Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

Chapter 35: : career-level insight


"Sawamura, Sawamura!!"

In the stands, hundreds of people with different clothes, different ages, and different backgrounds shouted the same name in unison.

At this moment, their hearts are tightly connected.

Even though the entire Chicheng had just hit a single hit from Fengxiang Ouichi. Although Akagi Middle School is still two points behind, they just believe that Sawamura will do something extraordinary.

As long as he plays, people are full of expectations.


"Xiao Rong!"

"team leader!!"

The same goes for the friends from Akagi Middle School. Although they didn\'t say a word, they all looked at Sawamura.

"In this way, I\'m also under a lot of pressure, okay?"

Sawamura complained, but his eyes were clear.

"Everyone has worked so hard, why do I have to show my performance?"

In this game, Cang Yue, who was afraid of the ball, bravely rushed to the baseball. Oda completed the rescue several times, and Yamaguchi picked up the ground ball twice. The other little friends didn\'t lose their chains too much, and they didn\'t make mistakes in the face of Gao Fei who should be caught.

Sawamura himself was surprised by the game so far.

It seems that after the competition with Shilun Middle School and Beixin Middle School, everyone has really grown up. Although these performances of Akagi\'s friends are normal in the eyes of other teams, Sawamura, who personally guides his friends, knows the truth that one minute on stage and ten years of work off stage.

Behind today\'s seemingly ordinary performance, it represents the results of hard training for the past six months.

Even if it\'s for them, I can\'t be too rude.

In the cowshed of Nagano Metropolitan High School.

Fengxiang Longyi rested his arms on the table and placed his fingers under his chin.

On his fair face, a pair of deep eyes looked at Sawamura.

Sawamura has hit home runs before, yes, but not many. He is not a typical strong hitter. And his previous opponents were not very good pitchers. It is not objective to judge Sawamura\'s striking strength by relying on those two games.

In this game, Sawamura played against Mari twice. Although he hit the ball to the outfield both times, the distance he flew out was not very far, only fifty or sixty meters.

This also proves that although Sawamura\'s strike strength is good, there is no advantage in direct dialogue with Mari. In the final analysis, the current Sawamura is just a half-daughter who has just passed his twelfth birthday.

With the rotation of his body, it was his limit to push the pitchers of Shilun Middle School and Beixin Middle School. Facing Mari\'s 135km ball speed and heavy power, it should be difficult for him to hit a home run.

As long as he can\'t hit a home run, for Nagano Metropolitan High School, the worst outcome is to let the boy Hosho Ouichi return to the home plate.

The total score is 2:1!

Fengxiang Longyi has already seen the end of the game.

Even if Sawamura hits base, it is absolutely impossible for the batter behind him to hit a hit. Two out now...

"Use the heaviest outside corner kicks for the batter to decide the outcome. Don\'t be afraid to throw bad shots. The most important thing is not to let the ball get close to the center and inside corners."

For batters, the most difficult thing to hit is the outside corner. The ball, which generally hits the top of the bat, is the hardest hitting position for the hitter.

As far as Sawamura\'s power is concerned, it is absolutely impossible to hit a home run from Mari\'s outside corner.

Seeing their coach\'s instructions, Marian and Tsuchihara followed them without any hesitation.

"nice shot!"

"Bad ball!"

On the first ball, Sawamura swung the bat, but missed the ball. On the second ball, he didn\'t swing, and the ball was clearly off the strike zone.


"Don\'t run around!"

Sawamura also guessed that Nagano Metropolitan High School\'s pitching strategy must be to attack from the outside corner. To put it bluntly, it is not difficult to guess. Casting the outside corner is the safest for Nagano Metropolitan High School.

Of course, this is under the circumstance of not walking the batter. Against Nagano Metropolitan High School, the safest way is actually to walk Sawamura, face the fifth bat, and get the last out.

Akagi\'s real strength is only three people, Oda, Fengxiang and Sawamura Eijun. The other batters posed no threat to Nagano Metropolitan High School.

But can they really put down their airs and recommend Sawamura? Not to mention that Sawamura hadn\'t hit a hit before, even if he did, Nagano wouldn\'t dare to do it.

As one of the three kings of Nagano, in order to win, he recommended a batter from a grassroots team like Akagi. At that time, even if the game is won, the face will be lost.

They both win, and 2:0 and 2:1 are no different to them.

In the eyes of the people at Nagano Metropolitan Middle School, it is not worthwhile to deliberately embarrass yourself for such a point.

The worst result would be for Akagi to score a point, not to mention that they still have a great chance of taking the last out from Sawamura.

There is no need to walk the opponent on purpose, just use an outside corner kick for a head-to-head match.

Nagano Metropolitan Middle School made it clear that the carriage and horses did this, and naturally they were not afraid that Sawamura would see through it. In fact, Sawamura also saw through it.

But even if he knew what the opponent was going to throw, it was still difficult for Sawamura to hit the ball accurately, Mari\'s throw.

In addition to being extremely fast and powerful, Mari also has a very powerful feature, which is his unstable control of the ball.

Even if he knew it was an outside corner kick, but the ball really flew over, no one knew what it was.

Although a pitcher with unstable ball control has a high probability of throwing good shots, most of the pitches thrown by such pitchers are not easy to aim.

Now Sawamura is just praying, throwing an outside corner kick, take a good outside corner kick, but don\'t rush to other strange places.

Sawamura has put all his attention on the outer corner. His body, grip, stance, and concentration are all on the outer corner. Now, he really takes care of the ball in other positions. No.


Finally, Mari\'s third ball finally landed in the outside corner.

Sawamura breathed a sigh of relief and swung the bat he had prepared to meet the baseball.


The bat hit the baseball, and the baseball flew out quickly.


The baseball landed near first base, and Sawamura ran forward quickly.

Must go through, must go through!

For this ball, Sawamura deliberately adjusted his swing posture. Instead of hitting far away, he increased his swing speed. The purpose was to let the ball land on the sideline of first base and fly to the outfield.

Originally, Nagano Metropolitan Junior High School, where Sawamura would try his best to fight in the outfield, was caught off guard.

The first baseman did not stop the baseball by an inch, and watched the baseball fly away.

The hit that penetrates first base, although it does not fly very far, is a standard long hit.

"Go through!"

Fengxiang ran back to home plate in one breath, and Sawamura also went to second base, and he didn\'t stop at second base. He aimed at third base and continued to advance.

When Nagano Metropolitan\'s left fielder picked up the ball and was about to pass it back, Sawamura was less than three or four meters away from third base.

Damn it, it\'s too late!

The outfielder of Nagano Metropolitan regretfully gave up the chance to pass the third base to touch Sawamura, and passed the ball to the first base.

Sawamura, who was running at base, always used his peripheral vision to observe the outfielder. When he saw the outfielder turn and pass the ball to the first base, he did not hesitate to cross the third base and go straight for home plate.

"Come on home plate!"
