Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

Chapter 13: : win without fighting

Sawamura actually didn\'t have high expectations for Akagi Middle School\'s first competition trip.

In this country, the prevalence of baseball is unimaginable for ordinary people. Just like in a rural place like Akagi, there are so many people who don\'t know anything about baseball. But in a slightly developed place, most people in the school have an understanding of baseball, and even many people have been exposed to baseball since childhood.

This ratio is so high that ordinary people can hardly imagine it.

Why do places like Tokyo, Osaka, and Kanagawa become fierce battle zones?

Of course the crowd is one aspect, and another very important aspect is that most of the students here have played baseball, but only a handful of them have never touched it. Among those who have played baseball, about one-third have been in junior or junior baseball, and have systematically learned baseball.

This is the real reason for the formation of the fierce war zone. Compared with people in Nagano and Chiba, they are professional.

Even in Nagano, there are several junior baseball and junior baseball clubs. Although the players they train can\'t compare with the junior baseball in Tokyo, they still have an overwhelming advantage over those around Sawamura who have no baseball knowledge at all. . There are hundreds of these players every year, and most of these people are concentrated in a few baseball schools. One can imagine the strength of such a school.

Even if it was Shi Lun Middle School who had played against Akagi before, there were several in the team who were transferred from the junior club.

It is precisely because such a new force joins every year that Shi Lun can stabilize his position in the top eight and sixteen in Nagano.

Compared with these schools, Akagi Middle School is completely incomparable. Even if Sawamura has the advantage of being reborn, he has confidence in his pitching. But he also doesn\'t think he can beat these guys by pitching 122 to 133.

So, Sawamura had very simple requirements for Akagi\'s first-year competition.

The key is to participate, feel the atmosphere of the competition, and learn how some strong teams play...

Of course, if you can win one or two games in a big competition, it will be even more perfect.

Although Sawamura knows that new teams like them who have just signed up should be the weakest link in the seed selection system, they are usually given directly to seed teams as victims. But he still hopes to win one or two games. After all, people always have to pursue something.

With the competition approaching, Akagi Middle School\'s training is still proceeding step by step.

Such a relaxed state quickly aroused the doubts of Fengxiang Ouichi and Oda Bensheng.

"Didn\'t you say you want to dominate the country? For example, one hour of training in the morning, one and a half hours of training in the evening, and only a few practice games, how can that be enough?"

Feng Xiang Aoyi has worked in the young club, and he is very clear about the training system of the young club. Although Sawamura\'s arrangement is not negative, it is definitely not positive. A team that really aims at the whole country has to work harder, right?

"That\'s it, very good!"

Sawamura was very calm.

Akagi, except for Fengxiang Ouichi and Oda Bensheng who suddenly appeared, the others are all his friends in his previous life. Brother Yamazaki and Nobu Nakagawa will not talk about it, they are all his childhood. When the baseball club was established, they chose to be with Sawamura without hesitation.

The same is true for Yamaguchi and Fengliang, both of whom were former teammates of Sesawamura. Otherwise, with the physical qualities of the two, if it weren\'t for Sawamura, other sports clubs might not want them. One is one hundred and fifty in height and one hundred and fifty in weight, and the other is a sissy who has no flesh all over her body.

These are Sawamura\'s old team members, members of the Akagi Baseball Club Seven.

Why seven?

It\'s very simple. In the end, Shizawa Village didn\'t have enough people. Otherwise, Cang Yue, the manager of the club, would not be allowed to participate in the competition. At the time of the competition, two members were actually multi-parties, and they came to help the competition because they couldn\'t refuse Sawamura\'s enthusiasm.

Sawamura knows their physical fitness too well for his little friends. Not to mention Qing Dao, who practiced five or six hours a day. Even with more than two hours of practice now, they have already approached their physical limit.

Some things have to be gradual, and it is impossible for a person to eat into a fat man in one go. Although Sawamura himself is a training maniac, he doesn\'t want his little friends to feel that playing baseball is a very painful thing because they can\'t stand the training plan he gave them.

He still hopes to lead everyone to enter the national competition, and even dominate the country.

But the premise is that everyone must be happy.

If everyone was miserable because of his own dream, Sawamura would rather give up his first wish.

After being reborn, in addition to his baseball dream, Sawamura\'s greatest desire is to play baseball happily with his friends.

Of course, victory still has to be pursued.

If the game keeps losing, what is there to be happy about?

Sawamura\'s explanation made Fengxiang Ouichi unable to refute.

"Then you don\'t plan to use the change ball anymore?"

Fengxiang Aoyi said.

He had a heads-up with Sawamura, and he knew very well the true strength of Sawamura\'s pitching. Otherwise, he would not follow Sawamura\'s words as a senior.

Sawamura\'s straight ball is sharp, but with that kind of ball alone, they probably won\'t be able to win even a round.

Although Sawamura\'s pitching is fast, UU reading www.uukanshu. com, but it\'s just a tad higher than the average high school pitcher. Strictly speaking, this is not a fastball.

"Of course, the emphasis is on participation."

Sawamura nodded.

Feng Xiang Ouichi knew very well that Sawamura had already planned to give up this tournament to allow the team to accumulate experience.

He knew very well that there was nothing wrong with Sawamura\'s approach. But still can\'t help but feel a pity, it\'s really a pity, if Sawamura is willing to show all his strength, they may not have few chances.

"No chance!"

Sawamura\'s ruthlessness is even more powerful than Feng Xiang, who came from a young club.

Sawamura is too aware of the difference between professional and amateur.

Two teams of similar level, if a player makes a mistake, it is very likely that their own side will be doomed.

Akagi\'s little friend, how many mistakes will there be?

No matter how strong Sawamura and Fengxiang Ouichi are, it is difficult for Akagi to go far in the first competition.

Sawamura even thought that Akagi might not be able to win a game.

Their practice matches looked dazzling before, with eight wins, seven wins and one draw.

But in fact, the winners are the first-round teams in the competition, and the opponents who are really important have never met. If you meet a seeded team in the first game, then...

Just when Sawamura was worried, the groupings for the competition came down.

The moment he saw the grouping, Sawamura was stunned.

In the first round of Nagano Prefecture, Akagi\'s opponent was Akagi West next door.

On the table of this group, Akagi Nishi has been crossed, which means that they have withdrawn from the competition for unknown reasons.

In the first round of the Nagano County Competition, Akagi Middle School VS Akagi West, Akagi Middle School won without a fight and entered the top 32 of Akagi County.
