Accidentally Married A Fox God – The Sovereign Lord Spoils His Wife

Chapter 103 - More, Please!

"I will be honest from now on! I cannot tell you the truth right now, but I have good reason for everything! I will definitely tell you one day."

Even as flustered as he was, Bai Yu managed to gather his wits enough to pass the blame back to where it belonged, leaving it up to his Lord to clean up the mess he had created for himself.

Whilst his Lady was still fuming, he could sense that his answer had managed to reduce her anger, even if only by a little.

"Fine. I\'ll wait for that day. Don\'t lie to me again, Snowball. I can\'t stand it when people scheme behind my back." she warned, raising one hand and wagging her finger left and right.

"Yes, Master!" Bai Yu tried not to show his anxiety as he nodded to her. Bai Qingyue was going about wooing Her Ladyship in all the wrong ways. If the Sovereign Lord kept this charade going on for too long, he will dig himself a hole that he\'d never be able to escape from.

Not to mention, Bai Yu also knew that he needed to find an appropriate time to report back to the said Lord, too…

A clatter was heard from just outside the door, breaking the tension and causing both to turn towards the entrance.

Bao Li entered the room, carrying a breakfast tray with congee and steamed bread buns.

"I have some extra food for you and Snowball," she said with a faint smile.

The frown gracing Li Meirong\'s forehead finally began to ease. Her expression softened, and she stared at Snowball in the same doting manner as before. She had never been the type to remain upset for long. As soon as a problem was resolved, there was no further need to be in a bad mood.

"I can\'t stay, but I\'ll be leaving Snowball under your care until I return, if that\'s alright with you?" she asked of Bao Li.

"Not a problem! Take as long as you need. It is my day off, anyway," Bao Li explained. She had a soft spot for baby spirit beasts, and had always wanted one of her own. Sadly, she had never been qualified to acquire one.

Li Meirong thanked Bao Li and bade her farewell, and after rubbing Snowball\'s fluffy head she left in a hurry.

Bai Yu could only hope his Lord would not mind the gesture. He tried to avoid Her Ladyship\'s touch, but she was quite the determined woman! The former second-in-command was unable to escape his fur being ruffled.

Once Li Meirong had departed, Bao Li placed the tray on the small, ebony wood slab she used as a table, and dragged the stools nearer. \'Snowball\' hopped off the seat before Bao Li moved it, only to jump back up when she placed it down again.

Bao Li opened the curtains, lighting the room and making it appear more hospitable. The subtle aroma of rice and meat, emanating from the warm meal, made Bai Yu relax. He felt as though the terrible storm had passed and he had finally found shelter.

The congee was thick and warm, a mix of mashed grains and individual rice flakes floating on the surface of the bowl. Steam emanated from the top and made the meal look all the more appetizing.

Suddenly, Bai Yu felt very hungry. Without his notice, a trail of drool dripped down his furry chin.

"Silly head," said Bao Li, and smiled kindly at him, causing his heart to feel a strange tingle. She then used the back of her sleeve to wipe the drool from his fur.

They both sat in comfortable silence, facing each other across the \'table\'. Bao Li held the thick-handled spoon and ate with a proper lady\'s etiquette, whilst \'Snowball\' simply stuffed his snout into the bowl.

Bao Li peeked at the cub and stifled a laugh at his peculiar actions. He was trying so hard to eat without making a mess; it was hilarious! No wonder Li Meirong was so attached to him.

She had never seen the girl look so mad before. Even when she had been insulted and pushed around, she remained level-headed and surprisingly calm. To see her so riled could only mean that Snowball had a very special place in her heart.

Bai Yu ate heartily, appreciating the meal, and completely oblivious to Bao Li\'s thoughts. The congee tasted a little bland, but he was not a picky man. If there was food on offer, he would happily gobble it down!

It took him only moments to empty the bowl, and Bao Li giggled.

"I figured you would like some meat, so I added the pork bits especially for you. There is more where that came from. Would you like another serving, Snowball?"

Bai Yu\'s ears perked up; he stuck out his tongue to lick his mouth clean. Since he hailed from a clan that was known for its abstinence in every possible way, receiving a second meal serving was never a possibility in his life.

The former second-in-command mentally salivated at the thought of stuffing himself with an endless supply of food. He definitely liked the sound of that!

"More, please!"

Bao Li observed the fox spirit\'s greedy eyes and shook her head while laughing.

"Here, finish this." She instructed as she gave \'Snowball\' the extra plate she had originally brought for Li Meirong, and went outside to grab a few remaining leftovers.

Meanwhile, at the Bestiary Division, in another courtyard with the most luxurious scenery to behold, a strikingly handsome silver-haired man lounged on an elongated chaise, bathing in the first rays of the morning sun.

Pine trees and bamboo houses surrounded the majestic view of the garden that led to the main courtyard, providing an air of mysterious splendor. The man wore a loosely fitted dark robe, his long, silken hair spread about him like fallen snow as he lifted a scroll in one lazy hand. He studied the contents unhurriedly, his mind a tad too preoccupied to pay proper attention to the subject written about within.