Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

Chapter 11: : Combat power delivered to your door

"A concert party?"

When Sawamura heard this, his first reaction was stunned.

Speaking of which, he is the oldest senior in Akagi. After all, he has been graduating from Akagi for so many years, and now he is just coming back. Why hasn\'t he heard of any baseball recital?

Feng Liang Zhengtai replied affirmatively by pushing the glasses on the bridge of his nose.

"Yes, this school has a club. Although there are no members of the club among the seniors of the third grade, there are still two senior seniors of the baseball club in the second year. Senior Fengxiang and Oda-senpai!"

Sawamura hesitated for a moment, then shook his head and said, \'\'No matter who they are, ignore them. "

He had never heard of this concert in his previous life, and he doesn\'t want to contact it now.

He joined Akagi Middle School, one is to fulfill his promise to his friends in the past, and the other is to hone himself well before entering high school.

Akagi, it\'s better for him to decide alone. After one to two years of training and running-in, he believes that he is still able to bring his friends to the national competition.

After all, Nagano is just a small place, and there are not many opponents of sufficient weight.

There are only more than 40 middle schools in Nagano, and half of them don\'t take baseball seriously at all. There are only a few who are truly qualified to be Akagi\'s opponents.

They have three full years of opportunity, and Sawamura doesn\'t want to involve other seniors and juniors...

It is so comfortable to be the captain myself. Why are you still looking for two seniors to hold you down? If you do this on your own initiative, aren\'t you asking for trouble?

Sawamura himself is not interested in inviting the seniors of the symphony club. Even if Feng Liang Zhengtai said that the two seniors had a bad experience, Sawamura was not tempted.

Shaobang is also different from Shaobang. If Kamimaru is not good, Songfang is not good, then Dajing and other famous families are nothing.

In Sawamura\'s impression, Nagano has two official junior clubs and three or four private junior clubs, but none of them seem to have achieved much.

Unexpectedly, Sawamura didn\'t go to them, but the two seniors actually came to him.

Fengxiang, who is 1.85 meters, and Xiaotian, who is 1.65 meters, are twenty centimeters apart. The two of them are together, it is simply the cutest representative of the height difference.

When Oda and Fengxiang appeared in front of him, Sawamura had mixed feelings in his heart.

He didn\'t know what he should say to these two seniors?

Although his mental age is more than ten years older than the other party, but now the other party is indeed his senior. This disparity in age and status makes Sawamura feel very strange.

He didn\'t know what attitude he should take, it was better.

"Two seniors, please take a seat."

Sawamura admitted that he was very humble and respectful and gave Fengxiang and Oda to the seats next to him, and then he didn\'t know what to say.

Oda and Fengxiang looked at each other, then sat down according to the words.

Sawamura considers himself very humble, but Oda and Fengxiang can feel the toughness in Sawamura\'s bones.

Facing a senior who was a year higher than him, a baseball player who became famous in the past, Sawamura did not intend to take a high look.

I have to say that the two of them have a very sensitive feeling.

Sawamura really doesn\'t have much respect for them. You let a pitcher who has been in the major leagues look back at a player who was never heard of by the country\'s young clubs. Sawamura can be like this, it is already very good.

His senior, Kuramochi. After entering the profession, facing his friends in the countryside, he pretended to be like a big-tailed wolf and didn\'t speak.

In comparison, Sawamura thought that he was nothing compared to him.

The three sat facing each other for three minutes, and no one spoke first.

Fengxiang and Oda were a little hard to say, but Sawamura himself didn\'t know what to say.

Oda couldn\'t help but murmured in his heart: You said it\'s fine if you don\'t invite us, now we\'re all licking our faces, why can\'t you go down the donkey down the **** and give us a step down?

Sawamura really didn\'t want these two seniors, and made himself uncomfortable.

Most of his friends play baseball together for fun. Results, although Sawamura pursues, but if the team is different from before, the little friends will not have a good time.

Sawamura would also be troubled.

He didn\'t know who these two seniors were and what kind of ambitions they had, so how could he dare to invite them.

But now, when someone came to the door, he didn\'t want it and it was inappropriate.

A trace of anger flashed in Feng Xiang\'s eyes. Are you trying to dispose of him?


With a cold snort in his heart, he said directly, "I heard that Captain Sawamura has extraordinary strength, so I don\'t know if it\'s inconvenient, so let us have a look?"

Sawamura was stunned for a moment, then stunned.

This is, dissatisfaction!

This is not difficult for Sawamura. If you don\'t agree, hit him!

Sawamura thought that Feng Xiang Ouichi might have some strength, but he didn\'t expect that he found the rhythm of hitting his own ball the first time he swung the bat.


After the baseball was hit, it fluttered to third base.

Oda, who was following the game, broke out in a cold sweat. If the ball lands in bounds, it should be counted as a catch.

Flying so slowly, and landing close to third base, Oda had no reason not to be killed no matter what he thought.

Fortunately, UU reading www.uukanshu. The com ball did not land in bounds, but flew out of bounds.

"The first ball, a foul ball."

Taking a deep breath, Oda announced.

But neither Sawamura nor Fengxiang Ouichi took any action.

According to the general 1v1 rule, this ball is naturally considered out of bounds, but both of them know that it should be considered an out of bounds smash.

In other words, Feng Xiangao lost in this duel!

"I lost!"

Feng Xiang Aoyi looked a little lost.

Sawamura was shocked in his heart. To be honest, although he didn\'t use any tricks, he just used the speed of the ball to bully his opponent. But there\'s nothing wrong with his pitching, whether it\'s angle, speed or power.

In this case, Fengxiang Aoyi still hit the ball. It seems that the seniors of this baseball club are not simple at all!

"It doesn\'t count just now, let\'s come again!"

It is rare to encounter such a good hitter, how could Sawamura give up easily. He was like a shark smelling fishy, ​​with bloodthirsty light flashing in his eyes.

Fengxiang Aoyi, of course, didn\'t fight enough.

The plot that follows is more pleasing to the eye.

In this life, Sawamura didn\'t deliberately practice the change ball, but just because he didn\'t, doesn\'t mean he can\'t use it. The tricky change ball requires the body to be familiar with it before it can be used, but a simpler one is fine.

Once Sawamura began to unlock his own change ball, the tragedy of Fengxiang Ouichi was almost predictable.

After the three rounds of duel, Feng Xiangao, who was quite confident in his blows, lost his temper.

Finally, the following dialogue took place.

Sawamura: "Are you satisfied?"

Feng Xiang: "I\'ll take it!"

Just be convinced!
