Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

Chapter 18: :crisis

"Let them fight, we will hold on."

"Leave it to us!"

"Come on, Xiaorong!!"

Now Akagi\'s friends are already familiar with Sawamura\'s rhythm, and they are willing to interact with Sawamura during the game.

This kind of atmosphere made Shi Lun\'s family and friends look dumbfounded.

Isn\'t Akagi the newly established fish belly team? Why does it seem to be more imposing than the strong school of Shilun Middle School?


The small white ball, like a laser beam, passed through the batter\'s line of sight and landed in Feng Xiang Aoyi\'s glove.


Feng Xiangao gave a cold face, and a huge echo came from his gloves. His basic skills as a catcher are much more solid than Yamaguchi\'s. After changing him to catch the ball, whether it is the feedback or feeling of the pitching sound, Sawamura feels a lot more comfortable when pitching.

"nice shot!"

Fengxiang shouted, and then passed the ball back to Sawamura.

He noticed that Shi Lun\'s batters didn\'t plan to swing at all on the first ball. They should have made up their minds to get used to Sawamura\'s ball speed first.

Thinking about it, Feng Xiang glanced at Coach Ishikawa in the bullpen on the first base side.

In his fifties, he still looks very energetic, and the edges and corners of his face are very soft.

Sure enough, **** is still old and spicy! After only playing against Sawamura and the others once, I noticed Akagi\'s biggest problem right now.

Akagi\'s strongest point is Sawamura\'s pitching, but the biggest problem also appears in Sawamura\'s pitching. It would be ideal if Sawamura could keep striking out. But once Shi Lun\'s players started getting used to Sawamura\'s speed, they would inevitably hit the ball.

Even if Sawamura\'s ball is hit, it doesn\'t really matter. His ball speed and power are not bad. As long as the defense is qualified, Shi Lun still has few chances.

The problem is, the garrison must be qualified!

Akagi Middle School\'s current defense lineup, the only difference from no defense, may be that there are a few more human flesh piles. Whether it\'s catching the ball, handling the ball or passing the ball, it\'s hard for them to keep up with the pace of the game.

Now, Coach Ishikawa plans to use such a routine to deal with Sawamura.

It seems simpler, but I have to admit that this trick should be useful. As far as Feng Xiang Aoyi felt, it might be difficult for Sawamura to use his straight ball to continuously suppress Shi Lun\'s hitter.

"Strike, strike, strike out!"

"strike out!!"

"strike out!!"

Feng Xiang Aoyi is not sure what will happen in the later stage of the game. Now he can only take one step at a time. According to the speed and power of Sawamura\'s pitching, it should be no problem to suppress Shi Lun\'s line for one or two rounds.

Three outs, offense and defense exchange.

In this game, Shi Lun\'s batter entangled Sawamura ten goals.

In order to maintain the pitching rhythm, Sawamura had to mix some bad **** in the pitching process. Otherwise, even if he pitched the ball slowly, it would be difficult to ensure that Shiron\'s batter would not let the opponent touch the ball.

In Shi Lun\'s cowshed.

Coach Ishikawa asked their statistician, "What\'s the speed of the ball?"

After measuring ten balls, he believed that he should be able to roughly judge Sawamura\'s ball speed.

"The fastest ball speed is 128 kilometers, and the slowest is 124 kilometers. The average ball speed of ten **** is 126.5 kilometers per hour. It\'s a little faster than Tanaka."

The recorder of Shi Lun Middle School was a little hesitant. Although he had long expected that Sawamura\'s ball speed should not be slow, the result still surprised him.

The current Sawamura is only twelve years old, and it is still very early for his body to fully mature. But his speed is approaching professional baseball averages. If you only count people of the same age, there are very few people who can surpass Sawamura in the speed of the ball.

I really can\'t understand why they have never heard of such a pitcher before.

The game continued, and neither side had a good chance to score when the pitchers on both sides exploded. During this process, Sawamura\'s pitch was knocked out twice, and Shilun\'s batter hit base twice. It\'s a pity that the two hits were inconsistent, and they didn\'t get a good scoring opportunity.

In this way, the game reached the top half of the fourth inning.

In the first half of the fourth round, Akagi Middle School attacked. Their first hitter was the catcher, Feng Xiang Aoyi.

Seeing him play, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became tense.

Before, it was his consecutive hits and home runs with Sawamura that Akagi scored two points in a row, leading up to now.

This time, Tanaka used his own tiebreaker, a curveball, from the very beginning!


Feng Xiangao missed with a swing of his bat.

Facing the sudden appearance of the curved ball, Feng Xiang was disturbed by the rhythm of his swing. When you\'re hesitating about whether your opponent is going straight or curved, it\'s hard to make a firm swing.

"Strike, strike, strike out!"

After two consecutive curve balls, a straight ball suddenly appeared. Feng Xiang didn\'t expect it, his swing failed, and he had to be out.

Once out, no one hits the base.

"Fourth, pitcher, Sawamura."

When Sawamura came on stage, Shi Lun\'s family and friends burst into boos.

On the stand on the side of third base, the little white face with braided braids sneered, "Are you afraid?"

The louder the boos, the more consideration they were given to the batter. In just three games, Sawamura established his position in the eyes of Shi Lun. UU Reading

Sawamura is undoubtedly their most feared opponent!


Sawamura faced either a bad ball, a sharp curve ball, or an edge ball with a tricky angle...

Obviously, Shi Lun\'s shooting partner had already made up his mind and would rather walk him than let him hit the ball comfortably. In this case, Sawamura can only choose a relatively less tricky inside corner kick to swing.

The ball flew high and was caught by Shi Lun\'s outfielder.

"Get out!"

Fengxiang Ouichi and Sawamura were out in a row, let alone the others.

In the first half of the fourth inning, Shi Lun\'s pitcher Tanaka let Akagi\'s core hit the line three times.

In the second half of the fourth round, it was Shi Lun\'s turn to play the line.

"nice shot!"

"nice shot!"


After two strikes, Shi Lun\'s third bat seized the opportunity and hit Sawamura\'s ball out.

The ball flew high and fluttering, a high-flying ball over third base.


Sawamura shouted immediately.

"I know!"

When Yamaguchi heard the words, he stepped back. He was fairly accurate in judging the landing point. The ball should have landed about five steps behind him, but in the process of retreating, his left foot accidentally touched his right foot, and then he fell to the ground with a somersault.


Yamaguchi fell to the ground, Shi Lun\'s batter ran to first base in one breath, and then ran towards second base without stopping at first base.

Yamaguchi fetched the ball backwards in vain, and could only watch helplessly as the ball drifted away.

When Yamazaki picked up the ball and was about to pass it back, Shi Lun\'s third bat was already on second base.

No one was out, there was someone at second base.

The next one is Shi Lun\'s Super Four.
