Abyss Knight

Chapter 986

"Don\'t look at those words. They are mysterious wizard words. Unless you can understand these words, even legendary creatures will be seriously hurt after watching them." an old scholar glanced at the words at random, and then a stream of blood came out from the corner of his eyes.

As a scholar, he is more sensitive to the perception of words and suffers more harm. He just relied on his own strength and forcibly suppressed those injuries.

"Wizards? I\'ve never heard of such existence." not only those ordinary adventurers don\'t know the existence of wizards, but also most scholars. However, some scholars still know the existence of witches. When they heard the word wizard, their faces suddenly became ugly.

"The period of existence of wizards is more ancient than the dark turmoil and the scarlet Queen\'s period. No one can guess the specific period of their existence. However, there have been no wizards in the world for a long time now." an old scholar sighed in a low voice. He looked complex and glanced at the young man in black on the altar. If there was no accident, the other party must be an extremely mysterious wizard.

"Can you help me take out some things from the altar? I feel that there are things familiar to me in those things." the girl with big breasts and childlike face swept the young man in black robes on the altar with a complex look. Instead of being weird in the past, she said seriously: "This altar is one of the important props of the trial place left by the ancient wizards for their descendants, but the trial place collapsed for unknown reasons, and the altar fell here." the young man in Black said in a deep voice: "There should have been many powerful props stored in this altar. But with the passage of time, most of those props have disappeared. Now, only one thing remains. Do you think I will give you the only thing?"

"I trade with you with the secret cultivation method of a wizard. I think you must be a wizard, is that right? If you don\'t need the secret cultivation method of a wizard, I can trade with you with the words of a wizard."

"No, no, no, little girl, why are you so naive? Don\'t you know I\'ve become a wizard? A real wizard doesn\'t lack cultivation methods. As for wizard words, they may be extremely precious to you, but to me, they are just like ordinary words." the young man in black smiled.

"No, I\'m talking about the oldest wizard characters. Three, three of the oldest wizard characters, in exchange for the things in the altar. I know you don\'t know the words above, but you can feel their usefulness and take out the things stored in the altar. We trade, and I will never let you lose." The young girl frowned slightly, opened and closed her attractive mouth, and said something that made the young wizard excited: "I say this in the name of the blue dress family. I think as a knowledgeable wizard, I must know the promise of our blue dress family."

"Hungry! I\'m sorry, I\'ve never heard of the blue clothes family, but I\'ve heard of black clothes, white clothes and red clothes." the young black robed wizard\'s head was covered by a cloak. Although he couldn\'t see his cheeks, the young girl with big breasts obviously noticed the ridicule of the other party.

The young black robed wizard didn\'t care about the blue dress family, and other professionals didn\'t know it, but among the young scholars, it caused an uproar. Because the blue dress family, as a scholar family, is too famous in the academic world. That popularity is equivalent to the professionals\' appreciation of the Giants such as the eternal night church, the star hall and the silver hand Like famous.

"Oh, my God! Unexpectedly, it was a woman of the blue dress family. I heard that this family is rich in children\'s beauty and breast. I was just suspicious before. I didn\'t expect to be officially recognized by the party today."

"I didn\'t expect that people from the blue clothes family would still participate in such a scholar delegation. It\'s a real accident."

For a time, all kinds of thoughts appeared in the minds of the young scholars. In fact, the old scholars knew the identity of each young scholar for a long time, so they were not surprised at her identity. They were surprised that the other party had mastered the extremely ancient wizard words.

In this world, as far as they know, those who can master the words of wizards, in addition to wizards, have heard for the first time that non wizard members can control them.

"Ancient wizard text?" The young black robed wizard was stunned. He was just a waste material and poor boy, but by chance, he got a strange crystal. In that crystal, he got the inheritance of wizards. In the inheritance of wizards, he knew that an ancient wizard text had existed, but it slowly disappeared because of the decline of Wizards over the years. Now he The words used by wizards were just recreated by later wizards.

"If you make good use of an ancient wizard character, you can easily become a legendary wizard. Three ancient wizard characters can even make you an existence of power." the girl with big breasts and childlike face was aware of the change of each other\'s breath and was secretly happy, so she hurriedly said: "Of course, if you are willing to join our blue dress family and become the core of our family, our family can even provide you with the remaining ten ancient wizard characters. With those ten ancient wizard characters, you can even become an ancient powerful creature."

"Give me all the thirteen ancient wizard words, and I can give you the things in the wizard altar." the young black robed wizard took a deep breath, forcibly suppressed his excitement and began to bargain: "and after giving me the ancient wizard words, you must protect me and protect me from leaving this crystal system to a crystal system designated by me."

The young black wizard was forced to say so. He wasn\'t going to jump out and take control of the altar. But he did not expect that among the sudden group of scholars, someone could make the witch altar ready to move. In order to prevent accidents, he had to choose to jump out and control the wizard altar in full view of the public.

Of course, in doing so, he actually made a retreat. If operated properly, as long as there is no creature of supreme power to intercept, he can spend a lot of money to leave under the gaze of the people. It\'s just that the cost is too high. Up to now, he is unwilling to pay or can\'t afford it.

"You are too greedy. Three ancient wizard words are enough for you to use. And if I remember correctly, the altar under your feet must be a wizard altar. It is a wizard altar that can cross the void. Unless it is a supreme power, no creature can stop you. Therefore, there is no need to worry about your life safety." The girl scholar with a childlike face and huge breasts smiled softly. She sensed the other party\'s heart.

"I must get all the thirteen ancient wizard words. Otherwise, even if I throw the things in the altar into the endless void, even if I destroy them, I won\'t give you half points." the young black robed wizard thought. After communicating with unknown things with secret methods, he gritted his teeth and insisted on asking for more ancient wizard words to trade.

At the same time, he secretly complained more than once why the predecessors who built the wizard altar didn\'t instill some methods to learn ancient wizard words in the wizard altar.

Of course, he also knew that the wizards who built the witch altar at that time never thought that the witches would not fall to the point where even the ancient witch words would be lost.

"No, I can\'t trade with you like that. If I\'m not wrong, the witch altar under your feet has been seriously injured. You have to pay an extremely heavy price to start the witch altar. But this price is something you don\'t want to pay all your life."

"I used three ancient wizard characters to trade with you and sent you to any crystal system. You know, since the establishment of our blue dress family, even if it is like an external transaction, the most common one is to trade two ancient wizard characters. And that transaction, we got one tenth of the net profit of a resource crystal system. Do you think this is a witch Can the things in the master altar be compared with one tenth of the net profit of a resource crystal system? "

"I deal with you like this, but the things in it are very familiar with me or the blood of our family. It may be the things of our family ancestors. It just fell into this altar by chance. It shouldn\'t belong to the wizard altar."

The girl with a childlike face and huge breasts said so much at one breath in order to convince the stubborn young black wizard in front of her. Of course, she knew that if she really couldn\'t convince the other party, she would have to pay 13 ancient wizard words. Otherwise, as the other party said, he would rather pay a huge price, destroy the things in it than let her get it. Because she knows that the characters of wizards are more and more strange.

According to the accounts of her family, wizards have had strange and strange behaviors under various extreme circumstances. It is their strange character that causes the strange behavior. They will not do things according to the thinking of normal people, nor will they follow what is right or wrong, whether it is appropriate or not. They just do things completely according to their preferences and even their inexplicable self-esteem.

In their family records, powerful wizards even chose to commit suicide in order to defeat an ordinary person in gambling. And there are too many things like this.

Therefore, in order to prevent accidents, she had to seriously try her best to persuade the other party to accept her transaction. Of course, she has only three ancient wizard words in her hand, otherwise she doesn\'t have to write with each other.

"How can I trust you? Hehe, if you are my wife, I can promise you. Of course, you can be my wife, that\'s only in name. I will never give birth to descendants with you without your consent." the young wizard laughed and suddenly put forward another suggestion.

"Damn it, you are humiliating our scholars and the glory of the blue dress family." a young scholar secretly admiring the childlike beauty and breast girl was angry: "I use the control of one plane to trade with you, no, the control of ten planes."

"Go away! The great wizard is talking. How can you be a lowly person?" the young black wizard smiled.

"Well, look at your sincerity, I can give you the things in it, but you must first give me three ancient wizard words." after scolding the angry young scholar, the young wizard suddenly talked about the deal with the child faced and breast girl very seriously.

"OK, as you wish." hearing that the other party was willing to trade with her now, the girl almost jumped up with excitement. Excited, she didn\'t feel that she resonated more and more with the unknown objects in the altar.

Of course, even if she found out this, she wouldn\'t have any other ideas. In her opinion, it is not a big deal for her and her family to trade with a wizard with what originally belongs to wizards. Even her family and herself may get a wizard\'s friendship. Well, even the friendship of a little wizard is extremely precious to them.

In history, the blue dress family, because of the friendship of several wizards, has come to the present and today, and has become one of the most famous scholar families in the world.

A book made of stone flakes emerged from the hands of a girl with a child\'s face and huge breasts. It looks very thin, but only seven or eight pages. It depicts several simple unknown patterns, which makes it look very simple.

The girl opened the stone book, then flew out three twisted patterns and drilled into the young wizard\'s forehead.

"It is said that the book that records the names of the most powerful creatures: \'Roman\'s records\'" an old scholar\'s face showed a flush of excitement. He forgot his teaching and said some information he knew in an uncertain tone.

"No, it\'s just an imitation. It\'s only one percent of Roman\'s letter." the young girl closed the stone book in her hand, and her fingers gently crossed the lines on it: "the tutor also knows this treasure of our family? If you like, I can lend you my imitation."

"No, Roman\'s letters are not what I can watch at all, even if they are imitations." the old scholar quickly shook his head and refused. Although he was extremely eager to know about Roman\'s letters, he didn\'t dare to really watch it.

As far as he knows, in those days, there was supreme power who forcibly asked for this treasure of the blue clothes family to watch, but before he saw the original, it was pinched into nothingness by a big hand stretched out from an imitation. Even the soul is completely erased.

"Yes, I forgot. Only those who have the blood power of our family can watch and use Roman\'s records. However, there is only one name and a simple experience describing that name on them. There is no other knowledge except for the first time." the young girl with big breasts spit out her little tongue and smiled playfully because she was happy with the completion of the transaction.

"Yes, it describes the name of the most powerful creature and some of his characteristics. But no one knows except the creatures of your family. Hehe, it\'s a strange book." the old scholar shook his head and sighed.

"Yes, a strange book. Originally, our family was not called blue clothes, but because of this book, we changed the name. To tell the truth, I hate our family name. It\'s really ugly." the girl with big breasts complained playfully. When she complained, the young wizard who got three ancient wizard words and learning methods jumped down from the altar and turned around to occupy the girl after being stunned for a few breaths.

"What you want is coming out soon." when the young black wizard saw that the girl was still muttering about her family and seemed to continue to tell, he was helpless to remind him: "don\'t forget to take me away. I don\'t want to be humiliated by a group of humble garbage in this damn position."

"Don\'t you take it out?" the young girl was stunned and wandered between the altar and the young black wizard with a curious face. At this time, she unexpectedly found that the familiar feeling between herself and the altar had disappeared, completely disappeared.

"It\'s not necessary at all." the young black wizard shrugged his shoulders and smiled strangely, "because it\'s coming out by itself."

Just as the young wizard was talking, countless cracks suddenly appeared on the wizard altar. The cracks spread all over the altar in an instant.

A large number of adventurers gathered in this relic space lost their voice and exclaimed. They can\'t believe that the altar, which has rotated for tens of thousands of years and experienced the supreme power to be forcibly blasted, had cracks at this time. And it looks like it\'s going to break? No, it\'s broken.

Under the surprised gaze of hundreds of thousands of adventurers, the rotating altar was broken a little, and the light curtain on the altar began to fade and disappear.

A trace of desolate breath was released from the broken altar. Although the breath was extremely weak, it spread all over the whole relic space, but affected all living creatures. Even the legendary creatures hidden in the dark, under the influence of the desolate atmosphere, involuntarily emerged their noumenon.

Fortunately, no one noticed them at this time. Everyone\'s eyes, including the legends forced out by the desolate breath, stared at the broken altar to see what was hidden in it.