Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

Chapter 24: : Enthusiastic opponent

June 29, Saturday, sunny.

Today is the first day of the quarter-finals of the Nagano Grand Prix.

The little friends from Akagi Middle School arrived early, Nagano Metropolitan Baseball Stadium. Nagano Prefecture has a total of two baseball stadiums that can accommodate 10,000 people, both of which are in Nagano City, and Nagano Metropolis ranks second.

There are a total of eight matches in the quarter-finals. Nagano Metropolitan has arranged four matches, and Matsumoto Stadium has arranged four matches.

Akagi was assigned to the second game, and was scheduled to enter at ten o\'clock. But my friends, arrived at the stadium at nine o\'clock to prepare.

By the time they arrived, the competition between CITIC Middle School and Dabei Middle School was drawing to a close.

In the fifth game, Dabei Middle School led CITIC Middle School 5:0.

"so big!"

As soon as you board the stands of Nagano Metropolitan Stadium, the first thing you see is the countless seats. Compared with the small stadiums in the Akagi area, this large stadium immediately appears to be a lot more high-end and atmospheric.

Looking down from the stands, the entire stadium also looks very impressive.

As long as I think that I will go to the competition below in a while, the little friends are very excited one by one.

The match of the top sixteen is the match of the top sixteen. Compared with the previous two rounds, it is completely different.

It\'s just a pity that there are still not many audiences. Although the supporters on both sides add up to a small number of 2,000 people. But sitting in a stadium that accommodates tens of thousands of people, it still looks sparse.

This scene made Sawamura feel very emotional.

Nagano is a small place after all, and it is an inland prefecture that is dominated by tourism, hot springs, and agriculture. The people here are simple, the pace of life is slow, and the corresponding activities are not very active. Unless your relatives have a game, they usually don\'t go to watch it on purpose.

This kind of atmosphere, compared with Tokyo, is completely heaven and earth. In Tokyo, even for the round of 16, there are thousands of spectators. For the quarter-finals like this, the audience might be in the tens of thousands.

When it comes to the semi-finals, the finals. As soon as the Jingu Stadium opened, the scene was even more thrilling...

With a wry smile, Sawamura pulled his thoughts out of his memories, and then said with a smile, "Let\'s go, we should also prepare."

By the seventh inning, Dabei Middle School had already led the opponent by nine points.

The first place in Nagano\'s top eight has been determined, and that is Dabei High School.

"Those guys are really strong!"

Yamaguchi recalled the performance of the players from Dabei Middle School just now, and couldn\'t help feeling emotional.

The players of Dabei Middle School are tall and tall, and they are especially good at hitting. They often blast the ball into the outfield and look amazing.

The other little friends also fell silent one by one. In fact, they all knew that at this level of competition, there would be no weaker players. The opponents they will encounter in the future will definitely be the same as Dabei Middle School, and they will be frighteningly powerful.

Sawamura walked at the back of the team, listening to his friends talking, but didn\'t say anything.

Just as the friends were going down the stairs, they met a team head-on.

These guys were all wearing white baseball uniforms and looked very energetic. There was a row of small words written on the chest of the shirts.

Nagano Prefecture Kitashin Junior High School Baseball Team!

Akagi\'s little friends, their faces suddenly turned cold. Beixin Middle School is their opponent in the upcoming competition.

When the opponents meet, they should be drawn to each other, and the smell of gunpowder is full.

But Beixin\'s players did not.

Many of them greeted Chicheng\'s little friends kindly.

Either nodding, beckoning, or smiling slightly, there seemed to be no hostility at all.

Two other people rushed to Akagi\'s team, hugged Sawamura, and were extremely affectionate.

This confused Sawamura, big brother, did we know each other before?

"It was so beautiful before!"

"You are Sawamura\'s younger brother, right? You have a great future."

Sawamura smiled awkwardly, the veins on his forehead kept beating. At this time, he really wanted to ask questions.

Senior, are you sure that you are our opponents, not the teasers invited by the monkeys?

Akagi\'s little friend, has never encountered such a situation, and was overwhelmed by it. In this way, the two sides parted in a very friendly atmosphere.

After the match between Dabei and CITIC was over, Akagi\'s friends began to enter the locker room on the first base side to prepare.

"Are these guys crazy?"

Oda said angrily.

The opponent who is about to be killed on the battlefield, such a harmonious way of greeting. Oda, who thought he was not stupid, was overwhelmed.

Feng Xiang sneered: "Obviously, the opponent has already treated us as lambs to be slaughtered."

The seeded team in this group is Shi Lun. When Shi Lun capsized in the gutter, it is not surprising that Beixin Middle School, a direct competitor in the same group, was so excited.

They should have thought that Akagi had **** luck to get rid of Shi Lun. Therefore, Akagi didn\'t take Akagi to heart at all.

"I\'ve been treated as a soft persimmon!"

Sawamura also pondered and understood that being looked down upon like this, even if he had more than ten years of experience, Sawamura was still angry.

"No matter what, this game cannot be lost!"

With a cold face, he said in a deep voice.


The little friends\' eyes became fierce one by one.

Anyway, UU reading www. They also beat Shilun Middle School 3:0 and advanced.

Beixin Middle School looks down on people so much, and they want to let their opponents see the strength of Akagi Middle School.

When it was time for the game to start, Sawamura took the lead, pushed open the door of the lounge, and walked towards the court.

The audience at the scene was much smaller than the last match between Dabei and CITIC.

On the stand on the Akagi side, dozens of people sat sparsely. On the other side, there were only five or six hundred people in the stands on the side of Beixin Middle School.

The two sides guessed their fists. This time, Sawamura was unfortunately defeated. Beixin Middle School chooses to go first!

"nice shot!"

"nice shot!"

"nice shot!"

"strike out!!"

"strike out!!"

"strike out!!"

Nine goals, three strikeouts. With Sawamura\'s super-high ball speed and precise ball control, the players from Beixin Middle School had no way to hit his ball at all.

"What a fast ball speed!"

"Akagi is still a first-year pitcher, and he\'s too capable!"

"Just say it~"

"The speed of the ball is as fast as 130. Even in the third grade, the speed of the ball is scary enough."

Sawamura\'s pitching not only amazed the audience, but even the players from Beixin Middle School were stunned.

Akagi\'s pitcher is too good!

Could it be said that before Chicheng won against Shi Lun, it was not luck, but real strength.

Before the match with Akagi, the friends from Beixin Middle School were still very relaxed. They thought that Akagi was just a fluke, and they never thought that the opponent would have such strength!

They originally thought they could make it to the quarterfinals, but now it seems that is not the case at all.