Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

Chapter 45: : Do you want to be more cool?

Akagi Middle School, playground.

Today\'s playground has been divided into two. Sawamura used the 20,000 yuan specially approved by Principal Takata to buy nets and poles, and encircled half of the entire playground to form a special baseball field.

Naturally, this baseball field cannot be compared with a professional field. But it had already surpassed the simple court that Sawamura used at Akagi Middle School in his previous life.

Just like this stadium, the Akagi Middle School baseball team also embarked on a path completely different from its previous life.

At the end of the day\'s training, dozens of spectators who felt fresh also dispersed.

All that was left on the field were the eleven buddies of the baseball team.

"Our opponent for the next match has already come out."

Sawamura took the information Feng Liang Zhengtai gave him and said to his little friend.

"who is it?"

Ashin asked excitedly.

As soon as he said the words, he felt ten pairs of eyes around him, looking at him like an idiot.

Ashin bowed his head embarrassedly, no matter how slow he was, he knew that he must have asked a very stupid question.

Do you still need to ask?

Although I don\'t know the results of the competition between Tenryuji and Nitta Middle School, the winner must be the other of the three kings.

In the past two years, the overlord of Nagano Prefecture, Tenryuji Middle School.

"The total score was 11:2, and Xintian Middle School was almost bloodbathed."

Sawamura ignored the embarrassment on Ashin\'s face and continued.

"I remember Xintian Middle School, and it seems to be very strong. I didn\'t expect it to be so vulnerable yesterday."

Oda frowned.

Nitta Junior High School is a famous strong school in Nagano, and it is also a frequent visitor to the top four. To be able to achieve such results in the double-team of the three kings, the strength of Xintian Middle School is evident.

"The results show everything, Xintian Middle School is not strong enough."

Feng Xiang Ouichi said coldly: "Or to put it another way, Tenryu Temple is worthy of being the overlord of Nagano Prefecture."

The two watched the match between Tianlong Temple and Xintian Middle School yesterday. They had the most say in the strength of Tianlong Temple Middle School.

As far as the two of them feel, it\'s not that Tenryu Temple is unmatched, but that their opponent, Nitta Junior High, is too weak.

"How\'s everyone doing today?"

Originally, he was talking about the competition, but Sawamura suddenly changed the topic, which made the friends a little uncomfortable.

However, when it comes to how they feel today, they are still very touched. But really let them say, but they don\'t know what to say?

Sawamura smiled and asked directly, "Are you happy?"

"What\'s good or not?"

Cang Yue Ruona\'s pretty face was slightly red, and she looked at Sawamura in embarrassment.


This is embarrassing.

Although girls generally mature earlier than boys of the same age, you, a twelve-year-old girl, matured too early, right?

"It\'s okay, watch less movies that two or three people can finish."

Yoshihide Sawamura reprimanded Cangyue Wakana.

Cang Yue didn\'t understand it at first, but after thinking for a while, she finally understood.

"You die for my mother!"

Cang Yue, who wanted to understand, picked up the bat and chased after Sawamura.

"Woman, forgive me."

Sawamura was chased and ran away.

Hey, some jokes, even if they are childhood sweethearts, are not allowed.

"What happened to them?"

Yamazaki asked curiously.

A few friends around looked at each other.

In the end, Yamaguchi folded his palms in the style of a master and said solemnly, "The Buddha said, don\'t say it!"

"What\'s the meaning?"

"It\'s just a brat, don\'t ask me if it\'s okay."

After laughing, everyone sat together again.

"Do you want to be more cool?"

As soon as Sawamura opened his mouth, he saw Wakana staring at him fiercely.

He subconsciously swallowed.

Who would have known that a twelve-year-old girl has already started to come into contact with restricted movies?

In the past, Shisawa Village was not brought to contact with these things by those seniors until the professional team.


Whether you understand it or not, everyone knows what Sawamura really wants to ask.

Being noticed by others, being envied by others, and victory itself.

What Sawamura wanted to ask was, is this feeling good?

Although some can\'t open their mouths to say it directly, these little friends from Akagi Middle School still feel very cool.

At this time, Sawamura asked directly, do you want to be more cool?

The answer is almost yes.

Of course they would.

"It\'s still only the top four in Nagano Prefecture. As long as we win one more game, we can go to the Kanto Conference? Think about it, this feeling..."

Sawamura didn\'t go on, but the friends couldn\'t help but follow his words and start making associations.

Participate in the Kanto Conference and even the national competition.

Oh, just thinking about it makes people intoxicated.

At that time, the happy eyes of family members, the jealous eyes of classmates, and the love letters of fans!

Cool, so cool.

If it was said that before winning the Nagano Metropolitan High School, even if Sawamura said this, everyone would not think too much.

As far as the virtues of Akagi Middle School are concerned, he is still thinking of participating in the national competition. He is just a toad who wants to eat swan meat and daydreams.

Not only outsiders, but also the little friends of the Akagi Middle School baseball team didn\'t dare to be wishful thinking.

But it is different now, since they have broken the record that no one has broken in the past 20 years. If you overturn a king, there will be care about overturning the other one.

The ignorant are fearless!

This sentence is never a clear derogatory term.

At least for the current Akagi Middle School baseball this is a good thing.

"Of course, the opponents are very strong. It\'s not easy for us to beat them. So, we have to prepare a new defensive formation."

Last week, the focus of practice was to catch Gaofei. This week, Akagi\'s practice focus has become defensive bunts.

After watching the match between Akagi and Nagano Metropolitan High School, Sawamura thought to himself, if he were the coach of Tenryuji High School, he would definitely use the tactics of bunt push and base stealing.

Akagi Middle School\'s defense in the last game looked pretty good. There are no big mistakes.

But that\'s just an appearance. In fact, the loopholes in the defense of Akagi Middle School are astonishing.

Aside from some experience in picking up Gao Fei, Akagi Middle School is basically the same as having no defense when it comes to defense of other balls.

In the face of such a defense, swinging a big stick is simply a waste.

All they have to do is get real hits, push bunts, and steal bases . . .

Then you can wait for the players from Akagi Middle School to make mistakes!

In a really stalemate game, a single mistake could ruin the victory. And how many mistakes could Akagi\'s defense make?

Rome wasn\'t built in a day, and the defense of Akagi naturally couldn\'t grow up in a week.

Sawamura, who is the actual team leader, knows this most clearly.

For this reason, he specially studied a set of tactics, just to deal with Tianlongji Middle School.

Time flies fast, and in a blink of an eye, it\'s time for the start of the semi-finals.

In the first game of the semi-finals, Dabei Middle School easily defeated its opponent and took the lead in winning a place in the Kanto Conference.

In the second game, Akagi Middle School will play Tenryuji Middle School, and it will officially start at 2 pm!
