Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 11: : Your uncle or your uncle (2 in 1)

pps: Thanks to Xiaoxueman, Xiaow, Xiaoyu for their generous rewards!


"Even if you don\'t play, we can take them out."

Seeing Sawamura playing, Narutomiya said.

"I know I know!"

Eijun Sawamura smiled in response.

"Bastard, it\'s obvious that you don\'t believe it, right?"

"How can I not believe in your strength, senior. I just can\'t stand these guys, thinking Tokyo is easy to bully."

When Sawamura Eijun said this, it was like speaking into Narimiya Naruto\'s heart at once.

In the previous duel, the two teams were clearly evenly matched.

No matter whether he is compared with Akujin or a native villager, he is not bad at all.

Even just now, if Akujin didn\'t run away, they actually had the confidence to score points from Akujin.

The current Tokyo Star team integrates the four clubs and ace of various giants.

Terribly powerful.

As long as the other party shows the slightest flaw, they will show the attack of destroying Gu Laxiu.

Completely drown the opponent.

Just like just now, they were really just a little bit short of hitting Akutsu\'s ball.

Those who should be tested before have already been tested, and these players of the Tokyo Star Team also have a psychological plan for how to solve their opponents.

Ordinarily, in this case, they should have won the hit, which is a matter of course.

I didn\'t expect the other party to be a coward. As soon as the signs were not good, he immediately turned upside down.

Now they are starting from scratch, targeting their hometown.

Compared to Akujin, Hongo is an honest man, and he never hides his skills.

But if you think he is a good solution because of this, you are wrong.

The average speed of the terrifying ball of 150 kilometers, alone, has surpassed Nagiya Naruto.

Although Nagiya Ming can also throw a ball of 150 kilometers, but that is only his fastest ball speed.

In terms of average ball speed, he is in the early 145s, not much better than Sawamura.

Coupled with precise ball control and sharp change of the ball.

Once the township casts momentum, it is difficult for anyone to stop him.

In fact, the momentum of the hometown has completely soared.

And a pitcher like him, once his momentum soars.

That’s what God blocks and kills God, and Buddha blocks and kills Buddha.

Xiao Gu of the Qingdao High School baseball team is a half-finished product compared to Hong Kong, and his level of completion is simply not enough.

But so what?

Once the young man starts to rage, still no one can stop him!

That\'s the benefit of fastball pitchers.

As their opponent, facing such a monster, Cheng Gongming was also very helpless.

All he can guarantee is his own pitching, and there\'s nothing else he can do about it.

The total score is 1:0 behind.

In such a tough pitching game, this one point lag is deadly.

At this time, Cheng Gongming needs the support of strong hitters very much.

The teammates around him have always been very reliable, even when playing against Eijun Sawamura, his teammates did not let him down.

When it\'s time to score points, score points naturally.

But in today\'s game, the situation is a little special.

In the past, they faced a top pitcher at best.

It\'s good now that they face three top pitchers, and it is very likely that they will still be in a wheel battle.

This situation is more embarrassing.

No matter how reliable his friends on the Daocheng Industrial High School baseball team are, in such a harsh environment, it is too difficult to get hits and points.

He needs stronger hitters.

At this time, Naimiya Ming inevitably thought of Sawamura Eijun and Thunder City.

Who is the most reliable hitter in Tokyo?

That Cheng Gongming will definitely drag these two out without hesitation.

Although their styles are very different, it can even be said that they are completely irrelevant.

But the performance of the two of them standing on the strike zone made people extremely trustworthy.

Even in a different style, they\'re hitting and home runs are terrifyingly high.

"here we go!"

"It\'s finally here!"

For them in Hong Kong, the significance of Sawamura Eijun playing is extraordinary.

Although Nagiya Naruto, who is currently on the pitching mound, is also very good at pitching.

They all admit this, and the strength of the other party definitely belongs to the top of the national pyramid.

But compared with the great demon king Sawamura Eijun, his strength is unavoidable, and it is not enough to see.

This made the star players of the other teams always have a very awkward feeling in their hearts. They felt that these players of the Tokyo Star team had not done their best at all. Why did they think so? The reason is actually very simple, because Sawamura Eijun has not yet played.

The most powerful player has not yet played, how could Tokyo use its full strength.

Alright now, Sawamura Eijun, after a long call.

It\'s finally here!

In this way, Tokyo also showed all its strength.

It\'s time for a fair fight.

Of course, they are thinking about these issues now, and it is still a bit premature.

After all, Sawamura has other things to do now.

Renji, who was in the position of the catcher, took a deep look at Sawamura in the strike zone.

Originally full of confidence, he couldn\'t help but mutter in his heart at this time.

I don\'t know if it was his own delusion, but he felt that the current Sawamura Eijun looked more terrifying than ever before.

Obviously expressionless, what is the score at this time? But it gives a very scary feeling. It\'s like a beast that chooses people to eat, and it\'s about to swallow people right away.


Even if Sawamura Eijun hadn\'t really started swinging, Renji already felt the deep danger.

At this moment, he deeply realized that he had to take action!

"I can\'t hide it anymore, Sawamura has top dynamic vision."

In order to deal with Sawamura, Lianji and Hongxiang discussed countermeasures in private.

The Qingdao High School baseball team has always been a towering mountain in front of them.

Eijun Sawamura is the Mount Everest in front of them.

On the surface, they have no chance of winning.

But as opponents, they would always run into the Qingdao High School baseball team during the competition.

Sooner or later, I will meet Benxiang with such a sense of consciousness, as well as other star players.

How could he not try his best?

In the past, they thought of a solution to Sawamura Eijun.

In the last game, I actually wanted to use it, but Xiao Gu Xiao disturbed the game. They didn\'t wait for Sawamura Eijun to come on the court, and they went all the way and crushed it. This made the players who stayed on the construction site. How painful!

That guy is nothing short of a spoiler!

Sawamura Eijun\'s pitching is completely different from that of the destroyer.

But you\'d be wrong to think that his pitch is better than that of the spoiler.

To onlookers, Eijun Sawamura\'s pitching was not as aggressive as Akatsuki Furutani.

But you have to experience it for yourself, and you will find that the outside world is too gentle.

The real situation is much crueler.

Pulling away, then talk about the duel between the two.

He had been losing to the Qingdo High School baseball team and Sawamura before.

Benxiang is not a fool, they will definitely do research in private.

What is Eijun Sawamura\'s pitch like?

What was his blow like?

Sawamura\'s blow still left a very deep impression on people.

Losing to Sawamura Eijun was the biggest stain in his life for Masamune Hongo.

In order to survive this blow, the efforts he made in private were insignificant to outsiders. Since the pitching of Hongo began to form a system. The township is authentic, and I have been looking forward to it, looking forward to a showdown with Sawamura Eijun.

When they were in Jiaziyuan in the summer before, the two had actually fought each other. At that time, Masamune Hongo showed unparalleled extraordinary strength, and almost made Sawamura Eijun follow him. But in the days that followed.

Especially after losing that game, Hong Kong Masamune\'s strength has also changed a lot. His pitching did not diminish because of the loss of the game, but became more pure because of the failure, and now it is even more successful.

Hong Kong Zhengzong\'s strength suddenly increased a bit, but he didn\'t tell anyone except himself.


I haven\'t seen each other for a few days, but now I have seen the authentic of my hometown again.

Sawamura Eijun also had to sigh, this guy\'s talent has reached the level of a monster.

Even under such unfavorable circumstances, the strength can still be improved, which is really enviable.

But he doesn\'t have to envy each other anymore, after all, the two sides are now directly fighting each other.

Sawamura Eijo didn\'t need to think so much at all, just hit the baseball that came flying.

Hong Kong\'s authentic pitching rhythm was so fast that Sawamura didn\'t have time to enter the state at all, and the white **** hit each other.



The pace is so fast!

Sawamura Eijun also doesn\'t know whether Hongo Masamune did it on purpose? Or was it intentional?

His pitching rhythm suddenly sped up a lot, which was completely different from his previous pitching rhythm.

At present, the enemy, temporarily changing their pitching rhythm, but a very dangerous behavior.

Sawamura Eijun frowned slightly. In his impression, even though Hong Kong Masamune was a little impulsive, he had the kind of **** temper shared by young people.

But he wasn\'t that kind of person at heart.

If something really happened, his attitude was very calm.

The reason why Sawamura was able to hit his **** again and again before was because his method of operating the market was not very good.

Eijun Sawamura on the strike zone shook his head slightly, throwing away the unrealistic thoughts in his mind.

I don\'t know why, but his current thoughts are like a blowout, maybe some kind of idea will pop up.

But now is obviously not the time, he has more important things to do.

When the opponent is throwing the ball, he has to hit the opponent\'s ball in front of him. The Tokyo Stars have reached a very dangerous edge. Once the local Masamune is fully launched, they may be really hard to come by. separated.

This guy is a businessman. He doesn\'t look at the big picture at all, and only pays attention to the petty profits in front of him. Sawamura really doesn\'t have much experience in dealing with such a person. Now the only thing he can be sure of is.

So fast! !

He watched helplessly as the baseball flew past his eyes.

Sawamura Eijun\'s heart was very turbulent.

It\'s not that he has no other way, it\'s just that he didn\'t expect to actually fight.

Those hype guys I mentioned before can\'t actually help a little bit.

"nice shot!!"

Sawamura Eijun was unable to take the first goal of Hongo, which made the star players from other regions full of unparalleled excitement when they saw this matchup.

The previously omnipotent Great Demon King Sawamura was finally restrained by them in this duel.

This sudden idea shocked the star players in other regions. When did they start to think that as long as they continued to compete like this, they would definitely be able to win.

What do you think about this? The idea is also amazing.


No matter what others thought, Eijun Sawamura didn\'t miss a second after letting go of the first ball.

He was quickly immersed in that state.

bring it on!

In Sawamura Eijun\'s line of sight, at this time, everything around him has left him, and the only thing left in his eyes is Masamune Hongo who is in charge of pitching on the pitcher\'s This is amazing an experience.

After continuous practice, Sawamura Eijun also made a little progress.

Originally, as long as the opponent\'s pitching rhythm was fast enough, Sawamura Eijun had no way to enter this state.

Because it takes time for him to enter this state, the opponent\'s pitching is too fast and he quits directly without waiting for him to enter. In this case, Sawamura Eijun is also powerless. Now, if the opponent\'s rhythm is fast in the first ball , Sawamura Eijun will deliberately make a move to delay the time, and then when the catcher returns, he has completed certain preparations by using the time he delayed, and when the pitcher picks up the ball and prepares to pitch, Sawamura Rong Purely into this state.

Using this little trick, by the time Hongo Masamune pitched for the second time, Sawamura Eijun was already immersed in his magical state.

In his sight, Hongo Masamune\'s entire pitching action became extremely slow, and he could see every detail, including the moment when Hongo shot the ball.

Straight ball?

In the second ball, Hongo chose a straight ball.

This was a surprise to Sawamura Eijun.

He really wanted to ask Benxiang, who gave him the courage to make such a choice, Gigi Leung?

Well, he may not know who Gigi Leung is.

But Sawamura Eijun didn\'t care.

He just needs to let his hometown know that your uncle will always be your uncle.


The low sound of swinging the bat, accompanied by an incomparably powerful force, hit the white ball ruthlessly.


The white ball soared into the sky and flew into the empty stands.



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