Abyss Knight

Chapter 880

These people spoke in private, but kukas listened carefully.

"If you want me to be cannon fodder? Let me kill you first! It\'s better to use your flesh and blood as the material for our promotion." kukas smiled grimly. He didn\'t mark any trace, but followed the team and looked for it. Walking all the way, there was no cover, and the idea of letting the other party break in front and act as cannon fodder was made clear.

"Let\'s go back and kill the boy. If we let him chase us like this, we\'ll be in trouble later. He suddenly jumped out and killed us. It\'s very dangerous." someone in the team suggested.

"Yes, if we find the secret hiding place with heavy losses and he jumps out to rob it, I\'m afraid we\'ll do him a favor in vain."

"Don\'t worry about this. Some of the secrets of this star hiding place have been explored here before, but we can make use of them. After waiting for the hidden palace in front, throw the boy in alone. We don\'t take the treasure in the hidden place, but go to another hidden place." the 11th level professional snorted coldly. For the sake of confidentiality, But he gave orders to the professionals behind him with a secret method, and described in detail the action means of going to the hidden palace for a while.

Kukas didn\'t know this, but when he saw the people in front of him suddenly silent, he didn\'t talk in words, let alone mind contact. Such an abnormal phenomenon made him subconsciously cautious.

After all, it was his first time to come here. At the beginning, he didn\'t know anything about the dangers and mysteries contained in it. Therefore, seeing that the people in front of him were abnormal, he was secretly careful.

Along the way, these people passed through houses and palaces, each time forcibly tearing apart the forbidden Dharma array in those houses and palaces, but did not destroy the main body of houses and palaces. Although kukas did not understand what was going on, he firmly remembered what these people did.

I don\'t know how many palaces and houses I passed, nor how much time it took. Kukas has been more than ten miles away from the front team, and observed and detected them with unbridled attention.

Suddenly, the team he locked in his mind suddenly disappeared after entering a palace.

The eyes were golden. The two golden lights crossed a distance of more than ten miles and immediately shrouded the palace. Flashing streamers were forbidden in the palace, but the power was dozens of times stronger than the power in the general palace. It stubbornly resisted his golden light, so that he could not see through what happened inside the palace.

"Interesting, little guys, do you want to kill me? Let me give you a chance!" his mind turned, but kukas released his fighting armor.

The fighting armor appeared. In the next moment, it turned into a streamer and tore all the houses and palaces in front. It was like a sharp arrow and jumped in front of the palace in an instant. His noumenon, however, was directly integrated into the shadow of armor with a secret method and lurked down.

"Bang!" the power of overlaying the ground was displayed, the surrounding space collapsed and twisted, and the huge palm slapped on the palace gate.

The dull explosion sounded, the palace gate crashed, and countless forbidden streamers were destroyed into nothingness before they showed their power.

He slapped the gate of the palace, did not hesitate and wait, and directly dodged into it.

As soon as he entered the palace, he saw a soldier standing near a court house not far away. The soldier held two double-edged battle axes and stared at him with disdain.

In this palace, kukas felt that his mind was unprecedentedly suppressed. Under this suppression, his mind could not even detect the whole picture of the palace.

"You alone?" he stood at the gate of the palace, allowing the broken gate behind him to heal quickly, while he himself sneered in situ.

"Alone? Here, I can kill you into meat sauce alone." the double-edged Tomahawk soldier sneered, stretched out his hand and pointed to kukas and said sarcastically, "you\'ve been chasing us. Don\'t you just want to make a profit? Kill you now. What else do you get?"

"It\'s really ink." kukas quacked, stepped on the void, wrapped endless ashes in his hands, and fought at the soldier.

The fighting spirit flies away and turns into a fighting spirit chop. However, the fighting spirit cut was just three feet away from him, and countless prohibitions were born out of thin air. These prohibitions were intertwined, polished and rolled layer by layer, but in an instant, they stubbornly killed kukas\'s fighting spirit.

"It\'s just relying on the forbidden array here. It\'s rubbish." kukas snorted coldly. He didn\'t pay attention to the forbidden array in front of him. Instead, he stepped on the void, urged the power of covering the ground to forcibly distort the space and tear the forbidden array in front of him.

Roaring, lightning and thunder. Every step forward, the forbidden streamer in front will double. But even so, under the power of ground covering seal, every time it goes down, the forbidden streamer within tens of feet will jump out instantly.

He walked in front of him, and the streamer was quickly derived behind him. And those newly derived forbidden streamers are more powerful and strange than before.

When he was only a hundred feet away from the soldier holding the double axe, the soldier laughed up and turned back.

I saw him twist a few times, and the whole man suddenly appeared in another court.

"It\'s interesting." kukaston felt something when he watched the other party wander around in this space full of forbidden Dharma array.

"Boy, walk alone in this secret hiding place! If you can\'t get rid of this secret hiding place in three or five hundred years, you\'ll never think about getting rid of it. Just stay here and be a treasure slave. Ha ha! When I feel like coming back here in the future, I can\'t say I\'ll bring you some fun things, ha ha!" the soldier laughed, The body shook again and again, but it quickly moved to another court.

"Want to go? Since you dare to stay, prepare me for death." kukas sneered, and the gold treasure turned behind him, further strengthening his killing power.

Endless smoke!

The body shape was blurred, and a broken space channel with a thickness of tens of feet suddenly appeared in the space between kukas and the soldier. The next moment, a blue gray light flashed across the soldier\'s forehead. Finally, it hit a court house and forcibly blew it into a big pit.

"If you kill me, you will never think of leaving this hidden palace." the soldier\'s eyes were full of disbelief and panic, but he knew that he could not live. He doesn\'t want to die, especially in such a place. If his descendants know that he fell into the hidden palace, I\'m afraid his descendants will have an extremely bad record of him. He won\'t even write his name on the family tree.

"If you don\'t kill you, you won\'t let me leave the palace. Why don\'t you let me kill you? It should be your glory to use your blood to achieve my reputation." kukas\'s body emerged near the court house not far away.

The body shape emerged, the fighting spirit under the feet was rampant, the void within tens of feet collapsed, and countless prohibitions collapsed.

"No!" the soldier whispered. At last, a blue gray light spread around his forehead and instantly turned into fly ash and scattered on the ground.

"What a pity, what a pity, a corpse." he sighed in a low voice. He urged the power of the ground seal and blasted in front of him one after another.

The house was as thick as two people, but it soon collapsed under the bombardment of kukas.

The court house collapsed, dozens of spaces in the palace suddenly exploded, and countless prohibitions disappeared. However, at the next breath time, the house will recover again, and the burst of forbidden streamer will also emerge again.

The emerging forbidden streamer was more powerful and strange than before. A fight cut it, but it was crushed and consumed by those forbidden streamers.

"Endless? Or limited?" cold hum, the evil man roared, stepped on the void, and destroyed the court again.

This time, it took him a little more time to destroy the court house than the last time.

Slightly frown, too lazy to compete with the restored court again. Turn and walk straight ahead to find the way out of the palace.

I walked for a while, but when I saw my vestibule turning, I couldn\'t find not only the exit, but also the entrance that came in before. To his surprise, there were no walls around.

The interesting thing is that those courthouses are rotating faster and faster, but no matter how they rotate, no matter where kukas goes, he will see at least 36 thick courthouses standing around.

Unwilling to destroy these courthouses again, kukas suspended in the void and kept flying upward.

As soon as he rose hundreds of feet, he felt infinite pressure on him from all directions, trying to stop his rise.

Chains emerged from all directions, interlaced in the void and forced down on him.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Between raising his hands and lifting his feet, kukas forcibly broke chains and exploded layers of invisible barriers. He kept rising, but he wanted to see how high the court residence was and how high the palace was.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" endless killing sounds emerge from all directions. In the shouting sound, endless virtual shadows emerge. These virtual shadows evolve into thousands of different strange images. The flow of images wanted to affect kukas\' mind and make him unable to recognize the direction.

The place of burying bones emerged and turned into a white cold light. It rolled around randomly. With each roll, infinite virtual shadows were swept away.

I don\'t know how many chains and barriers were broken. In the end, a layer of black solid appeared above him.

The endless array of forbidden Dharma emerged from these black solids. As soon as these forbidden Dharma arrays emerged, they were forcibly blasted by kukas. After repeated several times, the prohibition and Dharma array drilled out of it became more and more fierce and tenacious. But in front of kukas, he still can\'t avoid being obliterated.

After dozens of breaths, kukas was annoyed by the endless streamer of restraint in front of him.

"Stars are hidden. It shouldn\'t be such an arrangement. Why is it like this here? Has it been tampered with by people?" thinking of the saying about stars in previous times, kukas can only determine that this place has been artificially transformed.

The mind turned and showed the gold treasure all at once. The gold treasure turns like a golden mountain, slowly polishing the forbidden Dharma array drilled out of the black solid.

And he himself, suspended in the void, began to deduce the changes and formation of those forbidden streamers with his heart, and wanted to find the flaws in them. One blow would kill him.

His mind rehearsed thousands of times. With peace of mind, he found some flaws soon.

The flaw emerged. In an instant, kukas urged the power of endless smoke and dust and forcibly blasted it onto the black solid.

With a crisp click, the gray cyan light continuously flows on the black solid, and in an instant, it flows to hundreds of feet.

The light burst, the black solid was broken, and a hot light came down and shone on kukas.

sunshine! Through the broken black solid, kukas saw the eyes of the outside world shining in.

The streamer flicker is forbidden, and the broken black solid is constantly restored. Kukas\'s mind moved and jumped out of the broken space.

Turning around to watch, he saw that there were holes healing in the ordinary palace below. Kukas frowned slightly, pushed his backhand and bombarded the palace below him.

After killing dozens of times in a row, he found that the palace was unusually strong, hundreds of times stronger than other palaces destroyed at first.

"Is this really a secret? It seems that with the passage of years, some secret changes are perfectly normal." after some thinking, I finally came to this conclusion.

"Since there is a treasure in it, smash the secret and see what strange treasure is hidden." feeling something, he began to bombard around the crack.

Almost every moment, a black roof was smashed by him, but every time he smashed a piece of gravel, half of the gravel condensed and emerged.

So repeatedly, the cave on the roof became larger and larger, and some prohibitions even emerged from the interior of the palace, turned into a dragon, drilled out of the cave and killed kukas.

"It\'s really difficult to deal with." seeing these prohibitions, he took the initiative to drill out of the palace to attack, which made kukas more uncertain about the first judgment of the hidden stars.

"Yes, it\'s hard to deal with. I really hope there are some good things in the treasure." after thinking about it, kukas gathered more and more fighting spirit in his hands. He instilled it like he didn\'t want money and bombarded the roof of the palace.

The mind turns and constantly deduces the changes of prohibition in the palace. Whenever it is found, it will be forcibly bombed with endless smoke. In this way, the damage of the palace roof becomes more and more serious.

He waved his fist for hundreds of times and cast endless smoke and dust for nearly a hundred times. Finally, the whole house collapsed and countless forbidden streamers flew out of it.

His eyes burst into golden light, and the two golden lights swept all the prohibitions in an instant. In an instant, he recognized that there were treasures in the prohibition, and there were no treasures in the prohibition.

Just a random sweep, he found that there were treasures in the three or five prohibitions, but there was nothing in the other prohibitions. Only a powerful energy hovered in it to maintain the operation of the streamer of the prohibition.

Stepping on the void, he instantly crossed a distance of tens of miles, reached into a forbidden streamer, and grabbed a group of colorful streamer objects from it.

It was too late to see the usefulness of the utensil, let alone the effect of the utensil. With a low roar, the evil man turned and rushed to another forbidden streamer.

His hands were interlaced, and he didn\'t have to fight Qi to protect his body, nor did he have to protect himself by secret methods. He just forcibly tore those prohibitions with the strength of his hands and caught all the treasures contained in them.

After all the treasures were caught, he was in the mood to see the treasures he had obtained.

He got four treasures, including a shield, a palm sized Tomahawk, a double-edged sword, and a small bell.

Mind detection, instantly understand the use of these babies. The shield is only a simple defense item. Although the defense strength is extremely strong, it is too weak compared with his body. The double-edged sword can enhance the efficiency of communication between the holder and the magic net.

As for the palm sized double-edged Tomahawk, it is a disposable killing instrument. The power of this thing is almost the same as the killing Jinge made of divine materials in his previous era. If used properly, it is not difficult to kill an 11th level professional.

The bell, which emits Colorful streamers, is a strange auxiliary prop. Shaking the bell can make the magic net turbulent within a certain range and cause great trouble to professionals. Of course, if other people get this thing, I\'m afraid they will regard it as a chicken rib. But in the hands of kukas, it was a powerful killing move for him.

After all, all his means do not need the support of magic net. Therefore, shaking the bell can only damage the enemy, but he will not lose anything.

Kukas is very satisfied with his harvest. After he branded his mark on these instruments, he waited silently, waiting for the broken palace to condense again. After kicking, he set foot in it again and wanted to search again according to the original method.

However, this time he miscalculated. After the building was built, he rushed in and found that it was no different from the previous buildings. The forbidden Dharma array was easily broken by him until the whole palace was broken, and no abnormality was found.

Remembering the behavior of the first pair of men and horses, kukas thought a little and began to walk in palace by palace.

This time, instead of blasting those palaces, he simply tore the forbidden streamer in the palaces and tried to guess whether he was right.