Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

~: Finish this testimonial

After two years and two months, it is finally over!

As many book lovers thought, in fact, in the later stages of this book, Xiaoxiong fell into a huge bottleneck.

Sawamura\'s strength is unmatched in the island. Little Bear couldn\'t even think of what other obstacles he would encounter?

At this time, the way to break the bottleneck is to introduce a new world view. To put it bluntly, change the map...

One is the national team and the other is Major League Baseball.

In both respects, Cubs have done a lot of preparation.

The little bear was also confident that he could give everyone a good ending.

But unfortunately, once the setting of the national team was introduced, the bear felt that the whole plot was awkward.

As a young man who likes to watch the rabbit that year, let the little bear describe the world view of the national team and professional baseball from the perspective of the island national team.

It\'s worse than killing the bear!

It\'s not that he can\'t write, it\'s that the bear has no sense of substitution, and feels awkward.

So the last volume will be delayed for two months.

And even if it took so much time, Xiao Xiong himself was not satisfied with what he wrote.

Not to mention everyone!

Here, the little bear apologizes to all the friends. You can accompany the little bear here, but the little bear has disappointed you.


But please believe that the little bear really did his best.

But there is no way, can\'t do it, just can\'t do it.

Next, I would like to sincerely thank Xiaoxue and Xiaow. When Little Bear was in the most difficult time, it was you who supported Little Bear as always, which helped Little Bear get out of the predicament.

Although Xiaoxiong was not very satisfied with the content of the whole volume, Xiaoxiong still found some feelings in the last few chapters.

It can be regarded as one, you can explain to yourself the ending of the past.

Then let\'s summarize this book. To be honest, no matter what others say about this book, Bear is generally satisfied.

There are many ways to measure the value of a book, such as the commercial value of the book, such as clicks, recommendations, collections, and influence of the book.

So what is our book like?

If there are clicks, according to the measurement standard before the starting point, there are almost 3 million.

It should be regarded as an account of past achievements.

Recommended, so far, 220,000. Although it took two years, this result can also be ranked in the top 50 of light novels.

There is a big gap compared with other novels.

But as far as baseball fiction is concerned, we should be number one.

Next, let\'s talk about business results, and the average is 704!

To be honest, this score is really not good.

On many people, it may be abandoned in the beginning.

But as far as Little Bear is concerned, a 6 million-word novel can get this support.

The little bear himself is already very content!

I would like to thank every friend who subscribed and rewarded. It is precisely because of your sincere support that this novel has been made possible.

And Xiaoxiong\'s own wish is just to subscribe to 500, 10 leaders, and 10,000 collections!

To be a human being, you need to be content. The brothers have given their support right from the beginning.

So the little bear himself, there is no dissatisfaction.

Finally, the influence, which is more objective, should be the number of searchers on Du Niang.

At our peak, the number of searches was nearly 1,000.

It wasn\'t great either, but as far as baseball fiction goes, we\'re still number one.


So the bear is really grateful for everyone\'s support!

In order to repay everyone, I specially send you two benefits.

The first one is the recommendation of baseball novels. Let\'s not talk about other baseball novels at the starting point. Bear has read all of them.

Basically divided into two categories, one is original, the other is diamond ace.

The originator of the original mountain is "Jiazi Garden of Chinese Youth".

As the first baseball novel in the true sense, many subsequent novels have more or less the shadow of this novel.

The content of his novels, even now, is very enjoyable.

Recommended index, 4 stars.

Others include a strong eye, an ace pitcher, and the invincibility of baseball and so on.

There are good and bad evaluations. The content is relatively small.

Strictly speaking, they are not written in the way of online novels.

Recommended index, two stars.

Next up is the Diamond Ace.

Writing novels about Diamond Ace here are basically eunuchs.

If you want to see it, you can search it on the search interface.

If you stick to it and finish the book, it seems that the only book left is the Absolute Guardian.

Content is not bad, recommend Samsung.

Finally, when it comes to two people, one of them is Xiao Xiong himself, of course we put it last.

The other one is called Ye Zui Mu Ye.

The diamond ace of the starting point routine, he should be the originator of the mountain.

Diamond ace super hitter!

To be honest, it is a classic even now. And the commercial value of this book is very high. I don\'t know how much each book is ordered.

But the peak is definitely over 1000.

It is because of the small number of words in this book that it was surpassed by us later. Otherwise, this should have been the number one diamond fanfic.

Immediately after that, Boss Xiaoye created an original baseball novel, Baseball Legend.

As a result, many people know that this book hit the street, and it hit badly.

With the ability of Boss Xiaoye, he had to end the creation of this book.

Then there is the "King of the Stadium" that is likely to become a masterpiece of a generation.

The setting is 50% similar to our book!

Of course, my style is completely different from that of Xiaoye boss, even if the same type is two completely different styles.

The performance of the champions of the stadium was better than us at the beginning, if not for the harmony in the middle.

If this book continues to be written, the results should surpass ours.

Of course, he may not be able to write so long, so in the end, who wins and who loses is also between the two.

The last one is now the bright trump card.

To be honest, it wasn\'t until this month that Little Bear had a chance to read Bright Ace again.

After reading it, I looked back at the new book Xiaoxiong set by himself, and couldn\'t help but burst into tears.

The similarity is as high as 60%!

If it is written according to the original setting, maybe someone will say that the bear plagiarized. But the conscience of heaven and earth, the little bear really only started watching the bright ace this month.

Hey, I don\'t know what to say.

Xiaoye is the eldest of the bears, and the recommendation index is 4 and a half stars.

Last but not least, the bear himself.

When Xiao Xiong first started to create, it was actually because he read Xiao Ye\'s book.

At that time, his update was too slow, like an old cow pulling a broken car.

Little Bear likes Diamond Ace so much, and there are countless thoughts in his heart that he wants to express.

So excited, I started writing it myself.

This is Bear\'s first book, the all-around baseball player!

To be honest, I didn\'t really think about signing a contract.

After receiving the signing text message, Xiaoxiong signed the contract after 10 days.

Looking back now, the book was so rotten that Little Bear himself was embarrassed to mention it.

Many settings are very problematic, and the rules of baseball are not familiar.

Fortunately, the story is decent, and there are a lot of supporters.

One star is recommended.

Immediately after that, Bear created I Have a Village in Hokage.

Facts have proved that with Xiaoxiong\'s pen power, it was still difficult to control such a huge subject at that time.

That book is also on the street!

However, the results should be a little better than the baseball legend of Xiaoye\'s boss.

Finally, the pitcher is back!

Of course, there are flaws in this book, but honestly, this book should be the most complete of all baseball novels right now.

Recommended index: 4 stars!


The last one is Bear\'s new book.

Little Xiong never thought that he could write a masterpiece with good grades.

But compared to this book, there should be a better framework, and a brighter future.

The protagonists are of course children of Huaxia, and their mothers work in the island country.

Family: Divorced.

At the beginning, baseball was not his dream.

He plays baseball because baseball is his way out!

What are the consequences of such a person entering the high school baseball world?

How does he get along with the people around him, what kind of growth will he have, and how will his outlook on life change?

The setting of the protagonist is clear, and the future chapters about the major leagues and North America should not be passive.

The recommended index is 4 and a half stars.

(Do you feel that the bear is a little stinky and shameless? But it is so shameless!)

This is another story based on the world view of Diamond The title of the book is inconvenient to disclose for the time being. When the review is approved, Little Bear will issue a single chapter.

If there is no accident, everyone can search for it tomorrow.

The second benefit, of course, is a gift package that has been saved for a year.

Friends who are familiar with Little Bear must know it, and it\'s time for us to distribute the gift packs.

Little snowman, little w.

And all the friends who are in the top 20 by fan value.

You send the address to the bear, remember that you only need the address, contact number and nickname (not the name.)

Then you can receive the love gift package that Little Bear dedicated to you.

In addition to these friends, according to the previous rules, there are hundreds of red envelopes.

The last red envelope is the top 10 in luck.

The little bear will also send a super gift bag!

Do you feel that the bear is very loyal?

No way, who let the little bear be so generous.

Finally, there is an apology, it is to a friend named gi!

According to the little bear\'s routine, all the rewards for the little bear, the little bear must add more.

But your reward is too late, and the bear was in a bottleneck period.

Several times of inspirational attempts to add more, but in the end, all the previous efforts were abandoned.

Here to say sorry, really sorry!

I don\'t know if you are still there now, but there will be a special episode at the end, specially for you.

Although the episode was not long, it contained a lot of Bear\'s future settings.

I\'m sending this extra to you alone, hoping to make up for my regrets.

Last but not least, I\'m really sorry!

In order to avoid many dreams at night, the bear is inspirational, the day after tomorrow, the day after tomorrow at most.

The extras of this book are childhood sweethearts.

Will update you all!

It is about Wakana and Sawamura, and some stories around them.

If you don\'t like this kind of stuff, read it carefully!