Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

~: Testimonials

Finally, the day has come, and the book "The Return of the Pitcher of Diamond Ace" is on the shelves.

First of all, I would like to thank Xingye for their strong support, giving Xiaoxiong the opportunity to sign a contract and recommend it and put it on the shelves.

Of course, the most important thing is the strong support of new and old book friends. Without you, Little Bear would not be where it is today. There are many book friends who support it, and Xiaoxiong will not name them one by one.

Because there is a lot of controversy, here Xiaoxiong will first explain the initial thoughts and future plans of this book.

First, why did Xiaoxiong want to write about Sawamura in the first place? I have to mention the support of sister Qianqian and several local book friends. The idea of ​​Sawamura\'s rebirth was originally proposed by them. Xiao Xiong felt that he did have a lot of regrets in the last book, so he started writing.

Since it is Sawamura\'s rebirth, there are a few points that have to be mentioned.

The first is the terrifying strength after rebirth, the second is the rich experience, and the third is the regret of the previous life...

If Sawamura entered high school, he would have shown the characteristics of the most rookie. This is the main reason Xiaoxiong wrote about middle school in the first place. Only with the excess of middle school and the status and treatment of Sawamura entering high school can we reasonably solve it.

Then there is a dead end, and that is the problem of repetition.

In the last book, Little Bear has written a lot of stories about the original book. If you write it again, will it be repeated? Thinking of this, Xiao Xiong thought about rebuilding Sawamura\'s image and strength.

People\'s strength and status are different. Even if the environment is the same as what they encounter, they will evolve different results. This is the really exciting part of this book.

After it\'s on the shelves, there is a final volume in the middle school: The Legend of the Great Demon King!

For those who don\'t like junior high school plots, I also recommend you to read this volume, because only after reading this volume will you be able to accept the difference between Sawamura and high school in the future.

This volume also includes interactions with Qing Dao, Chris, Naruto Naruto, and other characters in the original work, which can also be viewed as the first volume of Diamond Ace.

By the way, the location of the national competition is Tokyo.

It was announced that Akagi will definitely enter the whole country, so don\'t worry about that. But do you think they defeated the Great Demon Lord Yokozuna, or entered through the play-offs?

More exciting, waiting for you to see.

Finally, let\'s talk about the update after we put it on the shelves.

It\'s a good thing to say that it broke out on the shelves. But in order not to affect the quality, it is impossible to add more and more.

Here is a standard, five chapters on the first day, and three chapters a day after that.

This is Little Bear\'s update plan, and it is also a guarantee, that is to say, Little Bear has the least amount of updates per day. If one day is delayed and the next day makes up for it, it will be doubled. For example, today\'s three watch, because of the delay to write two more. After tomorrow\'s supplementary watch, it will not be the fourth watch, but the fifth watch.

Little Bear would like to thank everyone for your support!

When a new book is on the shelves, the most important data is definitely the subscription. This kind of thing, the little bear also knows that it can\'t be forced. Here is just a request for your support. Our book is relatively small, and every subscription support is particularly important. The results of the book are good, and we will definitely update more.

Xiaoxiong sent Hongyuan, and they all ordered more than 200 to start adding updates, and every 20 years after that, a chapter was added.

220, 240, 260, 280, 300...

By analogy, for every additional 20, Little Bear will definitely add a new chapter.

Of course, it is not ruled out that there are so many brothers and sisters, and the subscription ability is limited. If the Cubs have the ability, we have other ways to add more.

The first one: reward!

Salute to all the rich book lovers!

A reward of five thousand plus one chapter.

Brothers and sisters, don\'t think that the little bear is kneeling and licking the local tyrants. There is no way, the little bear has to eat. The local tyrants admire their faces, and the little bear is also willing to add more, and everyone can follow and watch more coolly, there is nothing wrong with it!

All friends who have given a reward of more than 500 will be thanked in the author\'s words after the chapter. Friends who don\'t want to affect the reading can turn off the author\'s words.

We have no money, so we can despise the local tyrants. I don\'t look at you.

I have to apologize to the little snowman here. Among all the helmsmen, your little bear was busy before and didn\'t give any updates, so the first update will be given to the little snowman tomorrow!

The second: monthly pass!

If Little Bear has the ability, the 50-month pass will add one more update.

Third: Recommended!

Little Bear said, Little Bear is an omnivore and doesn\'t pick anything. As long as the ability is enough, starting next week, one thousand recommendation plus one more.

Add more rules.

All are set as the first add-on item, and all those who subscribe are Little Bear\'s parents. So as long as the order is 200, no matter which step the final order goes to, Little Bear swears that every time the order is increased by 20, a new chapter will be added.

The second addition is a reward! Kneeling down and licking all the local tyrants, after satisfying their parents, they will pay more and more to the local tyrants.

After the first and second items are satisfied.

The third and fourth additions are automatically enabled.

Monthly Pass Plus Plus and Recommended Plus Plus.

The little bear jumped up and was scared. As long as you support, appreciate your face. Bear, tired and willing.


To all the brothers and sisters who support Bear, thank you! The last thing to mention is that our starting point is the starting point, and the starting point subscription is counted.

Available on September 1st.

Guarantee the fifth watch time.

6:00 (get up and watch)

8:00 (view before going to work and school)




Three chapters, one piece, read at noon.

Then, if there is an update on the first day, it will be scheduled at 12:00 (Little Snowman), 14:00, 17:00, 19:00, 21:00.
