Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 110: : 3 catchers

"Qingdao! Qingdao!!!"

Even the most die-hard supporters of the Qingdao High School baseball team, most people do not know Chen Ping\'s name.

Not to mention cheering for Chen Ping alone.

It\'s not just Chen Ping, there are very few players who can really get that kind of treatment on the baseball field.

Generally, only the backbone of the team will get that kind of treatment.

It\'s like Sawamura and Miyuki from the Qingdao High School baseball team, or Narutomiya from the Inocheng Industrial High School baseball team.

Others, at most, get a few individual cheers, and they\'re already pretty good. This cheering sound is mixed with the shouts of tens of thousands of people, but in fact, I can\'t hear it...

It seems that now, there are many people in the stands talking about Chen Ping, but at this time, the people on the court can\'t hear what they say.

Because the die-hard supporters of the Qingdo High School baseball team shouted out their cheers.

When it\'s impossible to call out the player\'s name neatly and cheer for the player alone. This player has a great performance, so what should the fans do?

It\'s very simple, just shout Qingdo\'s name.

No matter who plays well, it\'s always right to call the team\'s name.

There were tens of thousands of people at the scene, waving and beating all the props that could be used in their hands, and shouting the name of the Qingdao High School baseball team.

"Qingdao! Come on!!!"

"Qingdao! King!!!!"

Chen Ping, who just scored, enjoys the adoration of the crowd.

The other members of the Qingdao High School baseball team had actually experienced this feeling when they performed well before.

That feeling, as if you have become the center of the world!

How great, how great! ! !

Even if they have experienced it several times, they are still excited every time they experience it.

The friends of the Qingdao High School baseball team work so **** the field, which is probably one of the reasons.

Although many friends have already felt it, this is the first time for Chen Ping.

He never imagined that an ordinary school game would attract so many people\'s attention?

And standing on the court, he really seems to be standing in the center of the world.

Everyone is cheering for him!

Man, isn\'t that how it should be?

For the first time in his life, Chen Ping was fascinated by this stadium.

He\'s played baseball before, although there are some things he likes. But more than that, I don\'t want to disappoint those who care and like him.

For example, the program directors who exchanged their lives on Fruit Channel, as well as those executive directors and screenwriters.

Including the parents in the program group who exchanged that family with him...

In Chen Ping\'s mind, they are the best and best people in the world.

When they found Chen Ping and hoped that Chen Ping could come to the island country to participate in such a recording.

Chen Ping agreed without any hesitation!

Chen Ping has to work hard every day after training.

The same is to live up to those who like him.

Later, the selfless help of Kuramochi and Sawamura Eijun made Chen Ping\'s burden even heavier.

Chen Ping was also very moved to meet such a senior in a foreign country.

It is precisely because he did not want to live up to their expectations that Chen Ping practiced with Cangchi every day.

That\'s where he is today, with his blockbuster on the pitch.

On the road of baseball, today\'s Chen Ping is just getting started.

At this time, Chen Ping didn\'t even think about how this matter would change his future life?

He just breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and finally lived up to the expectations of Master Kuramochi and the supervisor.

And this feeling seems really good.

Every pore in his body opened, and he was breathing in the fresh air around him.

The cheers of tens of thousands of people are enough to make people intoxicated!

"I\'m going to keep playing baseball!"

In the mind of the young man, there was such an ignorant idea.

Under the watchful eyes, Chen Ping returned to the rest area.

Get ready to celebrate with your teammates.

Although he is not very familiar with most of the seniors in the second and third grades. But Kominato, who wants to come to the same bedroom, Mae Garden. His teacher Kuramochi, who has been helping her senior Sawamura.

And the few friends from the first grade, should they come to congratulate?


Unexpectedly, when he just returned to the rest area, he was directly slapped by Kurachi.

"You idiot, don\'t you know how dangerous the action just now is? Maybe, your baseball career will be ruined like this!"

Kuramochi said terrified.

"Such a dangerous move, don\'t do it again in the future!"

Supervisor Kataoka was not overjoyed because the score was tied, but instead ordered with a serious face.

"Take a little longer, I don\'t want to replace my person and retire because of injury!"

Miyuki is also as vicious as ever.

A few first-year friends around, originally wanted to rush up to celebrate. After hearing such words, he also honestly retreated.

They felt that they came up to celebrate with Chen Ping at this time, as if it was not good?

Chen Ping, who successfully completed the task, was treated like this.

In anyone\'s heart, I\'m afraid they will feel wronged.

Chen Ping is naturally the same!

Under such a lot of pressure, he successfully helped the team get a point. There was no compliment, but he was even reprimanded.

But despite this, Chen Ping\'s heart was warm.

The people around him are really good people.

Whether it\'s Kataoka, who never sticks to his words and laughs, or the captain who is accustomed to vicious tongues...

Compared to winning the game, they care more about their bodies.

"No, there is nothing uncomfortable, right?"

Minister Ota rubbed his hands nervously and checked Chen Ping inside and out, but fortunately he didn\'t find anything serious.

It\'s just a piece of blue on the arm, it doesn\'t seem to matter.

In the case of running at full strength, ordinary people swooped rapidly and had to shrink their waists...

These are all very dangerous things.

Not to mention Chen Ping, he made such a move considering the speed of this guy.

Really scary!

After confirming that there was nothing unexpected about Chen Ping, the friends of the Qingdao High School baseball team cheered.

"I have to say, your kid is amazing!"

"Your game is more dazzling than the dozen games I played before!"

"Don\'t lift yourself up, it\'s obvious that you only played for less than a minute, and it exceeds your performance for more than ten hours..."

Chen Ping\'s performance in this game, what kind of praise he received, is not too much.

Even if Chen Ping couldn\'t score this point, the Qingdao High School baseball team might not necessarily lose.

But in the future games, the Qingdao High School baseball team is in a passive position for sure.

But it\'s different now. With this credit, even Miyuki has been replaced.

The Qingdao High School baseball team can take the initiative in today\'s game.

Sawamura was the last to walk to Chen Ping\'s side. He patted Chen Ping\'s back and simply said two words.


Chen Ping looked at Sawamura with a puzzled expression.

"Don\'t worry, leave the rest of the game to me!"

Sawamura Eijun thought that Chen Ping was uneasy, so he assured.

Chen Ping opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but after hearing such assurance, he closed his mouth again.

Although Sawamura-senpai misunderstood what he meant, but now Sawamura looks extremely reliable.

For Sawamura, since this point has been recovered, he will never accept defeat.

As for Miyuki being replaced!

Of course, Sawamura Eijun also knew that this was a big uneasy factor.

A grade four change ball is equivalent to being sealed. Now, among the catchers of the Qingdo High School baseball team, Miyuki is the only one who can catch Sawamura Eijun\'s grade four change ball.

Even the level 3 changing **** must be used with care.

There are now three backup catchers in the rest area of ​​the Qingdao High School baseball team.

Their personal strength is very good, and their ability to catch the ball is first-class.

If you switch to other pitchers, these three should have no problem catching the ball after a period of training.

But unfortunately, their partner is Sawamura Eijun.

None of the three of them was sure, and they caught all of Sawamura Eijun\'s changing **** 100%.

To be honest, this can\'t completely blame their poor strength.

Sawamura Eijun\'s change ball, because the state of each day is different, the ball will change a lot.

To put it bluntly, even if you practice today to catch Sawamura Eijun\'s ball.

When Tomorrow Sawamura Eijun throws the exact same change ball, you may not be able to catch it.

No way, who asked Sawamura Eijun to throw a change ball, and the changes will be different the next day.

Only a monster like Miyuki could keep up with the changes of Sawamura Eijun.

Those low-level change **** are fine, and they remain the same.

But high-level change **** are completely different.

The higher the level of the change ball, the more complex the degree of change. This ball is also most affected by the player\'s state.

In the words of Kaoru Yui, Sawamura-senpai\'s change ball was simply not thrown by humans.

As a catcher, you have to adapt to a different Sawamura every day, and you have to catch his ball.

Is this something a human can do?

Some people will ask, how did Miyuki do it?

Nayuki Kaoru will definitely answer with a wry smile: "Captain Miyuki, that can be considered a person!"

This is what the three remaining catchers of the Qingdo High School baseball team think of Sawamura Eijun and Miyuki Kazuya.

This is the main force of Qingdao High School, and the level has long exceeded the level of high school.

Now that Miyuki has been replaced, there is no way to continue playing in the next round.

Supervisor Kataoka had to choose one of the remaining three catchers to replace him.

Despite the fact that the two teams are now evenly divided, the Qingdao High School baseball team is still under great pressure.

If a cooperation is not good, it is also possible for the Daocheng Industrial High School baseball team to score.

How much pressure do you have to bear when you are replaced as a catcher at this time? it goes without saying.

Director Kataoka originally wanted to find a catcher with fighting spirit in his eyes.

Seriously, let’s not look at Yui Kaoru and Okumura being two grades younger than Ono. But the strength of the two of them is definitely not inferior to Ono.

Whether it is the ability to read the game, or the ability to catch the ball, including the catcher\'s various skills.

These two new first-year catchers are not bad at all.

The three of them can be said to be evenly matched, and there doesn\'t seem to be much of a problem with whom to play.

Under the condition that the technology is similar, the remaining competition is naturally the fighting spirit.

Supervisor also prefers players with strong fighting spirit.

So he sincerely hopes that he can find a player with strong fighting spirit.

As a result, the performance of the three catchers disappointed Kataoka.

It\'s not that there is no fighting spirit in the eyes of the three, on the contrary.

The small flames in the eyes of these three people are about to burn.

If they can write on their faces, they can\'t wait to write on their faces to choose me! choose me! Just choose me! !

In this case, who to put on the field? leave who?

It became a difficult proposition to decide.

It\'s not that I\'m worried that the players on the court are not qualified and don\'t work hard.

Mainly the remaining two, how to deal with it?
