Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

~: Episode 22: I'm the only one fooling around (2 in 1)

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pps: Thanks to Xiaoxueman, Xiaow, Xiaoyu for their generous rewards!


The reporter\'s question is aggressive.

The whole interview scene immediately showed a smell of gunpowder.

The big guy put all his eyes on Takeda and the Italian supervisor.

How is Director Takeda going to answer this question? Of course it is important.

But what people are more curious about is what the Italian supervisor is thinking at the moment?

After listening to Director Takeda\'s answer, what kind of expression will he give everyone?

Think about it, what might happen next?

Everyone felt very excited.

At this time, people look at the person who asked the question.

Lang Xinping.

Seniors are seniors, and their standards are completely different.

The same question is put on them, even if they have that thought in their hearts, they will not ask so straightforwardly because of the identity of Supervisor Takeda.

This is not even a straightforward question, it can be said to be provocative.

If Supervisor Takeda does not deal well, it is inevitable that the Italian supervisor will conflict with him.

Although Italy has a history of past wars, it feels like a joke.

But the nation itself is extremely warlike.

There are gangs all over the world, and developed countries are no exception.

Italy is one of them that can develop the gangs to the highest level.

Their mafia is world famous.

The root cause is that the nation itself has a strong bellicose factor.

Just not good at fighting.

To put it bluntly, he likes to cause trouble, but his fighting power is not strong.

Supervisor Takeda, if one doesn\'t answer, that\'s fine.

There is a possibility that both of them have real pk.

When you think about it, it\'s really exciting.

Under the eyes of the reporters, Director Takeda lowered his eyes slightly.

Lang Xinping is experienced and goes straight to the core of the problem.

He, Takeda, is not a rookie who has just taken over as the national team supervisor.

Before that, he has led several national youth teams.

Earlier, people even took the national team.

How could such a seasoned old fritters take over?

"Of course we did our best! Maybe the players you were looking forward to didn\'t play, I\'m very sorry about that, and I\'m sorry for disappointing the fans who came to watch the game. But for this game, we definitely gave our best. !"

"Since you have done your best, why didn\'t you let your team, the Sawamura player who used to pitch with Alan the Son of God in North America, play? Could it be that that Sawamura player is not your team\'s ace?"

Lang Xinping obviously did not let Takeda\'s plan go, and the problems became more acute.

The surrounding melon eaters were all fascinated by Lang Xinping at this time.

So handsome!

Although they knew before, this senior is very famous in the industry, and they usually listen to his sharp questions.

But something as wonderful as today is really rare.

At this time, some friends even couldn\'t help but wonder.

Wouldn\'t it be reporter Lang Xinping, who has a personal grudge with the island country\'s supervisor Takeda?

But looking at Director Takeda\'s expression, it doesn\'t look like it at all.

Just when everyone was guessing, Director Takeda gave his answer in a serious manner.

"I know that not letting players Sawamura play may have caused some misunderstandings among reporters and friends, including fans and friends at the scene. I deeply apologize for this. But to be honest, among the pitchers of our representative team this time, there are some There are many pitchers with distinct personalities. Although Sawamura-san is the most comprehensive of all pitchers, he is not omnipotent. It does not mean that any opponent we encounter is suitable for him to play. It is different. Concept. As far as today\'s game is concerned, our coaching staff unanimously believed that it was a relatively good choice to let Masamune Hong Kong play. His performance in the game fully proved this, didn\'t he?"

Supervisor Takeda\'s answer was neither humble nor arrogant.

The reporters at the scene who were ready to watch the excitement also nodded involuntarily at this time.

Does Eijun Sawamura, who was hidden by the island country, have more superb strength? At this point, they have no way of guessing.

But as far as Masamune Hongo\'s performance on the mound is concerned, his performance is unquestionably perfect.

He didn\'t give the Italian players even the slightest chance in the whole game. He perfectly suppressed Italy\'s line-ups and completed his task brilliantly.

Although the score on the field was only 2:0, the island nation scored a total of two points.

But from the situation, you can\'t see how tense the game is! The difference is so small!

Fans who have watched this game have felt the power of the island country from the very beginning.

Italy\'s failure is a matter of course.

After the game, there were even many fans who were confused.

How can the difference in scores be so small?

According to how they watched the game, they believed that the gap between the two sides should be so big that the score should be four or five points, or even more.

It was also at this time that people were surprised to discover the Italian ace pitcher.


How powerful is the strength?

The gap between the island country and Italy is so big that anyone with a little common sense can see it.

Even if you don\'t have any common sense, you can feel it by looking at the performance of the players of the two teams on the court.

The advantages of the island country are so great!

With such a huge gap between the two sides, Mario still made the whole game look evenly matched by his own strength.

In the first six innings, he didn\'t even let the island nation\'s players score even a single point.

Not to mention scores, not even a single decent hit.

Today\'s game, although the Italian team lost.

But as their ace, Mario didn\'t lose.

Not only did he not lose the game, he even became famous through the game.

Due to the presence of Sawamura, this year\'s island national team is much stronger than the previous ones.

In the past few sessions, the players of the island country were also known as prestige in their own country. Except for this kind of official national team competition, it was rare to see the players of the island country become famous in other places.

Eijun Sawamura.

Because of a special encounter, because of an agent\'s special idea.

A journey that shouldn\'t have happened, just happened.

Sawamura Eijun and his friends from the Qingdo High School baseball team challenge the world together.

Challenge the North American National Team, known as the Dream Team.

And achieved good results.

For a time, they became famous in North America.

Relatively speaking, the island countries are still relatively closed, and even if they achieve high achievements there, it is difficult for them to go abroad.

North America is different!

As the only superpower in the world today.

Although the mainland is also chasing after them, they are working hard towards the two superpowers.

But for now, including the next 10 years.

North America is still the only superpower in this world.

Whether it\'s military, economic, political...

And in every other respect, they are the strongest.

This country is still the focus of the world\'s attention.

To be famous from this country means to be famous from all over the world.

Supervisor Takeda has always been very humble and sincere in his interviews.

When answering reporters\' questions, he repeatedly stated that he was on his side, considering various circumstances, especially the characteristics of Italian players.

That\'s why they sent their natives to fight.

Judging from the results of the battle, his dispatch this time was still far-sighted.

See you, during the official game.

The hometown is authentic, showing its strength perfectly, without giving Italy any chance.

The reporter is helpless for such Takeda supervision.

No matter how much they throw the bait, the other side just doesn\'t take the bait.

They were helpless about it.

Turn back to interview the Italian supervisor.

The other side talked a lot about tactics, as if it wasn\'t them who lost, but the other side.

At the last moment, he finally highly praised the strength of the island nation.

Indeed, the strength is extraordinary, and it is worthy of being the number one team in the world today.

Although they are very clear in their hearts, it is still too early for them to challenge such a team at this stage.

To put it bluntly, they are not yet qualified for that.

But the Italian players will never give up.

As long as there is such an opportunity, they will do everything possible to gain the opportunity.

Next time, wait until the next time.

If Italian players have the opportunity to play against island players.

Then the Italian supervision guarantees that they will definitely let the big guys see a completely different Italy at that time.

A completely different Italy than everyone imagined.

We will be back!

The Italian superintendent who said these words is especially like a wolf.

Every time it is killed by Pleasant Goat, it will also pop out this classic line.

As far as the reality is concerned, even if the Italian team has super monsters like Mario.

They themselves do not have the qualifications to play against the island country, including the top 5 teams.

Despite today\'s game, the gap between them and the island nation is only two points.

But the two points are separated there like natural danger.

Desperate and unsurpassable.

After interviewing the supervisor, interview the players.

Italian players generally have a better mentality. It is a matter of course to lose to the island country by their ranking. Although Mario is a bit unfortunate, there is a gap in Mario\'s performance compared with that. The strongest pitchers are not opponents of others. Not to mention other locations.

Therefore, the Italian players are very open after losing the game, including Mario, Mario felt his lack of strength through this game, and secretly vowed to continue to work hard. When the two teams separated, he still He deliberately held Sawamura Eijun\'s hand and talked to Sawamura Eijun for a long time.

It\'s a pity that he speaks Italian, Sawamura Eijun\'s English, and can converse fluently.

But in Italy, it is completely different.

This is very different from when he was learning Chinese.

At that time, there were friends around him who spoke Chinese, so naturally he could learn some along with him.

But Eijun Sawamura never had Italian friends from beginning to end.

Plus Italian itself is not a very popular language.

Naturally, it is impossible for him to know what Mario said.

Although he didn\'t understand, he still nodded.

Be polite, as it should be.

Sawamura never thought that because of his unconscious nodding, he would cause him such a big trouble.

If he had known ahead of time, he wouldn\'t have said anything like that.

In the post-match interview, Sawamura didn\'t go because he didn\'t play.

Generally speaking, the supervisor can bring two players there.

This time, the two players brought by Supervisor Takeda were Hongo and Mima.

In today\'s game, the performance of both of them is undoubtedly the best.

Hong Kong Masamune\'s performance on the pitcher mound, not to mention.

Too much has been said before.

Through this game, he also gained a lot of attention and popularity.

Next is Soichiro Mima.

Whether it\'s on the team\'s defense or when the team\'s offense, his performance is enough to make people jaw-dropping.

It\'s so handsome!

Not only can he play by himself, but he also has a very strong stealing power.

Even the speed is incredible.

When the two work together, if he is present, the island nation\'s chances of winning will undoubtedly increase greatly.

And in the process, any plans are easy to implement.

Although Sawamura Eijun has tried his best to avoid it, he did not attend the media conference after the game.

But he still couldn\'t avoid it.

When they were about to get on the bus, Fujio, a senior reporter from Baseball Kingdom Magazine, stopped them.

The baseball kingdom seems to be very even paid for the travel expenses for his subordinates.

Seeing Fujio here, Sawamura and other friends are very happy.

There is an ancient poem.

Among the 4 happy events in life, there are encounters in other places.

Now these players in the island country are in foreign land.

When I suddenly saw my friends from my hometown, I was naturally very cordial.

In the past, they could not accept any interviews without the permission of Kataoka.

After the treasure island, Takeda supervises them, and it seems that the management is not so strict.

Even if he had some doubts in his heart, Sawamura put it on the back of his mind.

The person in charge of the interview was Fujio, an old friend of Ao Michi and Sawamura Eijun.

His assessment was rather pessimistic.

Fujio talked to Sawamura Eijun about today\'s game. In today\'s game, the performance of the island nation was a little unsatisfactory.

In today\'s game, although the island nation team won the final victory, their victory was not easy at all.

Facing the tenth-ranked Italy in the world, they performed so hard.

So how do they face a stronger team?

Is the island country really confident and ready to accept any challenges?

Fujio himself had a lot of doubts in his heart.

The lineup of the island country was just formed.

He feels the same way as many of his friends.

Think the island nation will win!

With such an immortal lineup together, even if it is the North American Dream Team, they can still win the battle, right?

Not to mention teams from other countries.

But the reality is very cruel, even if they play against Italy, it seems that they do not have much advantage.

When they meet a more powerful team later, can they really win?
