Abyss Knight

Chapter 972

The strong coming of kukas made the great powers guarding this position very frightened. Because they had heard about kukas long before he came. I know that a powerful and incomparable existence is detecting planes and searching for strange things.

At first, after they felt kukas\'s strong psychological survey, they were uneasy waiting for the past of the psychological survey.

Unexpectedly, after the detection of the mind, the terrible existence sent out a strong breath and directly came to their plane world.

After some people can think of the bloody and cruel killing caused by this terrorist existence in this crystal system, their first idea is to find the weakness of the plane barrier, and then find a way to leave this plane.

The impatient power and legend rushed to the plane channel at the first time. After paying an extremely high fee, they crossed the plane channel and ran to other plane worlds. Because they don\'t know whether the existence of terror is searching for things in the face world or trying to cause endless killing.

"Even if the terrible devil is searching for something, if he can\'t find it, get angry and pour His anger on us, it will be bad luck for us. If he is not careful, he may even lose his life." it is this idea that makes them leave the world as soon as possible regardless of the cost, Go where they think it\'s safe.

The strong mind quickly swept the whole plane. In just a few breathing times, all the secrets in the face world appeared in kukas\'s mind. Under the influence of the secret method, the scene of the face world when it was born also floated in his mind one by one. In just a few breaths, his understanding of this face was more thorough and detailed than any living creature.

In a remote corner of the plane world, there are barren mountains, strange stones and strange forests, and hurricanes roar back and forth in this area all year round. Under such difficult living conditions, all the creatures who can survive here are strong creatures.

These creatures are ferocious and cunning by nature. Even if legends and even great powers come here, they dare to sneak attacks or even kill openly in order to get food.

However, when kukas came here, his body exuded a cruel and bloody smell, so that those fierce creatures did not say they had the idea of hunting food. Even if they peeked at it from a distance, they did not dare to do it.

They fear the breath of the coming ferocious creatures, and they fear that they will be used as food. Although these fierce creatures do not have the same perception of danger as those great powers and legends, they are easier to choose in the face of danger than professionals.

A large number of monsters left their ancestral habitat for millions of years and turned to search unknown areas to find a new place to live. In a short half magic time, there was no living creature in the area where kukas came thousands of miles. Even the smallest insects try to escape here.

Looking at the scene of fierce creatures running away from the distance with themselves as the center, kukas was stunned for a long time: "in fact, I\'m not such a murderous person. As long as you don\'t provoke me, I\'ll never hurt you."

He chose the tallest stone pillar in the barren mountains and forests, and kukas sat cross legged on it. The stone pillar is tens of thousands of feet tall and straight into the sky. Sitting on it, the wind roared and wanted to sweep him down from the stone pillar.

The hurricane that can easily tear high-level professionals came to kukas. Like the gentle wind, it swept by and won\'t cause any harm to him at all. Gradually, those hurricanes seemed to have consciousness and no longer rolled wildly towards the stone pillar where kukas was located. When hurricanes swept over, they always left that area at a critical moment and swept away to other places.

Standing on the stone pillars, looking at the barren mountains and stone forests hundreds of thousands of miles around, he slowly found that the stone forests and barren mountains seemed to have some abnormalities. However, when he sensed the plane world with his mind, he did not find any strange place in the gathering place of barren mountains and stone forests.

After careful induction, the chains of order evolved into a deduction array, which turned around in his mind. Soon through this secret method, he sensed the abnormality here.

Tracing the source! Under this secret method, the illusory scene of the barren mountain and stone forest area appeared in front of kukas. These illusory scenes quickly regress, like a moment for thousands of years. Until kukas used the secret method to trace back to a certain period after the birth of the crystalline system and the dark storm and movement in the ancient world.

During this period, kukas saw a legend who was about to set foot in the realm of supreme power. His blood smashed the sky and hit a prosperous land.

The legendary flesh and blood splashed into a ferocious monster and strange creatures. A palm sized skull flew out of the legendary flesh and blood. The skull is crystal clear and emits a burning divine light. Under the divine light, countless chains of order are looming.

After the image of the skull appeared, kukas felt the turbulence of his secret method of tracing his origin. The turbulence was caused by the power of the skull in the image.

"The skull of the supreme will? Didn\'t the blood and flesh of the supreme will be added to the face of the void fortress to suppress the sky and kill the prison? Why are there items of the supreme will after thousands of years?"

"The flesh and blood of the supreme will! I didn\'t dare to compete with it in those years, but now I want to try it." when the mind turns, kukas condenses his mind, urges the supreme secret law, and evolves a projection.

This projection is intertwined with countless chains of order and has all his powers. Even all means of killing can be handy. Such a powerful projection, after extracting one tenth of his spiritual power, jumped into the virtual shadow formed by tracing back to the source secret method.

When the projection stepped into the virtual shadow millions of years ago, it only felt that the passing speed of time around seemed to be solidified, and the rules disappeared, as if in the endless nothingness in the depths. The connection between the mind in the projection and the noumenon seemed to break in an instant.

However, this anomaly did not last long, but in an instant, the projection was separated from this state. At this time, the projection appeared in that period millions of years ago.

Stepping on the void without a black crystal package, kukas wantonly turned his body: his bald head shook left and right, making a strange sound. His thick arm easily tore the space around him.

The sky collapsed, and a legend covered with blood smashed the space and hit the earth heavily. The limbs were broken, and monsters and strange creatures came out of the flesh and blood. They roared and spread around.

There was a skull that radiated divine light and drilled out of the legendary flesh and blood. After seeing the skull, kukas\'s projection shot at the first time.

When his projection came, he saw through the secret method of tracing the origin that the skull of the supreme will finally evolved into a barren mountain and stone forest millions of years later, and evolved into a dangerous place. Therefore, he must act as soon as possible to prevent the evolution of the skull.

"Supreme!" he waved his fist, wound an endless chain of rules, evolved into an illusory double-edged Tomahawk, tore the space, and slashed heavily at the skull.

The skull turned slowly. After feeling the killing breath of kukas, it suddenly became violent.

Endless will pressure was released from the skull, and an illusory, faceless figure appeared under the skull, while the skull fell in the head of the illusory figure.

"Roar!" the unreal figure made a startling roar. A pair of white and tender hands stretched out from under the broad robe. One hand grabbed kukas\'s fist, the other went into the space, directly tore his chest and grabbed a bloody heart.

"Interesting!" the virtual shadow of the Tomahawk wrapped around the fist was crushed by the small hand of the will, and the whole arm was torn to powder by the power of the virtual shadow of the will.

In an instant, kukas suffered a heavy blow. He roared, didn\'t retreat but entered, and restored the secret method. In an instant, he recovered all his injuries. His hands were staggered, like two python, strangling the head of the virtual shadow of will.

The head of the will shadow bloomed brilliance, flashing brilliance, turning into a fan-shaped light curtain, sweeping the space in front of the body. Kukas\'s arms touched the light curtain and made a violent explosion.

The powerful collision force knocked kukas out for thousands of feet. Under the collision of that force, his arms broke inch by inch, revealing Bai Sen\'s bone stubble. The light curtain of the virtual shadow of will was full of cracks, but then it recovered.

"Is this the power of supreme will? Over millions of years, it is just a fragment of supreme will. Is it still so powerful?"

"You\'re dead, why struggle?" kukas yelled. Facing the skull of supreme will, his war intention became stronger and stronger. The overwhelming war spirit broke out, directly tore the whole plane barrier, stabbed the void, hooked the infinite void turbulence, rolled back into the face, turned into python, wound around.

"Kill!" in the low roar, the gold treasure behind kukas emerged, and the buried bone came out of the deepest part of the treasure, turned into a white cold light and swept towards the virtual shadow of will.

The white and tender hands of the empty shadow of the will draw falsely in front of the body. Every time they draw, a clanking chain of order emerges. In an instant, dozens of order chains condensed into a golden spear. The white and tender fingers of the will shadow gently bounced at the end of the spear. The whole spear sent out the roar of dragons and fierce animals, shattered the space, crossed the sky, and collided with kukas\'s buried bone.

"Bang!" with a dull sound, the golden spear penetrated the buried bone, penetrated kukas\'s heart, and was heavily nailed to the fountain of fighting spirit of the gold treasure. In the fountain of fighting spirit of the gold treasure, the virtual shadows of several empty props collided with the spear, competing with each other to prevent the spear from penetrating the fountain of fighting spirit.

"What a sharp means." looking down at the wound on his chest that couldn\'t heal for a long time, kukas couldn\'t help but take a cold breath. In those years, he had seen countless supreme beings fighting with the wreckage of those will. He thought that even if he was not supreme, his strength was no less than those beings.

And what he faced was not a wreck of supreme will, but a fragment of those wrecks. But the struggle of a short breathing time made him feel deeply powerless.

"Am I really so aware of the real supreme beings? Can no one really compete with those supreme will? No, I am unwilling. I have slept for millions of years, floating in the dead void, feeling countless chains of order and controlling endless killing secrets. Can\'t I even compete with a fragment of will?" The inner reluctance made kukas roar wildly. The gold treasure behind him turned wildly. All the powerful forces evolved into hundreds of millions of prohibition rules, squeezing down the golden spear piercing the fountain of fighting spirit. At the same time, he waved his fist, hooked the most powerful white bone beast in the bone burial place as a mount, and then frantically urged his knight\'s secret method.

The white bone armor wrapped his body, and the white bone spear made a bloodthirsty cry in his hand. Thousands of Knight secrets were displayed by him one after another or together, and then all condensed on the spear. When the spear and his own limit reached, he urged the white bone fierce beast to burst out at once.

Thousands of Knight secrets turned into hundreds of millions of streamers, condensed space and stagnated time. It was like the most brilliant fireworks in the world. It sprayed and shot at the virtual shadow of the supreme will: "what fell is what fell. What\'s the use of struggling?"

In the roar, the white bone spear tore the light curtain emitted by the supreme will shadow and penetrated the chest of the will shadow. The powerful force broke out wantonly inside the virtual shadow, and jumped out most of the body of the virtual shadow in an instant.

However, kukas was not feeling well. He urged thousands of Knight secrets in an instant. Each of these secrets was extremely powerful, but they were displayed together at this time. The resulting reverse bite fragmented his body, leaving only his head intact.

Turning into streamer, under the traction and power of the secret method, he passed through the chest of the will shadow and appeared behind the will.

Although his body was fragmented and there were cracks on the altar in his head, kukas still felt the strong breath of the shadow of the supreme will.

"Kill!" return to kill, and the broken spear sweeps across the head of the will. The spear collided with the head and both broke at the same time.

The crystal clear skull emerged from the broken skull. Before he could repair his injury, kukas stretched out his hand to grasp the skull. In his opinion, the virtual shadow of the will condensed by the skull has been blasted by him. At this time, even if there are still a lot of order chains wrapped around it, it is readily available to him.

However, to his surprise, when his big hand was about to touch the skull fragment, the skull suddenly burst into more dazzling brilliance.

The radiance shines, like the dew of the gods and the grace of the world, all over the whole plane world.

The light shone on kukas, and his broken body felt as bad as being burned by fire. With the circulation of the secret method, the broken limbs recovered more and more slowly. In the end, some serious injuries could not be recovered.

A dignified voice sounded from the skull. It was clear, but there was a dignified voice: "the dignity of the will is not something you can blaspheme." between the words, the order chains in the skull clanked, and the chains drilled out of it, as soft as silk. They ran through the space and went in and out of nothingness, Weave hundreds of thousands of miles into a circular cage.

"I punish you with my name, punish you for falling into the eternal darkness, punish you for being cursed, punish you for being forgotten, and punish you for being abandoned by all sentient beings." the majestic voice of the woman echoed in kukas\'s ears. Every word, the orderly chain condensed into strange runes and branded on kukas\'s mind, and then crossed a million years, Directly into the soul of his noumenon.

In the face of the strange curse rune, kukas has thousands of secret methods flowing at the same time. However, neither projection nor noumenon can compete with the curse rune. Can\'t stop the cursed Rune from being branded into the deepest part of his soul.

"Curse? Hehe, I\'ve already fallen into the eternal darkness. I\'ve already been cursed by endless creatures. I\'ve been forgotten and abandoned by all living beings. What\'s the matter? This doesn\'t prevent me from walking under the endless sky." kukas\'s projection and noumenon laughed at the same time. In the strange laughter, a tear fell uncontrollably from the corners of his eyes, condensed into a black crystal with a sad smell, and disappeared into the void.

"Kill!" with a low roar, kukas\'s projection burned, and countless order chains were ignited by the secret method. Every time these burning order chains burned, kukas lost a rule forever. And this loss is permanent. In the future, even if the chain of order containing the same rules appeared in front of him, he had no ability to perceive it. And this is just a punishment for him by the chain of order.

The burning hand tore the light from the skull and firmly grasped it. The skull trembled violently, and countless powerful runes poured out like waterfalls. They collided with kukas\'s hands again and again, trying to get rid of his capture and get free.

The wizard words came out of kukas\'s mouth. The wizard words were extremely powerful. Each of them tore the brilliant barrier of the skull and branded it on the skull to form strange patterns.

In order to make these wizard words branded on the skull, kukas burned the chain of order and the number of heart gods, which was so huge that ordinary legends were desperate, and so huge that ordinary powers felt extremely distressed.

Every time a wizard character was branded, the skull emitted a burst of mourning. It rotates madly, trying to get rid of the brand of wizard words, but the wizard words are too strong, so strong that the debris of the will can\'t be stopped, and so strong that a little will thought hidden in the skull is forcibly erased.

After more than 300 wizard words mastered by kukas were branded into the skull, the skull converged all the brilliance and breath, and fell into kukas\'s hands like a broken ordinary white bone.

Huge information is transmitted from the skull to kukas\'s mind. Among these information, there are ordinary order chains, incomplete images of understanding the chains of the times, as well as the perception of achieving the will and messy trivial memories.

In these messages, full of loneliness, full of loneliness. These emotions are a reproduction of the emotions of the supreme will.

"The power of a skull of supreme will may be comparable to those void treasures for special defense! It can\'t even be compared with the void props." after random thinking, he didn\'t continue to stay here, but hooked the noumenon through the secret method, crossed the years and returned to the noumenon.

Projection crosses the years and returns to the noumenon with items millions of years ago. The price paid is extremely heavy for kukas now.

The origin of ten years\' life was forcibly deprived, and all the order rules of condensation projection were burned in front of him. The mental power contained in the projection has also been permanently erased, more than two-thirds.

When the skull of the supreme will emerged from the mysterious image tracing its origin, the stone forest at the foot of kukas collapsed and the barren mountain sank. In a burst of earth shattering, hundreds of thousands of miles of barren mountains and stone forests disappeared.

In this area, as like as two peas of time went by, the time and the time of breathing were just the same as those of the million years ago.

Kukas had long expected such a strange change and was not surprised at all. In an instant, the vicissitudes of change made him feel magic and the strength of the times.

In this series of changes, kukas is satisfied that although the surrounding environmental landforms have changed greatly, the cracks hidden here at the beginning of the unopened world have not changed.

"It\'s a waste of more than ten years," kukas said with a sigh of relief after repeatedly determining that the cracks at the beginning of the world had not changed.

The skull, which was brought from millions of years ago, slowly passed through the order chain and black crystal defense outside the body, and then fell directly on his bare brain bag. Suddenly, it looked as if there was a deformed bone on his head.

The change of this area was understood by the great energy and even legends of the whole plane in just a few breathing times. On the one hand, they were shocked by kukas\'s arrogance, on the other hand, they thought about what treasure he found here, and then prayed that he would leave the plane world quickly so that they could relax.

Of course, there are also brave or unclear creatures who fantasize about letting kukas leave quickly, so that they can go to the suddenly changing area to see if there is any garbage despised by the terrorist existence.

After the skull of the supreme will fell on his head, kukas, on the one hand, quenched the skull with a secret method, ready to integrate the skull with his own skull, or use the skull as a layer of defense force to prevent a bully from exploding his head; On the other hand, he stabilized his mind, began his own examination and read some information sent to him by the skull.

The amount of this information is extremely huge, but most of it is the memory and emptiness and loneliness of the will to fight the world, and only a few are about the cultivation of will and the chain of rules of the times.

As for the information about the beginning of the world that kukas has always wanted to know, it is extremely rare, so rare that there is only a piece of information.

However, it was that piece of information that almost completely destroyed his idea of the beginning of stepping into the world.

It turned out that there was a message that showed how the supreme will fell.

In order to break the barrier at the beginning of the world, countless supreme will controlled the barrier at the beginning of the world. The barrier at the beginning of the world was so strong that many supreme will were killed by the barrier at the beginning of the world, even if it was sheltered by the fortress of emptiness. The owner of the skull kukas got fell in this way.

"In order to break the barrier at the beginning of the world, so many supreme wills have fallen. Can I succeed with a great power that has not yet stepped into the stage of existence? No, those supreme wills were to break the barrier at the beginning of the world, but now, the barrier at the beginning of the world has been opened and cracks exist. What I have to do is not to open the barrier at the beginning of the world again, but It\'s OK to pass through the cracks that existed at the beginning. "The idea turned, and kukas soon suppressed his uneasiness. But at the bottom of his heart, he was still worried about something.

Fortunately, it is getting closer and closer to the beginning of the world. Instead of thinking about it, he took out the sealed woman and let him wander in this plane world, while he himself fell into a state of half sleep and half awakening.

In this state, he can perceive everything happening outside and practice some secret methods. But it will still consume some of the original strength of life. Fortunately, the original power of life consumed in this state is extremely rare. Waiting for a hundred years is just a year\'s life.

After the sealed woman learned that she could move and walk freely, she thought that kukas fell into a complete sleep again. Therefore, she looked for the weakness of the plane world at the first time, prepared to break the plane barrier and try to return to the plane controlled by the star hall.

However, after opening the plane barrier, she found that she still couldn\'t get away from that plane, because on her seal, dozens of order chains ran through nothingness and were connected with kukas\'s noumenon. Unless she can break those chains of order, she can\'t think of being in two different planes with kukas.

Breaking the chain of order is not difficult for the woman to be made, but now the difficulty is that she is sealed by kukas and can only exert one tenth of her power. And this one tenth of the power is not enough for her to cut off those chains of order at one time.

If she can\'t cut off all the chains of order wrapped around her at one time, she can\'t leave even if she cuts three or five, even if she cuts dozens, and only one remains. Because those chains of order will return to normal in an instant after being cut off.

After several attempts without any harvest, the woman who was made still did not despair. After she glared at kukas, she looked for the power in the plane world and asked those powers to find a way to see if they could tear the prohibition on her. At the same time, she also passed on her knowledge about kukas to the people in the star hall through some secrets. Want to use the Star Palace to compete with kukas and get the freedom she wants.

"Hehe, if the killing Knight really wakes up and sees her reincarnation like this, I\'m afraid she can\'t bear the blow! Or maybe the killing Knight will never wake up again. In this woman, it\'s just a little memory of the killing knight." in his spare time, kukas will pay attention to the woman who was made. Watching the other party\'s wisdom increase a little and the other party\'s maturity in dealing with interpersonal relationships, he sighed in his heart.

As the days passed, some people in the star hall began to go in and out of this plane world frequently. In the later stage, even people from other organizations and forces came. Of course, these people are not to save the created woman, but to kill her or enslave her. After all, the Star Palace is very powerful, and its enemies are also extremely powerful.

The sudden attack made the people in the star hall very passive. Fortunately, the seal on the woman made by kukas was so strong that dozens of powerful powers urged the supreme killing secret method at the same time, and still couldn\'t break the seal.

After discovering that the power of sealing herself was so powerful and wonderful, the woman took the initiative to provoke the organizations with hatred with the star hall, hoping to break her seal with the help of these people\'s hands, take the opportunity to suppress some enemies, send them to Shenwei prison and clean up the obstacles for the Star hall.

As the day when the crack opened at the beginning of the world is getting closer and closer, kukas has less and less time to pay attention to the outside world.

On the one hand, he accelerated the speed to refine and control the skull of the supreme will, on the other hand, he constantly urged his own strength to adjust his state to the best. In order to set foot at the beginning of the world.

A large number of organizations and forces came to the plane world where kukas was. Although they all knew where kukas was entrenched, no one came to test for a while. They are waiting, waiting for some unexpected or premeditated things to happen, and then they will make a collective move to spy on kukas, the terrorist existence waking up from millions of years of sleep.