Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

Chapter 9: : A New Era of Sawamura

Returning to the rest area on his side, Nagata\'s four sticks were ashamed.

"Sure enough, a ball speed of 120 is too much for you?"

Nagata\'s coach said with a frown.

In some strong teams, such as Nagano Prefecture\'s quarter-finals and semi-finals. One hundred and two or even faster balls, they are not incapable of coping. Even Shi Lun Middle School, who played against Akagi before.

The main pitcher of their first army also has a ball speed of 120 to 130!

But those are the Changsheng schools in Nagano, and there is no comparison with Nagata, a team that competes in one round.

Nagata\'s fourth bat opened his mouth, but in the end he didn\'t say anything.

Maybe it\'s not necessarily his own illusion. He always feels that Sawamura\'s pitching seems to be more than just ball speed.

There was a quality in that pitcher\'s pitch that he couldn\'t describe.

With the four sticks out, the others were not spared either.

After a while, Akagi completed his defense mission.

Although the disciple was struck out in a row, Nagata\'s coach was not too anxious. They had such mental preparations for a practice match with Akagi. He believed that as long as the game continued, the players would slowly catch up with Sawamura\'s ball speed. If it is just a straight ball, the speed of 120 is not out of reach.

This is also the purpose of their organization of this practice game. Only by adapting to such a ball speed can his disciples challenge other strong schools in Nagano in the future.

In the second half of the second game, Akagi Middle School attacked.

Sawamura, the ace pitcher and fourth bat, was the first to stand in the hitting zone.


Sawamura felt very excited after waving the bat vigorously.

In his previous life, his blows were often criticized by the people around him. Now that he has a new life, in addition to fulfilling the few wishes in his mind, he also wants to make achievements in the blows.

Come on, the era of Sawamura\'s arrogance has begun.

Eijun Sawamura stood firmly on the strike zone, the bat in his hand raised high.

Although it looks like he\'s ready to fight, Sawamura\'s posture is actually very relaxed.

Nowhere in his body was he deliberately exerting force. The raised bat swayed slightly in his hand, as if looking for a certain opportunity, waiting for a one-hit kill.

Really annoying.

It was the catcher of Nagata Middle School who first noticed that Sawamura was different. He couldn\'t say why. He just felt that Sawamura\'s way of waiting for the ball made people look very annoying.

Because his bat kept shaking, it actually distracted the pitcher in disguise. People tend to neglect to observe things that are still, but they are very concerned about things that are moving.

Now Nagata\'s pitcher has this feeling. He feels that the bat in Sawamura\'s hand seems to be bigger than before.

This bat is so big!

This kind of feeling is very strange. If you use a bat to hit a flying baseball, the success rate of hitting is still very limited. It takes a lot of practice to hit the ball.

But if you\'re holding a pan in your hand, it\'s naturally much easier to hit, at least it\'s easier to hit the ball.

Now Nagata\'s pitcher has such an odd feeling. He feels that the bat in Sawamura\'s hand is much larger than that of a normal hitter.

Of course he knew it was impossible, but the odd feeling lingered.

After all, Sawamura has experienced professional experience, and some small habits that he doesn\'t particularly care about are actually very reasonable.

As the so-called expert reaches out his hand, he will know if there is any. The same principle applies to baseball. As soon as a truly skilled player comes on the field, his every move will naturally carry that posture.


In Sawamura\'s eyes, Nagata\'s pitching was slow. As far as the eye can see, there are about a hundred or so!

Speaking of which, Sawamura has not seen such a slow ball in a long time. The freshman pitcher at Shi Lun Middle School said that he could throw the ball to one hundred and one.

Middle school students, especially the third grade middle school students, although their physical fitness has not fully developed to the peak, they are still inseparable. A ball speed of around 120 is quite common.

Even if it\'s garbage, one hundred and one is the safest.

This pitcher\'s ball speed is only 100!

Could it be that he has weapons other than ball speed?

Sawamura thought so subconsciously, it wasn\'t because he was overly concerned, it was a professional habit. In the professional arena, swinging the bat is very dangerous. You can fall into the opponent\'s rhythm if you\'re not careful, so every swing must be carefully calculated.

Consume the pitches of the pitcher, wait for the right time to swing the bat, gamble on the way...

These Sawamura did not specialize in training, and after playing baseball for more than ten years, he naturally did so.

Today, it is the same.

"nice shot!"

The first ball didn\'t swing.

Sawamura calmly chose to watch.

His performance like this is nothing to the people of Akagi. Anyway, in the eyes of Akagi\'s friends, Sawamura\'s every move has always been confusing.

But the people at Nagata Middle School were different, they were really frightened.

Originally thought, how powerful is this pitcher with 120 acceleration? After all, he\'s also an ace pitcher and fourth bat.

I didn\'t expect it to be a silver onion wax gun tip, which is not very useful.


"Bad ball!"

"Bad ball!"

After observing the three goals, UU reading Sawamura gradually understood the opponent\'s strength.

It turned out that it wasn\'t that the opponent had any secret weapon, it was simply that he thought too much.

The opponent\'s pitcher\'s ball speed is only about 100. The reason why he can become an ace is very simple, just because he can throw the ball into the strike zone.

From this point, you can also see the level of Nagata.


With a dry cough, Sawamura was a little embarrassed. In his own capacity, he was fooled by a little kid. Speaking of this, Kuramochi is still laughing to death?

Seeing through the reality of his opponent, Sawamura no longer had any worries and was ready to swing the bat.

At this time, Nagata\'s catcher was a little hesitant.

Sawamura didn\'t swing his bat for three consecutive balls. Does that mean that this guy only has good pitching and can\'t hit at all?

"If that\'s the case, then there\'s no reason for us to run away. Let\'s play it off with a good shot!"

Thinking about it, he decisively gave the pitcher a signal for a good shot.

The pitchers on the mound also found confidence in the constant pitching. On the first ball, he was so frightened by Sawamura that he threw the ball straight into the center. Fortunately, Sawamura didn\'t swing his bat at that time.

Otherwise, they would be miserable.

Now it seems that I was frightened by the opponent\'s pitch, and subconsciously thought that the opponent\'s blow was also very strong. It now appears that may not be the case at all.

Just use this ball to solve you!

With determination, the pitcher completely waved his arms. The speed of the ball is also a lot faster, almost one hundred and one.

In Sawamura\'s eyes, this ball looks extremely comfortable.

He really couldn\'t stand the 100-kilometer ball from before. Like a turtle crawling, it is not easy to seize the moment. One hundred and one is much better!