Accidentally Married A Fox God – The Sovereign Lord Spoils His Wife

Chapter 197 - My Well-Being, You Say?

As soon as Bai Qingyue left Li Meirong\'s home, he immediately departed the floating island. Lightning shot down from the skies and an oppressive air engulfed his malevolent figure.

The peaceful night turned into a fierce storm and the tranquil ocean waters became turbulent. As the dancing waves roared, a tsunami tragically impacted the isles below.

Meanwhile, the Fox Lord approached the intended destination, and his shape gradually altered into an enormous, silver-furred beast glistening in the dark, with eight elongated tails swinging behind. His majestic appearance was like an emperor descending from a royal throne, dragging a heavy cloak in his wake.

Upon the Gigantic Fox\'s descent, the earth trembled and cracked beneath his heavy gait.

A horde of fox spirits and demi-gods waited for Bai Qingyue at the foot of the mountain below, a collection of servants and warriors mixed together, bowing low and prostrating themselves in honour of His Lordship\'s arrival.

The Fox Lord\'s bestial form was both fearful and majestic to the eye of the beholder. Unlike a common fox, a Celestial-Fox God\'s true form was anything but adorable. Bai Qingyue\'s extended snout appeared altogether terrifying, a row of countless gleaming sharp teeth threateningly peeked out from a slightly parted mouth. The white ears atop his head were quite long and pointed, and the heavy silvery coat was unable to conceal the well-toned shape of a predator lurking underneath.

The outer corner of Bai Qingyue\'s pair of sharp-edged, vicious looking eyes curved upwards, his slit pupils shone like bright jewels in the nighttime.

This was indeed a vision of a beautiful yet terrible beast, prompting both worship and fear from those who bore witness to its regal appearance.

The Fox Lord didn\'t utter a single word. He simply stood there, his imposing presence and bone-chilling eyes portraying displeasure all too clearly.

After a minute of petrifying silence, it was the newly appointed Captain of the Guard who attempted to approach the enraged Fox Lord slowly stepped forward in front of the elite squadron.

Bai Cuifeng shapeshifted into a human form, a gorgeous looking maiden with dark hair and attractive green eyes. Unfortunately, those breathtaking emerald eyes only dared to focus on the gigantic paws in front of her as she addressed His Lordship, cupping her hands in a gesture of salute.

"Sire, we come with urgent news! Our scouts have spotted your mother\'s presence in this very world."

The Fox Lord breathed noisily and forcefully through the nose, expressing his contempt.

"Bai Cuifeng, have you grown tired of living? You dare summon this Lord merely for this piece of intelligence?" Bai Qingyue hissed. His low voice reverberated throughout the mountains with unconcealed power, "Do you know the penalty of summoning my presence for an unjust cause?"

The Captain of The Guard\'s shoulders quivered in fright. She didn\'t understand the reason for His Lordship\'s terrible ire, but knew she had to come clean with everything she had discovered in order to escape an untimely death!

"No Milord! This subordinate does not dare bother Milord unless called for. If not for your own well-being, this subordinate would never have thought to summon Milord!"

The enormous Celestial Fox uttered a frightening growl in retort, flexing his large claws on the ground and dividing the mountain in two, "My well-being, you say?"

Bai Qingyue\'s desire to kill only intensified. He had been so close to finally claiming his chosen female which he had sought for so long and this vixen dared to say she interrupted his most precious moment for his sake?!

The servants and guards at the scene leapt to the air as the ground split open beneath them.

Bai Cuifeng\'s elegant eyebrows wrinkled into a deep frown as she knelt frozen to the spot, nearly falling into the open cracks underneath her. She tried to quickly analyze the reason for His Lordship\'s rage but came up with nothing!