeless.

Deep despair!

It seems that no matter what you do, there is no way to cause a little trouble to your opponent.

What is the significance of such a game?

What\'s the point of such a confrontation?

Asking himself over and over again, Oda himself has not been able to find the answer.

In desperation, he can only put this problem aside first and concentrate on doing what he can do.

Supervisor Feng Xiang and his friends believed in him, so they recommended him as the team\'s first player.

Even if you struggle in vain.

He always has to show his strength, prove his worth, and tell everyone.

It\'s not that he didn\'t resist.

At the very least, they should be worthy of it, those who value promotion and give themselves opportunities.

Having made up his mind, Oda raised the bat in his hand high.

Facing the flying white ball, he slammed it out.

His idea is very good, and he wants to use all the power in his body to forcibly compete with Akatsuki Fukugu\'s pitching.

This kind of thinking of his can\'t be bad.

Relatively speaking, he still believes in his own strength and potential.

He himself may not be considered a top-notch talent.

But after hard work, even if he encounters the first-class players in the country, he is not without resistance at all.

He thought that it might be difficult for him to hit Fukugu Xiao\'s pitch.

After all, the opponent\'s ball is so fast, and the ball is so powerful!

Even standing on the hitting area, you can clearly hear the sound of the baseball rubbing against the air.

With such a ball, it is impossible not to make the opponent feel vigilant!

When Oda saw the ball, he was naturally vigilant.

It\'s not just vigilance, he even has a very intuitive feeling.

It is difficult for him to hit this kind of ball out.

It was precisely because of this idea that he made his efforts quietly.

The plan is to let every strength in his body force the white ball to fly out.

If you are not strong enough, increase your strikes.

He still learned this from Sawamura Eijun.

In the past, Eijun Sawamura\'s striking power was often insufficient.

Especially when encountering such a powerful pitcher, Sawamura Eijun would sometimes get into a tough fight.

At this time, he twisted his body into a twist.

By means of power acceleration, he can improve the power of his own swing.

"This is the personal legend of the Great Demon King, you should experience it well!"

Oda spent a lot of effort and swung the bat out of his hand.

With his extended swing, his blows do look powerful.

Oda has never been so confident as he is now.

He thought he could definitely hit the ball out, hard.

It\'s just that he counted the beginning, but not the end.

He swung the bat in his hand forcefully, but after the bat was swung out by him, it seemed to be out of his control.

Don\'t listen to his orders at all!

When he noticed some changes in Fukutani Akatsuki\'s pitching and wanted to make adjustments.

It\'s too late...

The white ball passed the bat, and no one was able to touch the other.


"nice shot!!"

"strike out!!!"

Oda was struck out just like that.

Oda, who was resolved, felt aggrieved to die.

He couldn\'t understand why he failed.

Obviously everything is exactly as I predicted...

How can the final result be so different?

in the catcher\'s position.

There was a slight smile on the corner of Miyuki Kazuya\'s mouth.

Even the guy who was just dealt with was once teammates with Sawamura Eijun.

He still couldn\'t help but want to rant.

Do you really think that everyone can be a big devil?

Sawamura Eijun\'s swing that twists himself into a twist shape!

Because of its unique posture, it has been reported and analyzed by many people.

Increase the swing distance and use force acceleration to improve the swing effect...

This is very physical.

It just conforms to physics, but it does not conform to anthropology.

If it weren\'t for Sawamura Eijun, he would be very talented.

There was no way he could do that.

Others want to do it, or have the same talent as Eijun Sawamura.

Either he understands baseball better than Sawamura Eijun.

Ordinary people want to do that there is no possibility at all.

Even if you take a step back, just widen your swing.

It is not easy to keep your blows from being deformed.

Relatively speaking, Oda has done a good job.

It\'s just a pity...

The opponent he met was Xiao Gu Xiao.

The fastest pitcher in the country!

To catch up with his ball, theoretical knowledge alone is not enough.

You also need to have a solid foundation.

What Oda lacked, this is now.
