Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

Chapter 49: : Do something!

Two outs, there are people at second and third base.

The scoring chances of Tianlongji Middle School are still not small. But compared with before, there is no such rubbing momentum.

Now, only their fifth is a hit. They can get points.

"Captain, it\'s up to you!"

"Let the country bumpkins in Chicheng have a good understanding of what is the national standard."

"Come out~"

After Hirata stood on the strike zone, the reaction was very strong in the bullpen of Tenryuji Middle School. It can be seen that they trust Hirata\'s strength very much, and this trust even surpasses their fourth, Pingyuan.

Main third baseman, captain.

Not to mention anything else, just looking at Hirata\'s position in Tenryuji Middle School, it is not difficult to see how influential this player is in Tenryuji.

"Then I have to deal with you even more!"

Sawamura on the pitching mound knew very well how dangerous it was to let such a player perform. In order to win, he must take out all the batters at Tenryu Temple with a strong stance.

Only in this way, Akagi, who is on the weaker side, will have the opportunity to challenge Tenryuji. If the loss of points cannot be contained, the result of the game can be predicted in advance.

"nice shot!"


"The outside world!"

In the hitting area, although Hirata was extremely careful, he couldn\'t help but fall into Sawamura\'s pitching rhythm. With just two goals, he fell behind in the number of balls.

The number of balls, two good and zero bad, as long as the next ball falls into the strike zone, then Hirata must play.


Without anyone taking a breath, Sawamura\'s third goal came.

At this time, in Hirata\'s mind, what Hirata said to him suddenly appeared.

"This pitcher\'s pitching is very strange. From the strike zone, I feel that the ball is much faster."


When the idea came to him, Hirata swung his bat subconsciously ahead of schedule. As a result, the ball was hit high and flew out and landed in front of the pitcher. Sawamura opened his glove and put the ball firmly into his glove.



As soon as he was out, the huge crisis of people on the first and third bases was safely passed with the support of the wonderful defensive formation of the Akagi Middle School baseball team.

"Akagi! Come on!!"

"Dong dong dong, dong dong dong~"

"Akagi, come on!!"

The wonderful garrison formation perfectly contained the attack of Tianlong Temple Middle School. Under the leadership of Dalin and Xiaolin, the friends of the Brotherhood of Chi-heart shouted slogans wildly, cheering for Akagi.

In terms of feeling, the fledgling Akagi Middle School is not inferior to Tianlong Temple, a national-level strong school. At the very least, the cheerleaders are no worse than Tianlongsi Middle School.


"Good job, Sawamura."

"Xiao Rong~"

The little friends are also very excited. They have never eaten pork or seen a pig go away. Although their baseball skills hadn\'t been honed, they already knew something about baseball.

As soon as he was out, when there were people on the first and third bases, Akagi\'s little friend looked calm, but in fact his nervous heart almost jumped out.

Everyone can see the weakness of Akagi\'s defense, so there is no need to say more. In fact, in addition to the defense, Akagi also has a weakness, which is also very obvious. That is, the ability to connect the lines is not strong.

The only ones who are really capable of striking are Sawamura, Fengxiang, and Oda. But Oda\'s strike strength is not top in Nagano. Sawamura and Fengxiang\'s strike strength is not weak, but they are not strong enough to be unmatched.

Akagi\'s problem is not just defense, but also attack.

Once the score widened to a certain extent, Akagi would be completely useless. Just like the last game, if Nagano Metropolitan High School was ahead of Akagi by not two points, but three points.

Akagi was eliminated last week!

Everyone knows this, let alone the actual person in charge of the team, Sawamura.

So, in response to this, Sawamura also made special arrangements when attacking.

In the second half of the game, Akagi Middle School attacked.

"First hit, pitcher, Sawamura-san."

The pitcher hit the first pitch, although before the game, the people from Tenryuji saw the list given to them by Akagi. But when they saw Sawamura standing on the strike zone for the first time, they still had a feeling of being provoked.

Actually, there\'s nothing to say about this. I deliberately put Sawamura in the first place. If you want to say that Akagi didn\'t want to do anything and kill Tianlong Temple, they don\'t even believe it.

It\'s just that Sawamura is not a very fast player. Even if he is the first, what can Akagi do?

When the bunt couldn\'t hit base, did he want to rely on a head-to-head duel to get the hit from Nanami?


Although Sawamura\'s pitching ability is also very strong, as far as Tenryuji\'s players are concerned, he is still far from Nanami Haruka. This is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that Sawamura\'s striking strength is far less impressive than his pitching.

Why did he think that he could take a hit from Qi Hai Yao\'s hand?

A feeling of dissatisfaction condensed on the chests of the Tenryuji players, and they couldn\'t wait to slap Sawamura in the face.

"Deal with the batter, Nanami."

"Show him some color."

The contestants of Tenryu Temple began to put pressure on Sawamura.

On the pitcher\'s mound, Nanami Haruka smiled lightly: "There is no need to be so bluffing, it feels like we are like minor characters. Since the other party likes to daydream, as a good person, we just need to wake him up."


The sharp, straight ball stuck to Sawamura\'s head, and UU Reading flew over.

Sawamura moved his head away subconsciously, but unexpectedly, the baseball turned a corner and got into the strike zone.


"nice shot!"

The number of balls, a strike.

On the first ball, Haruka Nanami fired at full force and threw his own tiebreaker.

Sawamura\'s face began to become cautious. He knew that Nanami Haruka should have some strength, but he never thought that he, who was only a middle school student, would be so terrifying.

Soft **** do not have as deep seams as hard balls, so it is much more difficult to use soft **** to throw variation **** than hard balls. But even so, Nanami Haruka still threw the ball well, his curveball trajectory, the drop is very large, giving the hitter the feeling that he is about to hit himself.

This kind of ball, generally speaking, cannot be aimed at at all.

"It\'s just a pity that you met me."

In terms of striking power, Sawamura certainly cannot rank among the top in the country. But when it comes to experience, even if you tie together the five most powerful hitters among middle school students, it is absolutely impossible to have more experience than Sawamura.

Although Nanami Haruka\'s curveball is very good, Sawamura is not without a way to deal with it.


The speed of the ball is 130, the second ball, Nanami Haruka threw the exact same curve ball.

"My decisive goal, no one has yet hit it."

Nanami Haruka is very confident about his change ball.

It\'s just that Sawamura is more confident. He stepped out one step, so that what originally looked like a pitch that hit Nakasawamura turned into an inside corner kick.

Sawamura watched the baseball keep flying to the outer corner, until it finally turned into a good shot for Sawamura.

It\'s now!

Biting the timing, the bat in Sawamura\'s hand roared out.

