Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 11: : Crazy, all crazy! (Tribute to the Chinese novel)

"Thirteen strikeouts!!!"

"The strikeout record in a single game at the Kanto Conference, which has been maintained for nine years, has been broken! The record is broken by Sawamura Eijun from Nagano Prefecture!"

"An unbelievable miracle."

"Five innings, a total of 15 outs are needed. Of these 15 outs, thirteen are strikeouts. If you hadn\'t seen it with your own eyes, even the reporters couldn\'t believe it."

"Eijun Sawamura, I believe this name will be heard throughout the country the next day."

The Kanto Conference was originally influential, and Akagi\'s opponent today is the Yokozuna Middle School, the national hegemon. Based on Sawamura\'s performance today, everyone who pays attention to baseball will probably know Sawamura\'s name the next day.

crazy! All the media and commentators are crazy.

Except for the two sides of the game and the spectators, the entire stadium was in chaos.

"Front page headlines! Must be front page headlines!"

"Big news, super big news!"

"Get me the information on Akagi and Sawamura as soon as possible. What, no! Then don\'t go to work tomorrow."


Nagano City, in a small independent villa.

The old **** Futian Yasushi was watching the live TV, and the camera kept switching to Sawamura\'s face.

"Sawamura Eijun got the thirteenth strikeout."

Futian Kang raised the wine glass in his hand and said to the TV screen, "Cheers."

Just then, the phone beside him rang.

Who, this time, it\'s really disappointing.

Futian Kang took the phone in dissatisfaction, but when he saw the name on the screen, the whole person immediately became restless.


That is, the chairman of Baseball Boys magazine.

"Hello, boss. I\'m Futian."

"Haha, Fukuda. You really have a good eye! Last time you told me, do you have the details of Akagi? Do you have any experience growing up with Sawamura?"

"Yes, there are!"

"That\'s good, you can pass it on right now, and I will organize the editing and layout right away. As soon as the game is over, we will publish this news as soon as possible."

"Okay, boss!"

Opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared. It all stems from that interview he gave a year ago.

Akagi\'s performance this year can be found by any reporter with a little ability.

It is nothing more than picking the three kings, suppressing Dabei, and Nagano.

These things are expected to be badly written by people.

But the real strength of Akagi Middle School is not here.

Thinking, Futian Kang smiled slightly.

Only he knows how difficult and legendary Akagi has been from building the team to the present. Once this story is written, it will definitely get a lot of praise.

A school with nothing, self-taught talented players and captains, leading their hometown friends to form a team and create brilliant...

The reporter is crazy, the commentator is crazy!

Originally, they all knew that Sawamura would become popular, and geniuses and heroes in this country have always attracted much attention. And Sawamura has both of them!

They were calm then, but not now.

Just breaking the record is enough. The most terrifying thing is Akagi or Sawamura\'s opponent.

His opponent, but the national hegemon who just won the Bunchen Cup, Yokozuna Middle School!

The existence of a national giant!

Sawamura stepped on the corpse of the national overlord to reach the top, such a strikeout record, such a gold content. Even if Sawamura died in the future, he achieved nothing. His name is enough to be written into baseball history.

As long as the Kanto Conference exists, Sawamura\'s name will shine for a day.

The efficiency of communication in the audience is amazing, but in just one minute, the audience knew about it.

So the audience went crazy!

Many of the brothers in the Brotherhood of Chi-hearts are big men in their twenties and thirties, and they have not been completely smoothed out by this society. Several excited fans even took off their shirts and cheered shirtless.

The etiquette of island countries is very strict, even rigid, throughout Asia. In a large audience, shirtless cheering for the team is not unique, but definitely not many.

Under the leadership of the Brotherhood of Brotherhood, other audience members also showed a very crazy attitude.

"Three strikes! Three strikes!!!"

You must know that in the second half of the fifth inning, Akagi attacked. But that didn\'t stop the fans\' enthusiasm in the slightest.

Fortunately, no one misunderstood, this voice is cheering Yokozuna.

In the bullpen of Akagi Middle School.

The party concerned, Sawamura, was still at a loss.

"What\'s wrong?"

He looked strangely around the crazy fans and reporters.

"Eijun-san, you broke the record. Thirteen strikeouts."

Xiaomu\'s ears are relatively easy to use, and he quickly figured out the clues from the babble of the audience.

"Che, startle me. I thought something big was coming."

Sawamura breathed a sigh of relief.

Baseball fans are not as crazy as football stadiums. It\'s rare to see the audience fall into madness like this.

Sawamura has only experienced it twice in his previous life. Once in high school, Tokyo won the championship. Another time was in the major leagues, which happened to coincide with the U.S. election, when the president of the United States, who was one of the candidates, came to cheer the team.

Fierce general election competition was brought to the field.

Not only fans and reporters went crazy, but also Akagi\'s opponents went crazy.

Yokozuna Junior High, National Big Mac, defending champion of last summer\'s National Championship and this spring\'s Bunchen Cup.

Such a team turned out to be a supporting role for Sawamura to strike out.

You can imagine what people will say about this game in the future. At that time, Yokozuna will probably be nailed to the pillar of shame forever.

If you don\'t want to end up like this, then the yokozuna must not lose this game.

Victory can dilute everything, so what if you Sawamura got thirteen strikeouts from us? In the end, we are still the winner!

"Don\'t save your go all out to win the opponent. Today\'s game, even if we drag it, we will drag the opponent to death."

Supervisor Takeda\'s eyes were like those of a gambler who was in a hurry to lose.

He miscalculated, and honestly, he also had a hunch that Sawamura might break the strikeout record. But he never thought that the impact of this record would be so great!

Yeah, after all these strikeouts didn\'t come from other people, but from yokozuna.

Sawamura\'s superb pitching is only one aspect of why he has such a big influence. The most important reason is the yokozuna.

Sawamura became famous by stepping on Yokozuna\'s corpse!

If Sawamura or Akagi\'s story is really adapted into manga, anime and even TV series. It can be imagined that Yokozuna\'s role positioning must not be much better.

At most, a giant jumping beam clown.

Otherwise, if you are really strong, how can you get so many strikeouts?