Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 109: : The next battle, fellow

"So soon, we met!"

In the hotel where the Qingdo High School baseball team stayed.

Hirota looked at the battle group in his hand and sighed.

Matsumoto next to him also had the same expression.

Xinglong High School.

Before, it was unknown.

This school has nothing else but money. They just relied on money, and they brought the best supervisors and the best players in Nagano Prefecture.

Throughout Nagano, there used to be the Akagi Junior High School baseball team, and now there is Xinglong High School.

Although the achievements made by Xinglong University were completely incomparable with the baseball team of Akagi Middle School at that time.

But don\'t forget that no matter how strong the Akagi Middle School baseball team is, they are only the middle school softball league.

Its influence has great innate limitations.

Xinglong University is different.

They were high school, and suddenly rose up in the year when the Akagi Middle School baseball team was silent.

All at once made up for the regrets of Nagano fans.

Although Xinglong never won the championship once, and even the finals, he never made it to the finals.

However, he can often get into Koshien and become the winning school in Koshien.

This is already amazing.

Fans in Nagano are content.

As for not winning the championship, they don\'t really mind.

After all, the championship didn\'t fall into the hands of anyone else. Didn\'t the Qingdao High School baseball team get it?

With their great demon king from Nagano, what problems can\'t be solved?

The players of the Xinglong high school baseball team, although they performed very well. It makes Nagano fans very proud, but this kind of pride is not comparable to when Sawamura Eijun was in the Akagi Middle School baseball team.

The difference is too big!

That is the real devil.

With a group of little friends who know nothing, they went on a rampage and won the national championship.

At that time, the state of the entire Nagano Prefecture was crazy.

Later, even if Xinglong scored efficiently in Jiaziyuan and performed well in Jiaziyuan, they never had that kind of emotion again.

In the hearts of Nagano fans, Sawamura Eijun is synonymous with invincibility.

In fact, it has been the case since Sawamura became the ace of the Qingdo High School baseball team.

They have always been invincible and invincible.

So far, it seems that there is no existence that can stop them.

Such an amazing performance, how can it not make people feel pleasing and eye-catching.

There is only one Sawamura Eijun who can do this nationwide.

No matter how good other players are, they can always find some other reasons.

Either they are well educated, or they have a strong team in their own right.

Only Sawamura Eijun seemed to be born out of nowhere.

Any expert professor can only have two words for the evaluation of Sawamura Eijun.


There are no other adjectives to describe it. If you have to find a word, it is amazing.

Sawamura Eijun is very strong!

This is recognized by everyone, and no one guy can say half a word.

But at the same time, the significance of Xinglong University to Nagano Prefecture is also very different.

How good is Eijun Sawamura? He has left Nagano, after all, and is now working for a team in Tokyo.

Considering Eijun Sawamura\'s future career choices, it is not surprising that Sawamura made such a choice.

Especially Nagano fans, although emotionally, it is still a bit difficult to accept.

But reason tells them clearly.

There was nothing wrong with Sawamura making such a choice.

After all, his future is not only three years in high school, but professional baseball, and even the major leagues.

Although Eijun Sawamura is still very young, he has already shown extraordinary potential.

The fans are willing to believe him and understand him.

But no matter how much you believe and understand, when people leave, they leave.

Now the most supported team in Nagano Prefecture is Xinglong High School.

at this point.

The same goes for Matsumoto and Hirota from Nagano Prefecture.

They also support Xinglong University emotionally.

Although they themselves wanted to follow in the footsteps of Sawamura Eijun, they still decided to join the Qingdo High School baseball team.

But emotionally, they still hope that the Xinglong High School baseball team can thrive.

One is the team he belongs to, and there is his most beloved senior in the team.

One is the representative of his hometown and the object of his emotional support.

The two teams are about to meet.

For Hirota and Matsumoto, this was naturally an ordeal.

And this kind of torment is still very painful.

They stayed at the hotel to help.

This task is not for everyone.

In theory, only the official representatives who have entered the Koshien are eligible to live here.

But the Qingdao High School baseball team can\'t stand the money.

In addition to the main players, there are seven or eight first- and second-year players who stay in the team to help.

The money spent was naturally reimbursed by the Qingdao High School baseball team.

Let them stay, one is to help the players of the first army practice, and do chores by the way.

Another reason is to let them feel the atmosphere of the game in advance.

After the third-year players graduated, they went up smoothly.

This is what Coach Ochiai brought up.

The trip to Koshien of the Qingdao High School baseball team is destined to take a long time.

It\'s certainly a good thing for them now.

The further they go, the more they win, and the players and teams have reason to be happy.

But for the fall competition, which starts in early September.

For such a long time, the new team has not been established. The future of the Qingdao High School baseball team is really worrying!

It is to avoid this that Coach Ochiai made such a suggestion.

After the proposal was put forward, it was approved by everyone.

Be prepared for a rainy day!

As the saying goes, people without far-sightedness must have immediate worries.

In order for the team to continue to prosper in the future, the chubby principal and the screeching dean of the Qingdao High School baseball team were as arrogant as ever.

"Include the hotel, let\'s go together!"

Matsumoto and Hirota are both beneficiaries of this rule.

In addition to them, there are Chen Ping and Yui Xun who were just brushed down by the First Army.

and three other first-year friends.

Of the 9 people who stayed, 7 were first-year students, and there were only two second-year seniors.

Takajin-senpai and Kaneda-senpai.

As for the other players.

There is no other way but to follow the bus and go back to school.

Although the money for the bus is not a small amount.

But compared to letting so many people live, yes, it costs significantly less to get everyone back to school by bus.

The principal and dean of the Qingdao High School baseball team, although very arrogant, did not have the habit of extravagance and waste.

Besides, they are all part-time workers, not real bosses.

There are many things that they can\'t do even if they want to.

After all, they have to explain to their boss behind the scenes, don\'t they?

Qingdao played Xinglong.

These two are about to confront each other, which makes many players feel very uncomfortable.

For example, Xinglong University.

in their hotel.

When they saw the battle table, the players of Xinglong High School wished they could chop off the hand of the guy who drew lots.

"There are 7 teams in total, and the probability of drawing a baseball team is only 1/7. This probability can make you meet, say, are you a spy sent by other teams?"

Facing the questions from his friends, Feng Xiang\'s face was full of bitterness.

I can play another game with Sawamura Eijun and the Qingdo High School baseball team.

For Fengxiang has always been his dream.

He hopes that he can stand on the same court with Sawamura Eijun again.

Even as an opponent.

Such a match made him very excited.

When I sleep and dream at night, I don\'t know how many times I have thought about it in my dream.

Although he longed to meet the Qingdo High School baseball team and face off against the Qingdo High School baseball team.

But let\'s be honest.

He didn\'t want to be so early.

This is only 8 in 4...

According to Feng Xiang\'s original plan, he originally hoped that he could meet Qing Dao in the final, and the last time was the semi-final.

It\'s a bit too early to meet it now.
