Accidentally Married A Fox God – The Sovereign Lord Spoils His Wife

Chapter 300 - Grant His Wife Pleasure

Time seemed to stand still for Li Meirong as she awkwardly slipped her hands between their bodies and placed the bulbous tip of his blunt intrusion right underneath the juncture of her thighs. Without any further thought, she lowered herself the moment she felt it probing at her entrance.


A sharp, stinging pain left Li Meirong gasping for air as Zhu Qingyue flexed his hips forward, rising to meet her, pushing deeper inside her. She could feel her body straining and stretching to accommodate the penetrating foreign object.

Li Meirong was well aware that she wasn\'t very knowledgeable when it came to sexual relations between men and women. In her previous life, no relationship she\'d had with any man had gone that far. In her current life, she had only slept with Zhu Qingyue under the influence of drugs, and to this day couldn\'t recall much of the encounter.

Considering, however, the fact that this allegedly wasn\'t her first time, especially with the same man, she sought to convince herself that the process wouldn\'t be so arduous, despite his intimidating girth.

But as it were, the cause for her anxiety was spot on.

It did hurt. It hurt a lot!

"May I touch you now?"

Zhu Qingyue suddenly asked, his eyelashes fluttered open as his hands began to roam a little too close to Li Meirong\'s milk-white steamed buns.

"No." Li Meirong refused swiftly, giving a light smack to those wandering hands.

He let out an offended huff and retracted his touch.

Simultaneously, Li Meirong\'s gaze slid downwards again. Curiosity was once more getting the better of her as she inspected, with a sort of terrified fascination, the intimate physical connection that she and Zhu Qingyue shared.

She saw, to her growing dismay, that only the tip of him was inside of her!

\'This is impossible! I thought that if I was the one in the lead, it\'ll be easier, but maybe I can\'t do this after all.\' Far too daunted to advance, Li Meiorng gradually began to dislodge herself from Zhu Qingyue.

She shyly peeked at him with a side-long glance, an apologetic smile upon her lips.

However, before she could remove herself entirely, she felt Zhu Qingyue gripping her firmly in place at the waist.

His upper body carried a fine sheen of sweat, and his eyes were fully open, boring into her as they flashed eerily in the dark. His mouth was set into a thin, grim line.

"The last thing I want is to cause you pain." He said, "If at any moment you find this unenjoyable, do not hesitate to tell me and I will stop. But do not deny me my duty any longer. It is this Husband\'s responsibility to grant his wife pleasure."

As he spoke, the brows on his pale face furrowed with an internal struggle.

Li Meirong looked at him with distress plainly written across her face. She actually wanted to stop altogether, despite Zhu Qingyue\'s unusual eloquence and apparent sincerity.

She was a person who strived for comfort when it came to all things in life. If something was too difficult to obtain, then she would give up and seek an alternative. If a task sounded too painful to endure, then she wouldn\'t wish to undergo it in the first place.

At that instant, however, as she stared back at Zhu Qingyue\'s ravishing features, she thought she saw a look of anguish, of near desperation, reflecting from within the depths of his amber eyes.

Somehow, the joining of their bodies together seemed to be a merging of tremendous importance to the senior cultivator, far more than she initially understood.

Her throat suddenly felt incredibly dry. She just couldn\'t say no to that look on his face.

Following a breath of time, Li Meirong shyly tilted her head and offered a silent nod of permission.

At her consent, Zhu Qingyue\'s lips fell upon her like a ravenous wolf, touching and kissing and licking everywhere he could reach.