Accidentally Married A Fox God – The Sovereign Lord Spoils His Wife

Chapter 98 - Demoted

Bai Yu was no untrained rookie. His muscular body was used to enduring hardship, but to remain unperturbed whilst every bone in his body broke into pieces? He was unsure it was possible for anyone, god or mortal, to remain composed under such cruel treatment.

Still, he could not cry out. His pride would not allow him to do so. One way or another, it was his fault. He was in charge, and had disappointed His Lordship. He could only guess at the level of chaos that would ensue from his lax of security over the clan.

Not to mention Taotie… that monster hated the entire Huli Jing with every fiber of his being.

And so, Bai Yu bore his punishment like the seasoned warrior he was. Beads of sweat broke out on his back and his mouth twisted into a grimace – the only signs of his suffering. Not even a single tear found its way out of his eyes.

Gods were not called Supreme Immortals without reason. It was nearly impossible to kill them. Even if a god was chopped into tiny pieces, they would live. It was their primordial souls that ensured their existence.

The gods\' spiritual bodies were capable of enduring much more than those of mortals – that did not, however, mean they could not feel pain, especially when encountering opponents in battle who were far stronger than themselves.

Bai Yu reached his pain threshold. His mind rebelled against the agony, bringing him to the brink of unconsciousness.

Only then did his pain lessen. The captain of the guard felt a cooling sensation seep into every part of him, realigning his bones and mending them back to their natural state.

Bai Qingyue\'s already healed palm hovered over Bai Yu\'s form, curled on the ground. He effortlessly mended each and every single one of the captain\'s bones, setting them back into place.

"I would have left you in this state for much longer, had I not required your presence," the Fox Lord stated.

Bai Yu slumped on the ground, the control of his limbs gradually returning to him even as Bai Qingyue spoke. He flexed his fingers and toes, and upon finding himself capable of doing so – his demonic black eyes clouded with relief.

"At your service My Lord, as always," he answered, voice hoarse. His braided white hair clung to his clammy back.

"Very well." Bai Qingyue hummed, acknowledging the response, and then issued another order. "Summon the elite squadron."

"Right away, Sire."

The tortured man did as he was told, and rose to his feet a mere instant before a dozen shadowy figures materialized in the garden. They all knelt, in unison, to await their orders.

Eyeing his soldiers appreciatively, Bai Qingyue raised an elegant hand and signaled for them to rise.

Simultaneously and immediately, the squadron stood and straightened their spines, hands clasped in front of them. Their matching uniforms were covered in metal plates, showcasing an engraving of the regal, nine tailed fox that was the Bai Clan\'s crest. Almost all of them had matching white hair, bar a few members from sub-branches of the family. Their bloodlines were so diluted that the curse no longer affected them, fortunately for them.

"From this moment on, I shall be handling all matters of the clan and my sovereignty from this mortal realm," Bai Qingyue declared.

His subordinates sucked in sharp, surprised breaths. Their Sovereign Lord had suddenly migrated to the mortal world; what could possibly be the reason for such a rash decision?

Bai Qingyue observed his troops\' expressions for a moment. "Your Lordship\'s orders shall be meted out without any room for discussion. The captain of the guard is temporarily dismissed from his duties."

The Huli Jing present were stunned speechless by their Sovereign Lord\'s decree. Bai Yu had been the captain of the guard longer than Bai Qingyue had reigned!

The soldiers sent sympathetic glances towards Bai Yu. His demotion meant the Sovereign Lord was truly furious this time!

The Fox Lord in question gestured to the guard in the center. Her dark, green tinted hair matched her emerald eyes. She made for a striking figure amongst the mostly pale guards, those bearing a similar appearance to the Bai Clan.

"Bai Cuifeng, I hereby ordain you as the new captain of the guard. Rally the troops to search for my mother\'s whereabouts, and send scouts to seek Taotie\'s hiding place." His tone turned stern, emphasizing his next words. "Inform me immediately of any information you may discover."

"Understood, my lord!" Bai Cuifeng said, stern yet somehow still feminine.

She had to work hard to maintain her stoic expression. Though she felt bad for Bai Yu, her captain for many years, she was secretly elated. \'I cannot believe the Sovereign Lord recognized my merit!\' she thought to herself, gazing at her Lord with admiration.

"In addition," Bai Qingyue continued, "I want all palace attendants to be interrogated. I will not have any rats in my palace." He waved a hand to dismiss the squadron. "Dismissed." He had more important matters to attend to.

The entire squadron disappeared as swiftly as they had arrived. Only Bai Yu remained, waiting in dread for his lord\'s further instructions.

"Sire," Bai Yu said, full of remorse, "What do you need from this servant?"

Bai Qingyue\'s harsh gaze softened slightly as he turned to stare at the nearby cabin.

Bai Yu\'s brows arched at the subtle yet present change to the Sovereign Lord\'s demeanor. He had never seen His Lordship look so… tenderly at anything or anyone before.

Bai Qingyue cleared his throat.

"I need you to change into your fox shape," he instructed. "Leave only one tail and regress to your youth. Make sure to appear as appealing as possible."

Bai Yu would have laughed had the words come from anyone other than the icy Sovereign Lord. Instead, he just blinked a few times, trying to digest the information.

\'My Lord wants me to turn into a little fox?!\'