Ace Manager of the Green Field

Chapter 151

The new season begins with the gong.

Monaco\'s League opener is against Toulouse at the home Louis II stadium.

Toulouse\'s transfer operation in the summer was not big, but the change of the main team was obvious. Goalkeeper carraso transferred to Bordeaux, and the core defender Mathieu also went to La Liga Valencia, introducing Monaco\'s Merian and two goalkeepers.

Last season, the two teams played fiercely in the two league matches. In the first game of the new season, the two teams were relatively restrained in the opening stage.

Toulouse is still based on defense and counterattack, while Monaco\'s home attack must not be too conservative.

In the 22nd minute of the game, something happened suddenly.

Toulouse launched a counterattack in the backcourt, Merian split the ball in the midfield to the side, and Musa Sissoko passed 45 degrees directly to the area behind the hanging Monaco guard line.

The football landing point is probably on the restricted area line. Wiltonhorn and benatia retreated together to attack guiniak. It\'s hard to say how the club developed, but de GEA surprisingly chose to abandon the door!

In the middle of his attack, chiniac jumped directly to the ball and headed for the goal!

De GEA stopped in a hurry and then chased in the direction of the goal, but he could only look at the ball and sigh!

The Monaco fans on the stand were disappointed. This attack was too impetuous!

The live camera also meaningfully locked the camera on rufel sitting on the bench.

Situ Yunbing looked calm. He made a gesture to de Heya, pressed his hand and motioned him not to panic!

Strictly speaking, the ball was his mistake.

The other striker didn\'t completely form a single knife. What\'s the attack for?

If benatia and wiltonhorn can\'t stop chiniac, there\'s absolutely nothing wrong with another attack!

No problem.

Monaco is behind at home. As the defending champions, they are like angry beasts and launch an offensive quickly.

Without Merian, Monaco\'s attack lacks some changes, but the impact is strong enough at a glance.

In the 36th minute of the game, Modesto assisted on the right and hung the ball into the right rib of the restricted area after receiving Falcao\'s return pass.

Suarez cleverly tilted his chest to unload the ball, followed by a low shot to send the ball into the near corner of the goal!

Strong personal ability!

Monaco equalised at home!

Situ Yunbing is still calm, but Toulouse coach cassanova is a little unwilling.

Neither team was able to create more threats at the end of the first half.

At half-time, situ Yunbing made some adjustments and asked for faster attack transfer.

In the second half, the two sides exchanged sides and fought again. Toulouse unexpectedly took the lead in launching a strong attack!

Monaco was a little unprepared, but it could resist. Only in the 55th minute of the game, the long-range shot in front of Merian\'s restricted area made de GEA save his hand, and guiniak followed up and shot the ball into the goal, which made some Monaco fans uncontrollable.

Monaco\'s two goals are inseparable from the goalkeeper. Such a scene seems to prove that situ Yunbing\'s stubbornness is wrong.

Even the commentator didn\'t let situ Yunbing go. He kept asking him why he didn\'t go to rufel.

Regardless of de GEA\'s potential and talent, at least in today\'s game, rufel will not make mistakes like de gea.

Toulouse didn\'t create a great chance, but he has scored two goals.

When situ Yunbing saw that de Heya looked depressed, situ Yunbing, who had always been as stable as Mount Tai, was a little angry. His expression suddenly became severe and made a move towards de Heya. His right hand stretched out and raised his chin repeatedly.

De Heya cheered up immediately after seeing it. Situ Yunbing was telling him to raise his head and fight!

Casanova found that Monaco\'s rookie goalkeepers were weak, so he asked the team to immediately strengthen the long-range shooting and blunt hanging attack. Anyway, they scored two goals through these two means. If they can score another one, the game will basically win!

Monaco fans didn\'t boo Merian today, because they knew that the club didn\'t meet Merian\'s contract renewal request, and then sold him. But now they are watching Merian fight on behalf of Toulouse.

Now there are few players in Monaco who can play for the team for more than four years!

The main lineup on the field is only Modesto and Perez!

In the first half, Monaco started from the right and scored, which made Toulouse strengthen the defense of Falcao and Modesto in the second half.

Monaco\'s current two wing attacks still maintain the idea of last season, bright on the left and dark on the right.

Gareth bell and Moro on the left are the bright cards. Today, Gareth bell raced frequently on the side, and most of the results were the result of overturning.

So Toulouse also relaxed his marking slightly.

However, in the 71st minute of the game, Gareth bell controlled the ball when he was marked on the left, but he divided the ball gently. What caught the Toulouse defense unprepared was that Moro quickly inserted forward and went to the bottom of the ball!

After the bottom, Moro passed the ball. The quality of the ball was very high. It landed outside the middle of the guard line and in the middle of the restricted area. The Toulouse defense stared at Suarez and Falcao, but failed to notice matic\'s forward insertion.

Mattic rushed into the restricted area and directly headed for the goal. The football flew to the upper right corner of the goal like a shell!

There\'s nothing the goalkeeper can do!

Monaco equalized at home again!

Casanova paced back and forth nervously on the sidelines. Situ Yunbing remained calm. He went to the bench and called nimani to warm up.

Three minutes later, nimani came on as a substitute to replace nkuru.

Monaco has four strikers!

Situ Yunbing fought with each other quietly!

The king blew up, but Casanova dared not answer!

Monaco\'s playing style has become relatively simple. It\'s a cross from the side!

Perez and matic hold the middle, Modesto\'s position provides a cross threat on the right, and bell and Moro on the left.

After benatia dragged on the guard line, wiltonhorn\'s position was more flexible and his range of activities was larger.

Toulouse\'s threat of counterattack dropped sharply because they focused more on defense. Monaco\'s formation after nimani was too scary!

And they just sold the core of rear defense in the summer, air defense expert Mathieu.

Monaco frequently bombed the sidelines and repeatedly created dangerous situations. Today Falcao lacked scoring luck and missed at least two necessary scoring opportunities.

Seeing the game approaching injury stoppage time, Gareth Bell sent a cross on the side. The ball was speechless and landed on the other side outside the restricted area.

In other words, no one in the penalty area can top the ball.

But Modesto kept the ball on the other side and the Toulouse defence was too close in the penalty area.

Modesto got up again and passed the ball. The football flew into the front area of the middle road of the restricted area. When nimani wanted to header in the take-off, the Toulouse goalkeeper jumped high and punched the ball out.

Perez pushed away from his former teammate Merian outside the restricted area to control the ball, and then sent the ball to the left side. Gareth bell put the ball straight in front, and Morro quickly went down and swept the ball in front of the goal.

At the critical moment, Suarez shot the mat into the goal at a small angle in front of the goal!

Suarez celebrated wildly at the Louis II stadium, and the exposed buckteeth seemed to become cute in the eyes of the fans.

Situ Yunbing breathed out a deep breath at the edge of the field. He had no time to celebrate. He immediately called mulatori and mongonggu to warm up.

Monaco used up the last two places before the game resumed.

Mengonggu replaced Falcao and mulatori replaced Gareth bell.

Monaco has a five back formation.

Now this stage is to avoid Toulouse creating chaos in front of Monaco and scoring goals.

Toulouse was more or less powerless. After the kick-off, they played a wave of charging and hanging attack. After being cleared by Monaco\'s guard line, they broke the foul again.

Casanova pursed his mouth and looked like a child crying. When the whistle sounded at the end of the game, situ Yunbing breathed a sigh of relief.

The opening game of the League was fortunately not screwed up.

It\'s not that losing a club at home makes him think how bad the prospect of defending the title is.

But he knew that if Monaco failed to win the game, de GEA would be under the pressure of public opinion like a storm!

His relief is more to de gea.

In an interview after the game, the reporter naturally asked about de GEA\'s two mistakes. Situ Yunbing said without changing his face: "I think we should be more tolerant and patient towards young players. Buffon and Casillas will also make mistakes. If de GEA doesn\'t make mistakes now, I will worry because it\'s abnormal. He did make mistakes today, There is no excuse, but I believe he will learn from experience. "

Situ Yunbing also made a statement on whether he would consider reactivating rufel.

"At present, the main goalkeeper of the team is de gea."

What he said was actually told to rufel in disguise.

It is not that situ Yunbing is biased against rufel, but focuses on the Champions League starting next month. Situ Yunbing is between de GEA and rufel. He is more willing to gamble on de gea.

In short, players like Moro, rufel and Merian have a very low probability of surprise, but Gareth bell, de GEA, Suarez and Falcao are very likely to create miracles!

Focusing on defending the league title, situ Yunbing will choose rufel unreservedly, but on the stage of the Champions League, hard power is part, luck is part and surprise is part.

Monaco follows the rules and may leave unexpectedly.

Running in the team and promoting young players, situ Yunbing is betting and gambling, which is risky, but has high returns that can be expected.

When the French media comment on Monaco\'s performance in the opening game of the new season, the general meaning is: except for the goalkeeper, it\'s as beautiful as a picture!