Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 12: : Too bullying!

Qingdo High School baseball team.

Facing a dark horse who doesn\'t know his strength at all, he behaves very cautiously.

Don\'t say they can\'t afford to lose this game, they can\'t afford to lose even if they lose points.

If the Qingdao high school baseball team was given several points by an unknown dark horse team.

Then they will be useless!

The spittle of fans can drown them.

The king\'s green way.

This name brought the Qingdao High School baseball team more than honor.

There are also responsibilities and obligations.

Their game is not only about winning, but also satisfying the crowd who support them.

If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight.

That\'s what it said.

Under such circumstances, how could the Qingdao High School baseball team have any negligence?

Not only the result of the game, but the process of the game is also very important.

Even now, Director Kataoka is reluctant to let substitute players play without gaining an absolute advantage.

He never had such concerns before.

Even in Koshien in the spring, when Supervisor Kataoka took command, he did whatever he wanted.

But now the identities of the Qingdo High School baseball team are different, and the goals they pursue are different.

If they want to become legends, they can\'t fight to the end with trepidation.

It felt like the Qingdo High School baseball team was able to win the championship, it was a fluke.

This is absolutely impossible.

They have to crush their opponents upright all the way, and use practical actions to tell all the enemies of the Qingdao High School baseball team and all the fans in the country.

The Qingdao High School baseball team eventually became a legend, not by luck and tactics, but by dignified strength.

Director Kataoka, although he has been honing his baseball tactics and field commanding ability.

But that doesn\'t mean that his pursuit is this.

Quite the opposite.

The realm pursued by Director Kataoka is that players rely on their strength to crush their opponents after they become stronger.

Compared to becoming a baseball tactician, Supervisor Kataoka prefers to be called a coach, supervisor, and mentor by others.

Even called a teacher.

A character who can help players break their own shackles and eventually become talents.

This is his life pursuit.

The Qingdo High School baseball team is serious.

Those players on the Xijing High School baseball team were miserable.

They looked dumbfounded at the lineup of the Qingdao High School baseball team.

Both Superintendent and Hanagata said that the other side would definitely be negligent, and said that the beginning of the match was their chance.

But judging from their understanding of the Qingdao High School baseball team, the lineup in front of them does not look like a merciful lineup from the Qingdo High School baseball team.

They are the main force to fight!

And from the very beginning, they had to face the big devil on the pitching mound.

This is a character who has never been defeated in the legend.

How\'s that for fun?

Although they had been suffocating before, they were ready to go to the court to find Eijun Sawamura desperately.

But the players of Xijing High School couldn\'t help trembling when they really took the opposite position.

The first batter they played was the hill in that hill and so on.

Although Xiaoshan\'s name is quite majestic, he is thin and not tall.

It feels thin and small.

Even if he was standing with Kominabharu City, he was probably a piece shorter than Kominabharu City.

Such an inconspicuous opponent made Sawamura Eijun and Miyuki a lot of vigilance.

On the surface, they seem to know nothing about their opponents, but with the intelligence capabilities of the Qingdo High School baseball team, of course, it is impossible for them to really know nothing about Xijing High School.

In fact, my friends from the Qingdao High School baseball team in the past. I already know a lot about the team in front of me.

The core of the team is of course the first baseman Flower, but this guy named Xiaoshan and the backup pitcher on their mound.

It is also an existence that cannot be underestimated.

Without their help, no matter how capable the first baseman Hana-gata was, they would never have become the champions of Kyoto.

You must know that there are two giants in Kyoto, although those two giants are not particularly outstanding in the whole country.

But a wealthy family is a wealthy family, no matter how bad it is, the heritage still exists.

Since they can become a giant, at least they need to have the strength of the top eight in West Tokyo or even the top four.

Just imagine, with a team with that level of strength, will its core players really be weak?

Do not make jokes.

In the rest area of ​​Xijing High School, there are not no tall and strong players.

If the guy in front of him is not particularly reassuring, how could he appear in the main lineup?

Not to mention being an important number one.

Facing this opponent in front of us, we cannot be negligent.

Miyuki gave Sawamura a wink.

Sawamura instantly understood what Miyuki meant.

Then, go all out!

Speeding up from the start is, of course, very strenuous for a pitcher.

But since he has been forced to such an extent, no matter how hard he tries, Sawamura Eijun can only do it.

I saw him on the pitcher mound, raised his foot high, and then fell down again.

As the center of gravity of the body shifted, the small white ball in Sawamura Eijun\'s hand also whistled out.

During this process, Koyama kept staring at Sawamura Eijun\'s left hand throwing the ball with an uneasy mood.

Although he has never met Eijun Sawamura before, it is not that he has not seen some analysis of Eijun Sawamura\'s pitching on the Internet.

There are many people who are popular.

With the popularity of Sawamura Eijun\'s horror, various analyses of him are naturally endless.

Even before he entered Koshien, he was an absolute fan of baseball. Xiaoshan has also searched for the news of the Great Demon King Sawamura Eijun more than once.

Not to mention that the players from Xijing High School once did a special analysis after knowing that their opponent was Qingdao.

Their goal is to overthrow the Qingdo High School baseball team, so it is impossible not to study Sawamura.

In this way, they naturally know a lot about Sawamura Eijun\'s various rumors and characteristics.

According to legend, when the Great Demon King Sawamura throws the ball, the pitching posture of all the **** is exactly the same.

And you can\'t even see where the ball is being dropped.

So from the strike zone, the big devil\'s pitching will be much faster.

As for how fast?

Because the adjectives given by each player are different.

So there is no final conclusion on this matter.

Everyone just said that when you try it yourself, you will naturally know.

Koyama was very curious about this statement before. He wondered what the pitching of the great devil Eijun Sawamura looked like?

He deduced in his own mind, and also deduced countless versions.

Which version is the real one?

Xiaoshan himself doesn\'t know.

He can only wait until the day of the real competition and witness it with his own eyes.

Now, Xiaoshan sees it!


The white ball was like a laser, and shot through the heart of the hill in an instant.

In the face of this sudden and fast pitching, Koyama couldn\'t even swing the bat in his hand.

He could only watch helplessly as the white ball flashed past him, and then got into the catcher\'s glove.


"nice shot!!"

Such a result aroused the excitement of the fans in the stands.

What they like to watch the most is the big devil bullying the opponent.

In the face of the big devil\'s pitching, opponents often don\'t even have time to swing the bat.

Even if he barely had time to swing the bat.

As a result, the ball could not be touched.

This little player from Xijing High School is really His height is about 1.6 meters, much shorter than many junior high school students.

It feels like a child.

Of course, such a child is very powerless in the face of Sawamura Eijun\'s pitching.

The audience even had a strange feeling that Sawamura Eijun was just bullying people.

With the ability of the Great Demon King, there are absolutely few players in the country who can hit his ball and hit his ball out.

The little guy in front of him doesn\'t look like that kind of player no matter what.

This little guy represents the level of Xijing High School.

With the background of the Qingdao high school baseball team, it was really like a game, and they directly dispatched their core weapons.

What do you think is a little bullying?

A bit like fighting landlords, two kings and four two appear at once.

When you put on such a face, the other party can only say that it is not worth it.

Xijing High School probably has the same helplessness now.

If they can\'t afford it, they simply can\'t afford it.

These guys from Qingdao High School are really bullying!



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