Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

Chapter 51: : wise old man


Sawamura\'s hand properly touched the base bag of the home plate, which brought the atmosphere of the scene to its climax.

In the semi-finals of Nagano Prefecture, Akagi Middle School challenged King Tenryuji Middle School, facing Nagano\'s No. 1 pitcher, Nanami Haruka. Grassroots Akagi, in the second half of the first round, took the lead in overcoming him, breaking the unbreakable golden body of Nanami Haruka in this Nagano County Competition, and leading the game to a climax!

You must know that in the previous game, Haruka Nanami pitched, but he never lost a single hit, let alone a point.

If it is just to create such a miracle, it is not enough to make the audience so crazy. What makes them crazy is that the performance of the two teams in offense and defense just now is really wonderful! It didn\'t feel like a matchup between two high school teams.

First of all, Sawamura\'s crazy robbery, he almost ignored the defense of Tenryu Temple, and he was completely reckless!

That\'s it, the attack method that was almost suicidal completely disrupted the defense of Tenryu Temple. It was almost blocked twice, and Sawamura narrowly escaped twice.

After Sawamura got to second base, Oda used a strike walk without hesitation. With one out, Sawamura was firmly secured to third base.

Once out, there is someone at third base!

At this time, Tenryuji Middle School also had to be cautious. Speaking of which, they were also in a dilemma at this time. The third player was Feng Xiang, who was second only to Sawamura in the Akagi Middle School baseball team.

Once out, there is someone at third base. In such a situation, Fengxiang Aoyi could employ many strike tactics. He can either choose to use a bunt to send Sawamura back to home plate, or he can pretend to bunt and hit Nanami Haruka\'s ball normally.

You must know that Fengxiang Ouichi used to be one of the best hitters among his peers in Nagano Prefecture. Such an opponent is playing the ball of his most familiar friend Nanami Haruka...

In such a confrontation, the people of Tenryuji Middle School naturally dare not be careless. But the problem now is, they don\'t know what kind of attack Feng Xiang will take? Whether it is a bunt or a normal strike, if he knows that he is a bunt, then there is no doubt that Tianlong Temple Middle School should be on the defensive, but the question is, if he wants to choose a normal strike?

Just when the players from Tenryuji Middle School were confused. In their cowshed, there was a signal.

"Really won the number of eliminations!"

The instructions were very clear, that is to say, Sawamura, who told them not to care about third base, first made sure to get this number of outs on the batter.

The Tenryuji contestant who received the order resolutely gave up the forward defense and chose normal defense.

Next, Feng Xiang used a bunt strike, and Sawamura ran to the home plate synchronously.

The two of them had a very tacit understanding and adopted a play-and-run tactic.

The ball was hit and landed in the infield, and Sawamura took the opportunity to return to home plate and score a point.

Next, in the fourth, Ken Yamaguchi was struck out, and the two sides exchanged offense and defense.

Everyone went back to their own bullpen and made preparations.

In the bullpen of Tenryuji Middle School, their coach stood up.

The coach of Tianlong Temple is a skinny little old man. He is less than 1.6 meters tall.


After the little old man stood up, he slapped Haruka Nanami, who was pitching the ball, on the back of the head.

"Dad, what are you doing?"

Qi Haiyao looked at his coach aggrieved, there was no anger in his eyes, only confusion.

"Are you an idiot?"

The little old man is not a big man, but his temper is not small. A pair of small eyes, like needles, pierced Qi Haiyao\'s body.


Qi Hai Yao wanted to justify a few words, but he closed his mouth with a guilty conscience.

"That idiot, can he throw two identical **** in a row? The opponent is a guy who hit three home runs in his first year. Don\'t underestimate him. Although most of his strength is in pitching, but this is not the case. It means that his blow is weak, and you give me a little self-knowledge."


Qi Haiyao didn\'t dare to refute the old man\'s lesson, so he could only admit his mistake in a low voice.

After resolving the thorn in Nanami Haruka, the little old man looked at the others.

"Through the game just now, you must have understood it. Our opponents are very strong!"

After saying that, the little old man glanced at Chicheng\'s team, especially after staying on Sawamura\'s body for a long time, and then continued: "Although there are only two or three people who are really powerful, Chicheng is still very strong, except for these two or three people. In addition to the players, they also have a very experienced instructor. This instructor is very aware of the strength of their team and knows how to flexibly use their strength. In future games, you don\'t have to think about it, they will still use the previous ones. Defensive lineup. Even if there is no one on base, they will vacate the second base. Why do this, the little old man has not figured out, but they do it by what, I can guess something."

"On what?"

Hirata asked curiously.

"Of course it\'s their pitcher!"

The little old man looked like a god: "That garrison is actually not complicated at all. What they rely on is nothing more than their pitchers. It’s an open space, and as long as the ball keeps hitting the outfield, Akagi is done. The reason they do that is to believe that their pitchers will not be sent to the outfield.”

"Understood? The next thing you have to do is very simple, just keep hitting the ball to the outfield, and then as long as the ball lands in the outfield, don\'t be polite, aim for the home run. You have to believe that the players they are guarding can They are all rookies, even if someone is left in the outfield (referring to Yamaguchi Ken, who is retreating and defending), and the ball is returned to the infield, there is a high probability of mistakes..."

Qi Hai Yao listened with a strange expression: "Dad, if you do this, you will bully people, right? It\'s a bit despicable!"

"Shut up for Lao Tzu!"

The little old man\'s expression changed, and he unceremoniously punched and kicked at Qi Hai.

In the first half of the second round, Tianlong Temple Middle School attacked.

This time, one of their players counted as one, and they all held the bat very long, posing as if they were swinging with all their strength.

Feng Xiang\'s face was a little heavy, and he gave Sawamura a secret signal.

On the pitcher mound, Sawamura nodded.

In his previous life, he didn\'t remember much about the famous players and coaches in Nagano Prefecture. But even so, he had heard of the name \'Zhisou\' Yamano Boguang.

The number one coach of Nagano County has always been Fengxiang Longyi. But the reason why he gained so much popularity is because he later became a high school coach and could show himself in Koshien.

In middle school, Nagano Prefecture\'s first teacher who was unstoppable was Hiromitsu Yamano.

Simply comparing the understanding of baseball, even if you add one piece in two lifetimes, Sawamura is far from being an opponent.