Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 101: : New record of the Great Demon King (3rd line)

"Demon King! Demon King!!!"


The fans in the stands shouted furiously. Their mental state was obviously abnormal.

It is difficult for anyone to maintain a normal state of mind in such a **** scene.

Everyone watched eagerly, the moment Sawamura Eijun broke the record.

Not just the fans, but also the reporters on the field. Even professional team managers who are mature enough to not take high school grades seriously.

At this time, it was also radiated, the blood in the body.

They instantly remembered when they were young, many people also played baseball when they were children.

At that time, there were few entertainment activities, no mobile phones, no computers.

When it comes to the game, many people come to watch the game. Once someone has an excellent performance, the enthusiasm of the audience is also very high.

The players will even have fun for days at a time.

At this time, even these old fritters had to sigh with emotion.

It\'s nice to be young!

Eijun Sawamura on the mound now has a full 15 strikeouts.

Shirakawa on the strike zone originally thought that even if he couldn\'t get a hit after playing, he would find a way to knock out Eijun Sawamura\'s ball.

The atmosphere was so weird that Sawamura became the protagonist of the whole world. The Daocheng Industrial High School baseball team is like the villain.

Speaking of villains, they are flattering!

The current Daocheng Industrial High School baseball team is a bit like a clown.

If the game continues to develop like this, the momentum of the Qingdao High School baseball team will definitely become stronger and stronger.

In a game, either the east wind prevails over the west wind, or the west wind prevails over the east wind.

If the momentum of the Qingdao High School baseball team became stronger, then naturally the momentum of the Daocheng Industrial High School baseball team weakened.

Therefore, it is necessary to curb Sawamura\'s rhythm.

But before Bai He came on the field, the supervisor of Guoyou specially warned them.

Don\'t be timid, be brave to swing the bat!

Use bunts or precision strikes to block Sawamura Eijun\'s pitching momentum.

Using such a method to fight against Sawamura Eijun is tantamount to giving Aodou the number of eliminations in vain.

This is really two skins on the human mouth, no matter what you say.

For example, if you use a short shot, you can really block the momentum of Sawamura Eijun\'s strikeout.

But considering the defensive strength of the Qingdao High School baseball team, it was actually not much different from the number of games sent out.

How do you say this is done?

No matter how thick-skinned Bai He was, he couldn\'t use a bunt at this time.

He could only bite the bullet and face off against Eijun Sawamura on the pitcher mound.

His eyes were firmly locked on Sawamura Eijun, and in Shirakawa\'s mind, what Carlos had said before began to emerge.

Sawamura Eijun\'s previous pitches were a bit like a jet ball.

Of course, no matter what kind of ball, in the hands of Sawamura Eijun, it will definitely change, and there must be a big gap with the original change ball.

The same goes for this jet ball!

The first is that the magnitude of the change is even greater, and there is a feeling of being caught off guard.

Another is the ball speed of this kind of ball.

I don\'t know for what reason, this ball completely violates the common sense of physics.

Generally speaking, the greater the variation of the changing ball, the slower the speed must be.

The greater the change, the greater the air resistance, the greater the spin of the ball itself, and the greater the excess force exerted by the pitcher...

And this ball thrown by Sawamura Eijun is the most bizarre place.

With such a big change, the speed of the ball has not decreased, but has increased.

Even faster than a straight ball!

Is this reasonable?

This is definitely not reasonable.

Therefore, Karl Ross is very secretive about Sawamura Eijun\'s new change ball.

It\'s not that he doesn\'t want to share the information with his teammates, but that he doesn\'t know what to tell them?

Even if he said this, who would believe it?

"What\'s your suggestion?"

As a partner in the team, Shirakawa very much trusts Karl Rose\'s judgment. Since he has no way to describe that kind of ball in detail, it is useless to force him.

If so, ask him what advice he has for you.

"Give up that kind of ball and hit another ball! Generally speaking, Sawamura doesn\'t hold on to a kind of ball."

This matter, Karl Ross has obviously thought about it. The advice given is very actionable.

"it is good!"

Now standing in the strike zone, looking at Sawamura Eijun on the pitcher mound. Bai He also had to sigh with emotion, sometimes people\'s talents can\'t be envied.

Just like Sawamura in front of him.

Other pitchers need at least a few months, or even half a year, to hone a changing ball.

Hone out, this kind of ball is not necessarily suitable for pitchers.

So in general, a pitcher doesn\'t learn much about changing the ball, especially at this stage in high school.

One to two, many three to four.

This is generally the limit!

Going one step further, pitchers who can have more than 4 variations of the ball.

It is rare across the country.

Like Sawamura Eisei, there are more than a dozen kinds of guys just from the change **** that others have summed up for him.

Whether it is now, in the past, or even in the future.

have never appeared!

The most annoying thing is that the change **** developed by others are still very advanced.

It\'s really a **** comparison of people, and it\'s worth throwing away goods.

As he sighed in his heart, Bai He also made up his mind secretly. He will not be resigned to the inferior just because of Sawamura Eijun\'s excellence.

That\'s not his Baihe style.

On the contrary, the better Eijun Sawamura performed, the more he had to hit his ball.

After giving up that variation ball, aim for only straight and quirky balls!

After Shirakawa made up his mind, Sawamura Eijun\'s pitch. Also came as promised.

It was as if it had been discussed with Baihe in advance.


Looking at the flying white ball, a trace of confusion flashed in Bai He\'s eyes.

Shirakawa is all too familiar with Sawamura Eijun\'s pitching posture.

Not to mention how many times he has seen it on the videotape, it\'s just such a face-to-face confrontation. His fight with Sawamura Eijun has also reached double digits.

In this case, he is very familiar with every move Sawamura Eijun throws.

As for Sawamura, no matter what kind of change he casts.

His pitching stance has never changed.

This has also become one of the characteristics of Sawamura Demon King.

Because no flaws can be seen from the action, it is even more difficult for others to aim at the ball they want to hit.

But this time, very oddly, Eijun Sawamura\'s pitching stance has changed.

The distance he stepped was obviously larger than before, and the center of gravity was lower than before...

This is?

As if a flash of lightning suddenly flashed across his mind, Bai He instantly understood what was going on.

This is Eijun Sawamura\'s new ball of change.

It\'s the same as what Carlos said, and it can be clearly seen.

After seeing it, Bai He naturally didn\'t shoot the ball.


"nice shot!"

But this wasn\'t the end. Immediately after that shot, Eijun Sawamura threw the second shot with almost the same stance.


Seeing this ball, Bai He almost did not restrain the desire in his body.

He wants to swing!

But in the end, reason prevailed over desire, and Baihe still trusted Carl Rose\'s words.

He believes that Carlos will not be arrogant. In this ball, there must be something that he has not figured out.

In the end he let it go again.


"nice shot!!"

For two consecutive balls, Bai He did not swing.

He was naturally chased.

In the last ball that followed, Sawamura Eijun took a big step again.

Seeing this scene, Bai He frowned into a pimple.

It is said to bring one belt two not three.

Sawamura Eijun has completely ignored this rule, and he directly used this ball as a conventional weapon.

When Bai He saw this scene, the first thing he thought was not what should he do?

But get angry!

This kind of change ball that Eijun Sawamura displayed was placed in the hands of other pitchers. Who should keep it as a treasure?

It is afraid of melting in the mouth, and afraid of falling off in the hand.

It will never be used easily unless it is a last resort.

But here in Sawamura, everything seems to have changed.

This kind of ball has become Sawamura\'s conventional weapon, just like ordinary straight **** and quirk balls.

Never heard of this...

No matter how mysterious the ball is, Sawamura Eijun is so unrestrained, sooner or later the hitter will adapt.

He will definitely suffer!

Although I secretly hate Sawamura Eijun for not being restrained.

But Bai He had to admit that, as far as he was concerned, there was nothing he could do with this kind of ball.

Although after being chased, he swung his bat.

But the baseball managed to bypass the bat\'s obstruction and got into Miyuki\'s glove.


"nice shot!"

"strike out!!!"

Next on the field is Naruto Naruto.

So far, Sawamura Eijun has thrown five or six **** like that.

Although the players of the Daocheng Industrial High School baseball team had never hit the ball, they still knew how the ball was going.

It should be similar to the trajectory of the jet ball, faster than the speed of the straight ball.

I have to say that such a throwing ball that violates the rules of physics is really a headache.

But after understanding what\'s going on, you can still come up with a strategy.

Swing early and hit the angle of the jet ball.

That\'s what Naimiya Ming did, and it was very successful.

The first ball swing was missed.

On the second ball, he hit the ball out of bounds.

"The outside world!"

Seeing Cheng Gongming touch the ball, the players of the Daocheng Industrial High School baseball team were so excited.

Originally, they had actually given up hope, because they had no way to hit Sawamura Eijun\'s ball.

Did not expect such a surprise.

Maybe, keep trying...

Just when the friends of the Daocheng Industrial High School baseball team fell into fantasy, Miyuki\'s mouth outlined a cold smile.

Level 4, Rocket, the first quarter fell off!

Can be regarded by Sawamura Eijun and Miyuki as a level four change ball, of course, the rocket ball can\'t be that simple.

Strictly speaking, a rocket ball is not only a kind of ball, but a collection of several kinds of balls.

Simply taking out a certain kind is the level of Level 3, and even in Level 3, it is not considered brilliant.

But when these kinds of **** are combined together, they will play a complementary power.

Narimiya Mingzhi, who had just knocked the ball out, was complacent and ready to make persistent efforts.

At this time, Sawamura Eijun\'s third ball was thrown.

Cheng Gongming swung the bat according to the rules just now, and then he found out very miraculously that the ball was gone!


"nice shot!"

"strike out!!"

"strike out!!"

Nine strikeouts, three ups and threes.

On the pitcher mound, Sawamura continued to demonstrate the power of his own great demon king.

The fans in the stands were mesmerized.

With the end of the first half of the seventh inning, the atmosphere at the scene was fired to the top.

After winning these three strikeouts, Eijun Sawamura scored 18 strikeouts in this game.

In one fell swoop, he broke the record for strikeouts in a single game in the West Tokyo Regional Competition.
