Abyss Knight

Chapter 963

Bang! The front end of the cyan river burst, the void collapsed, and dozens of new planes were connected with each other. Where were they born? However, as soon as these planes were born, they were immediately torn by the power of cangmu, turned into thousands of regular fragments and rolled back into the cangmu body.

The blue river trembled a few times in the void and began to shrink continuously. It was only a few breathing times, and the seemingly slow flowing Blue River rolled back into the cangmu.

The holes in the Cang wood healed by themselves, and dozens of thick branches wound one by one, and the crystal chains emitting the desolate smell shook. It was those chains that sent out the desolate atmosphere that defeated kukas\'s three empty props.

"The chain of the times." after seeing the desolate chain, kukas\'s mind moved, and countless messages appeared in his mind. If he guessed correctly, those chains are the chains of the times that are more powerful than the chains of order.

These era chains are the most powerful order chains of the current era. Kukas has never heard of the existence of this kind of chain before, but now he knows the existence of this kind of regular chain because of the information brought by the cyan river.

It turns out that in each era, there are several white or even thousands of era chains. These era chains only appear in the initial stage of an era. When the development of this era is on the right track, these era chains will collapse and disappear, and half of their traces will not be left in the endless void.

According to the news obtained by kukas, at the beginning of each era, powerful creatures will be besieged by strange methods and things in the ruling world, and they can\'t walk in the endless void. And even if someone comes to the endless void, he may not see the chain of the times. You know, in general, the chain of the times is only hidden in the deepest part of the endless void to stabilize the development and changes of the whole era.

Nowadays, kukas is lucky to see several chains of the times.

At that time, the chain looked like the general order chain, but the smell on it was more desolate and old! Moreover, those chains are accompanied by branches. Even though kukas\'s rules are thousands of times stronger than when he first stepped into the endless void, he still has no ability to feel the rules, even rule fragments or projections contained in the chains of that era.

The chain of that era was too powerful. With his current power, he was forcibly wiped out by the chain of that era when he released his spiritual perception. This obliteration is not a simple defeat, but a cruel and eternal obliteration. Kukas has not tried this method for a long time.

"Damn it." he cursed the chains of that era in a low voice, but he had no way to change and resist. He could only watch the cangmu crazy devour the plane and re evolve the plane world on the branches and leaves under the protection of the chains of the era.

In this way, watching quietly, kukas gradually had some enlightenment in the movement of the cangmu. This insight is of great benefit to him in sorting out his own rules. This makes his use and arrangement of rules more reasonable.

As the days passed, looking at the changes of cangmu in front of him, kukas fell into it. He felt it carefully, and at the same time began to try to adjust the mutated void cangmu in his bone burial place.

Under his modulation, the empty Cang wood in the buried bone land becomes more prosperous: it can not only quickly condense the fruits containing regular fragments, but also begin to release some cyan halos to actively polish and transform those cursed forces.

After being transformed, some of these cursed forces are transformed into mineral veins and integrated into the depths of the earth, while others are transformed into elemental veins and fall into the buried bone.

After more than a hundred years, the cangmu absorbed some planes and no longer absorbed them. Instead, there were other changes.

Some branches and leaves withered and contracted. In just a hundred years, all the branches of the huge cangmu disappeared, leaving only a tall trunk standing in the void.

Chains of order condensed into strange words and branded on the branch. Finally, the trunk began to shrink and become smaller. At the same time, the bark attached to it began to produce strange changes.

These bark carry the chain of order. The condensed words fall off and change into transparent forbidden streamers around the trunk.

In the past hundred years, the whole cangmu completely disappeared, leaving only a circular crystal ball composed of countless diamond crystals. In the center of the crystal ball, there are countless words evolved from the trunk.

The crystal ball shrinks from millions of feet to tens of feet, and finally it is only the size of a fist. At this time, countless runes and prohibitions flickered in kukas\'s eyes. He was frantically analyzing all the changes in the crystal ball. He felt that it would be of great help to him in the future.

The shrinking crystal ball began to expand slowly after it changed into a size of more than ten feet. Kukas almost subconsciously appeared next to the expanded crystal ball and reached out to grasp the crystal ball. But the expanded crystal ball easily passed through his body and wrapped him in the ball.

Through the sphere, kukas saw a layer of crystal light curtain expanding slowly and rapidly into the distance, and some planes were wrapped in.

Subconsciously, he followed the expanding crystal light curtain and walked all the way. He saw that countless planes were shrouded by the crystal light curtain, saw the forbidden streamer rotation in the crystal light curtain, and saw that the light curtain slowly weakened.

"The crystal system was born! So this is the crystal system barrier." I don\'t know how many years I chased the light curtain. The crystal light curtain that almost completely disappeared suddenly stopped moving, and then turned slowly. The weak light curtain became incomparable in a short moment. In the end, a crystal wall blocked kukas\'s sight, so that he could no longer see the void outside.

"Hehe! It turns out that the so-called crystal system was born in this era. HMM! He broke away from one cage, but fell into another. HMM! Is this lucky or unfortunate?" kukas became very sad when he saw the formation of the whole crystal system: "Maybe when I jumped out of the crystal barrier, there was still endless void outside. However, it is possible that the crystal system was also born in other places of the void. I\'m afraid the whole endless void will be replaced by the endless crystal system."

"Ha ha! After all, it\'s just a cage, just bigger and smaller! It can\'t be said that the endless void is actually a cage. But no one has ever found the edge of the endless void."

The birth of the crystal system made kukas understand that it was not too easy to cross the void wantonly in the future. However, it was nothing to him: it took him a little time to get rid of the crystal system. You know, he spent a long time watching the birth and evolution of the crystal system. For his current crystal The understanding of system barrier can be said to have reached the limit.

Both hands pierce into the crystal barrier in front of the body, which becomes extremely chaotic, just like a sharp blade penetrating tofu.

However, kukas did not directly tear the barrier with violence and force, because if he forcibly tore the crystal barrier, the resistance of the crystal system would increase dozens of times the next time he wanted to penetrate the crystal system.

Therefore, in order to avoid some trouble in the future, kukas had to spend some time to analyze and understand the rules in the crystal barrier, and then look for the loophole and pass through it.

After dozens of breathing times, kukas found a loophole. The evil man roared, and the fighting spirit in his body rushed into his hands, and then evolved into thousands of regular chains to puncture the crystal barrier. With the help of the loopholes in the crystal barrier, the operation of the barrier stopped for a moment.

At that moment, the bald evil man tore the barrier with both hands, and in an instant, he passed through. Just as he had just crossed the barrier, the crystal barrier repaired its own loopholes and ran quickly again.

After crossing the crystal barrier, kukas was confused by everything in front of him.

In front of him, he saw countless planes collapse and disappear. These planes were broken and turned into gray dust floating wantonly in the void. A piece of obvious void material was covered by the dust turned into planes. No matter how kukas perceived it, he could not feel the fluctuation of that material.

When these planes were broken, a huge light curtain that spread for unknown miles moved quickly in the distance. With the movement of the light curtain, each plane was covered by the light curtain, so as to escape the end of collapse and disappearance.

When the crystal light curtain almost reached kukas, it suddenly stopped, turned to be solid, and began to shrink slowly.

With the contraction of the crystal light curtain, those planes shrouded by the light curtain move rapidly in the light curtain, and countless prohibitions and order chains jump between those planes. With the movement of these rules, countless planes seem to go backwards in disorder, but none of them collide with each other.

"I only saw a part of the birth of the crystal system, but I can\'t miss the rest." when my mind turned, the evil man roared and couldn\'t care to find the void material covered by dust. Instead, he pursued the shrinking crystal system barrier and wanted to see what kind of rule changes would happen when the crystal system barrier contracted.

The contraction speed of the crystal barrier is so fast that it dissipates hundreds of millions of miles away in an instant. When the crystal barrier retreats, the void breaks and planes emerge. However, as soon as these planes emerge, they break again. They turn into dust and scatter in the endless void.

What makes kukas feel strange is that those planes are obviously not new planes, but appear here directly from other places, but there are no creatures in these planes.

While chasing the backward crystal barrier, he observed the planes around him. After a long time, he found that those planes appeared and broken, including the rules of the times and even the traces of long river fragments that had disappeared for a long time.

Crossing the void, he reconstituted the twelve fighting armor. One part studied the rule changes contained in the jumping out and emergence of those planes, while the other part focused on the retrograde changes of the crystal system with the noumenon.

Decades later, the backward crystal barrier finally stopped moving. When it stopped moving, the whole barrier completely turned into chaos. No matter how kukas looked, he could not see through the world behind the barrier and the plane behind the barrier. However, he didn\'t care too much. At least he had seen the changes in the early and middle stages, as for the most important He can still deduce the changes after taking some time.

The crystal system that stopped moving looked not big, but hundreds of times larger than the largest plane he had seen before. At this time, the whole crystal system is completely formed. At this time, the fully formed crystal system, like the previous plane, emits strange fluctuations, which are intertwined. All released are endless chain fragments of order, and even mixed with some projection fragments of the chain of the times. But the fragments of the chain projection of this era flashed through the void and disappeared in an instant. With kukas\'s current power, he can only barely catch its breath. If he wants to feel and see it carefully, it\'s something he doesn\'t even want to think about.

The whole endless void becomes empty. Except for endless gray dust, only sparse crystal systems are left to rise and fall.

Kukas crossed the void. With his speed, it often takes decades to see the existence of a crystal system. During this period, he also saw the formation of the crystal system several times, but each time he could not see the final change after the formation of the crystal system.

Over time, kukas also found that some monsters began to be born in the endless void. Those monsters were very rare and weak at first, but with the passage of time, they gradually became stronger and stronger. At first, he didn\'t know how these monsters were born until he found the clue when he passed a crystal system on his way back to his crystal system.

A ripple appeared on the Gray Crystal barrier, accompanied by the ripple, and some corpses appeared outside the crystal system.

There are hundreds of corpses. Except for one corpse of power level, all the others are the corpses of legends and gods.

As soon as these bodies appeared, they were shrouded in gray dust in the endless void. After these dust shrouded the corpses, the corpses of other creatures began to change except the powerful corpses.

The bodies of these legends and gods decayed at a speed visible to the naked eye. With the decay of the bodies, ferocious monsters emerged from their bodies. As soon as these monsters were born, they were only the size of fists, but they crazy sucked the gray dust around them. However, in a magic time, they changed into monsters of thousands of feet in size.

These monsters gathered together, took a nostalgic look at the crystal system behind them, and then got up and ran away.

After these monsters left, the powerful corpse also began to change slowly. Kukas seemed very familiar with this change, because the change of the powerful corpse was very similar to the birth of the God hiding place in the same era. It\'s just that the earth evolved from this powerful corpse is very small, but thousands of feet in size, which is not as big as the God hiding place of the previous era. However, the mineral resources contained in it are extremely rich, and the number is hundreds or even thousands of times that of the former God reserves.

The earth transformed into a powerful body was soon dragged to the depths by the dust, and there was no trace of it. Even if kukas marked his brand on it, he still couldn\'t feel it in the end.

Putting aside these trivial things, kukas crossed the void and continued to fly towards his crystalline system.

He realized that his life span was very little. If he did not suffer extremely serious injuries and did not spend his life source to repair his body, he could still live about 300 years. However, if it takes life to repair the body, his life will be more short.

Therefore, in this short time, he wants to return to the central plane of the void fortress again to see if it will open the channel to the beginning of the world. He wants to choose a breakthrough at the beginning of the world to achieve supreme existence and even supreme will. Because at the current stage of this era, even if his ability is up, there is no way to achieve the level of existence. Because this era has not really unfolded, creatures at the level of existence are not allowed to appear.

"Maybe it\'s really the same as the old guy said. We all have to go on his road. Ha ha!" kukas whispered with a smile.

It took decades for him to return to his crystal system. However, when he set foot in the crystal system, he found that there was no ancient world plane among the billions of planes in the crystal system. This result completely blinded him.

"How could this happen? It shouldn\'t be like this. Yes, there was a powerful corpse in the crystal system he saw last time, and the ancient world definitely appeared in that crystal system." when he thought about it, he didn\'t care to think too much. He crossed the void again and was ready to go to another crystal system.

However, as soon as he jumped out of the crystal system, he saw a legendary corpse emerge from the crystal system, and then the corpse evolved into dozens of monsters and disappeared across the void.

"How can this happen? Why is there no ancient world in this crystal system, and there will be the bodies of legendary creatures?" kukaston was at a loss. He didn\'t understand why things had developed like this.

Standing under the endless void, he felt extremely lonely and lonely.

"Yes, it must be an accident. There are always creatures who will suppress themselves with secret methods to prevent them from flying into the so-called ancient world." standing in the void for a long time, he muttered to himself, and finally crossed the void and rushed to the crystal system where he saw the great power corpse: "Legendary creatures can suppress their accomplishments, but powerful creatures can\'t. There is definitely an ancient world in that crystal system."

When the mind turned, a series of secret spells were cast and crossed the sky. The speed was a little faster than before.

Endless rules evolved into a thoroughfare under his feet. Where he went, dust retreated, monsters fled, and nothing could stop him.

It took decades to reach another crystal system, but there was endless disappointment and confusion waiting for him. Because in this crystal system, there is still no ancient world plane he wants to see.

"Ha ha! Endless void, billions of crystal systems, where is my home?" lonely out of that crystal system, kukas\'s spirit was in a trance. He really can\'t accept the reality. He wants to find the ancient world, to see which world will open the channel at the beginning of the world, and to see whether he can step on the supreme existence. But all this disappeared with the disappearance of the ancient world.

"Yes, I have no home. In this endless void, there is no home after all. Perhaps the only way to get home is to step through the sky and kill the prison. Maybe there is a way to know how to return to the previous life."

In a trance, kukas saw a piece of land in the endless dust. The land is very big and ten thousand feet in size.

"Since I can\'t find the way to enter the world at the beginning, let me choose to sleep here."

Because of his longevity, kukas had to choose to sleep. He has only more than 200 years left. If he doesn\'t sleep, he must use the original power he collected before to maintain his survival. Of course, he can also eat all kinds of life-saving drugs stored by himself, but that will be very inconvenient for some of his plans in the future.

Therefore, he decided to give up the idea of adventure and continue to search for the ancient world, and began to decorate this empty continent to make his sleep safer.

The wizard characters condensed in chains of order are branded in the most central area of the continent. These wizard characters form a prohibition and become a refuge for him to sleep.

Seeing the little formation of the shelter, kukas\'s heart was extremely bitter. You know, in the last era, as long as you control a chain of order, you can achieve supreme will. But in this era, he has so many chains of order, not to mention the supreme will, even the supreme existence can not step into it.

"This may be the so-called sadness of the times!" looking at the little generation of the shelter, kukas madly added more rules.

Among these rules, some absorb the rules filled in the void, some hook the void materials and even the void treasures, and some wake up the sleeping noumenon by waiting for some specific information.

The construction of the shelter took kukas almost a magic time. Of course, the shelter built in such a short time was very simple in his view. But he thought it was enough for him.

After the shelter was built, he took out some crystal beads and swallowed them. These crystal beads are made of some void materials he has collected over the years. Now the materials that can seal him are thousands of times better than those when Da Neng was sleeping.

I took a deep look at the endless void, the rotation of the distant crystal system, the flowing dust and the rampant monsters. Finally, he closed his eyes, the whole person was wrapped in a layer of black crystal, and slowly fell into the shelter he built.