Accidentally Married A Fox God – The Sovereign Lord Spoils His Wife

Chapter 100 - Die A Thousand Deaths!

The killing intent emitting from Bai Qingyue intensified until Bai Yu huddled in fear, small frame trembling. "Crystal clear, S-sire!"

Bai Yu did not suffer from the legendary curse which ailed the Sovereign Lord, having been born into the Bai Clan from his mother\'s side only. The pure Bai line was only maintained from the father\'s side, and all Bai Yu knew of his father was that he was a demonic entity of unknown origin. This alienated Bai Yu from the ranks of the celestial foxes.

The blood in his veins was diluted enough to not carry the curse, and this was the case with most of the clan\'s newer generations. This did not mean he was ignorant of the curse\'s effects. His clan members suffered endless anguish, many of them driven to extreme lengths to ensure their destined partner was theirs alone. Some were even driven insane, to the point of ending their own lives.

Thus, he could only imagine how His Lordship would react should he take one step out of turn!

Silently, Bai Yu swore to ensure the Sovereign Lord\'s plan would be executed faultlessly! His Lordship would be pleased, and, even more importantly, his own body would be kept intact.

As soon as Bai Yu\'s illusory golden eyes filled with determination, his keen hearing picked up on a young, melodious female voice calling the rather unbecoming nickname ascribed to His Lordship.

"Snowball? Where did you disappear to this time?"

Bai Yu glanced back, and was somewhat resentful to discover that his lord had already disappeared, leaving him to handle the task alone.

However, before he could breathe even a single word in response, he was lifted into the air, only to feel a pair of warm, comfortable \'pillows\' squishing against the back of his head.

"So, this is where you\'ve been hiding," a soft, female voice sounded right above him.

Oh, no. No, no, no, no, this was not happening! He would surely die a thousand deaths!

"Uwah!" Bai Yu yelped in panic.

He immediately struggled from Her Ladyship\'s tight grasp, leaping out of danger. He didn\'t want to get tortured again!

What was his new lady\'s name again? Li Mong?

What was he supposed to call her?! Her name, or Master?

Bai Yu settled for \'Master\', since he was pretending to be her contracted spirit.

"M-master, males and females should maintain a proper distance from each other!"\'Snowball\' scolded Li Meirong, his fluffy, nearly invisible brows knitted into a frown.

The corners of Li Meirong\'s lips curved downwards; she was a little saddened by her affectionate pet\'s abrupt change of behavior. She had just woken to find Snowball missing, and had frantically rushed outside in search of him, only to be reprimanded by that very same, troublesome pet.

She bent down to stare at Snowball, very obviously upset.

"What do you mean by saying \'maintain a proper distance\'? After I bathed you and slept with you in the same bed?"

"…" Snowball\'s eyes were wide in shock.

Mouth hanging slightly open, Bai Yu was too dumbfounded to retort. All he could think was that His Lordship was terribly shameless...

Not to mention his new lady did not look at all what he expected her to be. For someone to match his lord, he would presume the consort to be a formidable, seductive, and fearless warrior.

Li Meirong was not that. She seemed awfully young and far too gentle. Dressed in light garments, her big, watery eyes, fair skin, and small red lips made her look more like a cute fluffy rabbit, and not at all like the bride of a formidable Fox Lord.

Suddenly, all he felt for Her Ladyship was endless sympathy. An innocent lady such as her, matched up with the ruthless, conniving Sovereign Lord was just too unfair. The god of matchmaking probably made a terrible mistake, concluded Bai Yu.

Surely, His Lordship must have been bullying her!

\'Poor thing,\' Bai Yu thought, \'You have married such a terrifying and outrageous male, and yet you remain unaware.\'

An image flashed through the subordinate\'s mind – that of a vicious fox hunting down a terrified rabbit, flexing its claws as it chased the little white creature across a meadow.

How could this innocent girl manage the mischievous Huli Jing Clan? How could she even handle her own husband?

Seeing that Snowball was simply sitting there on the ground, staring at her absentmindedly, Li Meirong grew slightly worried. She resisted the urge to reach out and grab him as she usually would, instead wondering if he was experiencing some sort of growth spurt and simply didn\'t wish to be babied anymore.

The silence stretched on for a long time, until Snowball finally spoke.

"It is something I learned must be done," he said vaguely, "So from now on, you cannot touch me anymore."

Li Meirong exhaled heavily, pondering. Had she acted out of turn yesterday? Perhaps she had bothered him with her excessive show of affection?

She patted her knees and stood, feigning cheer. "I\'ll respect your wishes. Come on, we need to leave early because I\'m going to drop you over at my friend\'s place while I attend an assembly."

The fox cub remained frozen to the spot, big eyes blinking in confusion. \'Wait, what? What friend?\'

Bai Yu was even more dumbfounded now than he was before. His Lordship had orchestrated the whole charade so she could bring "Snowball" around while "Zhu Qingyue" was present. Did it make this entire ordeal pointless if she was planning on leaving "Snowball" with her friend?

Li Meirong walked forward and, noticing Snowball was not by her side, turned back around to speak to him. "I know how much you like snacks, so I\'m letting Bao Li take care of you. She\'s our division\'s head chef! I\'m sure you\'ll be pampered with lots of dishes at her place."

Hm… Bai Yu already liked his new lady. This plan sounded much better than His Lord\'s idea!

"Sounds good!"\'Snowball\' nodded his fluffy muzzle, and trotted along behind Li Meirong.