Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 117: : blow up

160 km speeding straight ball!

The players from Xinglong High School who saw this scene were dumbfounded.

Originally, they all thought that Sawamura Eijun was not able to play directly, which is really great!

Although his face was a bit ugly, he felt that he was looked down upon by the other party. But to be honest, the players from Xinglong University had to admit that they were greatly relieved, and at the same time, they also raised their hopes of winning the game.

Hold on, you have a chance to win!

The little friends told themselves over and over again that they were going to find an opportunity to teach these arrogant guys on the Qingdao High School baseball team a good lesson.

Their Xinglong University is no soft persimmon.

The Qingdo High School baseball team is so defiant, they will definitely make the players of the Qingdo High School baseball team regret it.

The players of Xinglong High School had a good plan.

They had also studied Akatsuki before, although not as much as Sawamura Eijun.

But he was already very clear about the opponent\'s strength and characteristics.

They only started two rounds of attacking, and they didn\'t ask to say that they had to take something from the opponent.

Hits and points don\'t matter.

The most important thing is to study the opponent\'s routine.

Then he smashed his opponent in one go.

Naturally, the more points the better, if the game goes well.

By the time they get a big score, it\'s best not to have a few games left in the game.

In this case, even if Sawamura returned to the pitching mound.

The remaining time is not enough for him to turn the tide.

The players of Xinglong High School thought very well, and they considered all aspects very carefully.

When they practiced hitting before, they also simulated a ball speed of 155 kilometers.

To be honest, that kind of ball is really fast.

It only took a moment to fly past his eyes.

If the timing of the swing is slightly delayed, it will be difficult to touch the ball.

But all of them, after hard work, did it all.

Such a terrifying attacking power should also have a lot of power against the upper Qingdao High School baseball team.

Sawamura Eijun\'s pitching posture, they have also thoroughly studied what is going on.

Although it is faster than the real ball speed, there are still some gaps.

But that feeling is very similar.

The players of Xinglong High School had to beware.

In this case, the best thing they can do is to really hit the ball with that kind of speed.

In order to improve their swing speed, the players from Xinglong High School did such exercises.

Play a 155km fastball!

They calculated everything well, but they just missed a little.

They missed the progress of Xiao Gu Xiao.

If you can hit a 155-kilometer ball, then it’s not a problem to add two or three kilometers to the ball.

Overall, this is a ball of a speed and a level.

As long as the batter works hard, he will always be able to touch the ball.

But now, people have increased their ball speed to 160 kilometers.

How\'s that for fun?

Across the country, there are probably not many batters who can play this kind of ball.

How could it be so coincidental that they let these guys run into each other?

In the rest area of ​​Xinglong University.

A gloomy cloud.

Oda Benson on the strike zone was even more stunned.

where am I? what happened?

In his mind, these two questions kept circling.

He was completely stunned!

The 160-kilometer fastball thrown by Xiao Gu Xiao is completely different from the ball thrown from the pitching machine.

Too fierce!

Although he knew it before, the opponent in front of him should not be underestimated.

Although the opponent was suppressed by Sawamura Eijun, he could only serve as a substitute in the Qingdo High School baseball team.

But the conscience of heaven and earth.

Who wouldn\'t be suppressed when they met Eijun Sawamura?

Anyway, Oda scratched his scalp and couldn\'t think of such a character.

So he doesn\'t despise others just because his opponent is a substitute.

In this duel, Oda did his best.

He worked hard to hit the ball, hit the ball out, and hit the ball beautifully.

But the reality is so cruel.

In the face of such a terrifying pitch, Oda didn\'t even need to hit the ball out for a hit.

It is not an easy thing for him to just touch the ball.

When the audience was shocked, Eijun Sawamura, who was in the left field, also had a smile on his face.

Although he is somewhat unclear.

He didn\'t know exactly what kind of stimulus fell to Xiao Gu before he suddenly broke out.

But judging from the results, this is not a bad thing for the Qingdo High School baseball team.

It is also a good thing for Akatsuki Fukugu himself.

High school students can achieve such fast ball speed!

Everything that has appeared in the history of Jiaziyuan has been questioned.

I don\'t think the speed of the ball can reach that level at all.

Xiao Gu\'s ball speed may be the only fastest pitch that is recognized by the public.

The first person to break this record!

Do you still need to worry about his future?

I am afraid that not only the professional baseball of the island countries will be flocking, but even the major leagues are also very concerned.

A pitcher whose ball speed has soared above 150 kilometers is enough to make people look at it differently.

No other skills are needed, just a single ball speed can become a big killer.

Falling Valley Xiao is more thorough this time. Not only did he break through the 150-kilometer, 155-kilometer limit.

It even reached a terrifying ball speed of 160 kilometers.

In Sawamura Eijun\'s memory, players all over the world who can beat this speed can be counted.

In the future, Xiao Gu will join professional baseball or the major leagues.

His name will definitely be remembered.

Thinking of this, Sawamura Eijun smiled with satisfaction.

This little butterfly, the power of his wings flapping is really not small.

According to this development momentum, it might be someday in the future.

Among the players who are stimulated and influenced by him, a pitcher with the fastest ball speed in the world can emerge.

Keep it up, keep trying.

As long as Xiao Gu Xiao can face his own progress with a stable attitude, he will continue to work hard.

Then Sawamura Eijun absolutely believes that his future achievements are definitely not inferior to the authentic hometown in his mind.

Possibly even more than that.

Eijun Sawamura is looking forward to this day.

It is only after thinking that such a player has grown to such an extent after being influenced by himself.

Eijun Sawamura felt overjoyed in his heart, very happy.

Even strangers are happy.

Not to mention friends like Akatsuki Fukugu.

Eijun Sawamura was very excited to be able to witness the progress of these friends with his own eyes.

Qing Dao was happy, and Xinglong, as his opponent, naturally had no way to be happy.

The faces of their players were heavy, and they watched helplessly as Yugu Xiao threw the third ball.


It\'s that kind of feeling like the sky is falling.

Oda, who was on the strike zone, wanted to run away at the first moment of seeing such a pitch.

This is a very instinctive response, and it is not even under the control of the brain.

It is natural that people will subconsciously stay away from dangerous things.

This is how Oda feels right now.

It\'s too dangerous to stay on the strike zone!

At this time, he even had a very strange feeling.

He felt that if the pitch missed a little, if it hit him.

Then I guess I was sent to the hospital on the spot.

Even this can be a good result, if it hits something not so good.

Maybe I can save myself the procedure of going to the hospital.

Such a dangerous and terrifying ball, who wouldn\'t want to avoid it?

Others, Oda, don\'t know, he especially wants to avoid it.

He didn\'t want to stay here at all and watch the opponent\'s pitch.

But there was no The white ball still whistled and flew over.

Oda could only clench his cheeks and muster up all his courage to face the flying white ball.

He swung out the bat in his hand.

At this time, he felt like a gambler.

It\'s already a little hysterical and desperate.

If you want to fight, you must fight no matter what!

Oda\'s courage was commendable, but his swing was still a little late.

The timing is not right!

And from the point of view of the ball in front of him, even if he finds the right timing, it will be useless.

When the ball was approaching Oda, it suddenly fell.

A fork ball!

Quick finger ball!

The change in this ball exceeded the expectations of everyone on the scene.

Everyone stared at the ball in astonishment and went over the bat.

Appeared in Miyuki Kazuya\'s gloves.

Speaking of which, I have to give Miyuki a big thumbs up.

This guy is really amazing.

He was able to catch the ball that changed so quickly.


"nice shot!"

"strike out!!"
