Abyss Knight

Chapter 870

"Want to go? Who let you go? If you dare to come here and kill me, you must be ready for death." kukas snorted coldly, stepped on the void, and the surrounding space crashed. The next moment, a space crack appeared behind the caster.

The crack in the space was so big that it was easy to swallow the caster. In the void tunnel, kukas grabbed each other\'s neck with one hand and twisted his neck with five fingers. As for the other party\'s soul, it was sealed into that head by him.

"Another piece of material." kukas laughed strangely when he stored the caster\'s body.

"Kill!" just as kukas had just retreated from the crack, a soldier waved a double-edged sword and cut him down.

"Don\'t you give up? Then act as my material!" my mind turned and felt that only three people came out of the crack. Therefore, he was not afraid of these people. Instead, he took a step forward and directly bumped into the soldier\'s arms. He also wanted to hang the soldier\'s neck.

The threat of death swept towards him from all directions. The soldier roared, shrunk fiercely, and then expanded again. Countless blood swords flew out of his body. These blood swords, like hedgehogs, spread all over the body and penetrated kukas\'s fighting defense and body in an instant.

Fortunately, kukas had encountered this strange means before, so he knew how to suppress this strange power in a short time. Therefore, the evil man roared and turned his hands, which was bound to wring off the soldier\'s neck.

"Stop it." the professional sent by the treasure saw the dangerous situation of his companions, shouted loudly and released the attack to stop kukas from killing.

His hands were intertwined with the light of green and gold, but he instantly melted a gold chariot, wrapped it around his arm, mixed the spirit of ash, forcibly tore the blood sword that came out of the soldier, and then cut off the soldier\'s head in an oblique cross shape.

Seal the soul and collect the body. Kukas did it very smoothly.

"You dare to kill the sacrifice of the glorious empire. I really don\'t know how you died." someone roared, naked, carrying two spears and fiercely rushed towards kukas like a yak.

At this time, more and more professionals came out of the crack opened by the treasure.

"Ignorant children dare to run wild in front of us? Fight today, or you\'ll all die, or I\'ll fall." kukas smiled grimly and didn\'t care about each other\'s shouting, so he stepped back towards the inside of the star perishing region.

"I\'m waiting for you in the star death star field today. If you don\'t dare to come in, go back to wash and sleep as soon as possible to avoid being conspicuous here. If you dare to come in, there\'s no need to shout and come in and have a good time. It\'s useless."

"If you can kill this seat, there are 785 corpses of level 9 professionals on this seat, which are all left to you; if you can\'t kill this seat, leave your corpses as the material for this seat\'s promotion!"

Afraid that these people are timid and dare not set foot in the star perishing star domain, kukas stimulated these people with words, didn\'t bother to look at their expressions, and directly withdrew into the star perishing star domain.

"I\'m so angry that I\'ll kill him." the soldier with a double spear was rude. He couldn\'t stand kukas\'s ridicule. He didn\'t want to think about it. He directly followed kukas and rushed to the star perishing region.

As soon as the soldier set foot in the star field, he felt in a trance. When his eyes returned to normal, he found himself in the starlight deep inside. The starlight is very thick, but it is the essence of endless star magneto-optical condensation.

Stars shine, or waterfalls, Shahe, or whirlpool mountains, or golden iron horses. Looking carefully, it seems that there is nothing in the trance.

The stars rolled back and everything evolved. The endless starlight was like a tide, constantly pounding at him.

"Murderer, is this your means?"

"It\'s just a means of star death."

"You\'re nonsense. It seems that there are not so many starlights in the star Death Star domain."

"Ha ha! I don\'t care if you believe it or not. As long as I believe it." Gaga\'s strange laughter appeared with the flow of stars. But the ox like warrior could not find the specific location of kukas.

It was very difficult to face the starlight. Here, the support given to him by magic net suddenly decreased by about one third. Such a big gap not only did not make the soldier feel afraid, but made his blood boil more.

"Even if I weakened my strength, the murderer kukas also reduced his strength. I\'m afraid he reduced more than me."

"It doesn\'t change at all. The only thing worth noting is the endless starlight."

"Only if you don\'t have a container for storing starlight, otherwise you can collect a little starlight, go back and decompose it into star magneto-optical, and use it to harden star sand."

A thousand thoughts turned in his mind, but when he couldn\'t find kukas, no matter how many thoughts he had, it didn\'t help.

As time goes by, all things transformed by the star light are killed. As the stars rise and fall, no one can be seen.

But as time went on, he gradually heard the calls and curses of others. After careful identification, almost all the people who surrounded kukas together arrived here.

Although they could not see each other, their voices flowed with the stars and passed to other people\'s ears.

A scream spread in the starlight. After hearing this, the two spear soldiers subconsciously alerted. But after waiting for a long time, I couldn\'t see any danger. Instead, I found a broken weapon flowing in the starlight.

Although he didn\'t catch the broken weapon, he recognized that it was the weapon of an extremely powerful caster in his team. At this time, the damaged weapon appeared, and the owner knew the fate, even without guessing.

"Moslin has been killed. The killer doesn\'t know who it is. Pay attention. I see his broken staff." the double spear warrior roared, trying to remind his companions in this way.

"I saw his spatial ring, but I didn\'t see his body." someone shouted to determine whether their cognition was wrong.

Then others shouted that they had found other objects of moslin, but they had not found his body or soul.

"It\'s the murderer kukas. He secretly attacked moslin."

"I saw him just now. He was also attacked by starlight. Be careful. Don\'t be attacked by him. Seize the time to entangle him. I\'m trying to locate him, and then I can unite everyone." the professional holding the treasure of tearing space suddenly roared.

As soon as his words fell, all the pursuers, including the double spear soldiers, shouted excitedly.

However, the good times did not last long. In just a few hundred breathing times, two more ninth steps fell. The screams of those fallen professionals made the double spear soldiers more angry.

"Kill! Kukas, murderer, what\'s the meaning of coming out and dodging?" the double spear soldier shouted loudly, but he tried to get away from the starlight and leave the damn star field.

But at this time, he found that the star perishing star domain was very strange. Even if he released all his mind, used secret methods, consumed a lot of blood essence to activate the magic net, he could not feel the boundary of the star perishing star domain.

At this moment, he was very regretful, but he couldn\'t turn back time, let alone let himself leave here.

More and more screams came from the starlight, and the double spear soldier was completely numb. At this time, he also knew that even if he was not killed by kukas, he would be polished into nothingness by the endless starlight.

The tattoo on his arm sent hot pain, which was a burden caused by a large amount of fighting spirit continuously instilled into his body through the magic net for his use.

This happened to him only three or five times, and each time it took a long time to fight for 30 or 50 days. This time, he felt that he was in the starlight for only a few magic hours.

"Damn hell." looking at the strange black smoke from the tattoo on his arm, the two spear soldiers cursed helplessly.

However, in the moment of his distraction, he saw a distant starlight flowing and merging with the starlight where he was. In the starlight, he saw a bald evil man fighting at him while resisting the infinite stars.

"Murderer kukas is with me. He uses the starlight River to integrate into the starlight where I am." the double spear warrior subconsciously urged him to meet him. At the same time, he also remembered the sound in his ear at first, so he subconsciously copied it and shouted out.

The double spears collided with the two fists that suddenly turned into a siege hammer, and the hard spear broke. He wanted to urge his last mace out, but as soon as the mace was urged, it was suppressed by the endless starlight around.

Starlight crushes him like a millstone. He stifles his killer mace power in his body and can\'t release it at all.

"If my Assassin\'s mace can be used, it can at least give him heavy damage." glancing at the burning tattoo, the double spear soldier sighed in his heart.

"I can kill this murderer." at the last moment, the spear warrior roared ferociously and shouted words that he didn\'t believe himself.

As for his most powerful killer mace that can be displayed with the help of tattoo, the two spear soldiers subconsciously hide it.

"At first those people didn\'t say it. Why should I say it?"

With this idea in mind, the double spear soldier saw that the bald evil man with a ferocious face crossed his throat with his hand. Finally, after hearing the word "finish", he fell into eternal darkness.