Abyss Knight

Chapter 859

According to the news from the soul of the senior official, kukas forcibly tore the space and rushed to a secret position on the capital star. Where the emperor of Tymoshenko Empire sits personally. All he has to do is find information about the authority of the magic net from the soul of which emperor.

When he came out of the space crack, kukas felt that the surrounding space was suppressed by a strange force. Under the suppression of that strange force, he tore the space and expended several times more energy than before. Fortunately, this is just a space tear inside the plane. Even if it costs more, he can cope with it.

There are no gorgeous furnishings in the spacious room. There are only some professional creatures and a middle-aged man sitting in a chair.

While kukas was observing the situation in this place, some professionals around him made a move.

These professionals just say some simple syllables, and then there are powerful magic waves from their hands.

Almost instantly, dozens of different magic shrouded around him and squeezed towards him.

Dozens of big men holding heavy shields roared and quickly surrounded the middle-aged man on the chair. They put the shield on the ground and released a lot of fighting spirit from their hands. These fighting spirits were instilled into the shield, but in an instant, a crystal wall wrapped them all.

"Hum!" his bald head shook, and a golden light came out of kukas\'s eyes. The golden light twined and condensed into a golden lotus on his head. The lotus bloomed and instantly tore away the magic power coming from around him.

A buzzing sound sounded in the room, drilling hundreds of baby fist sized balls out of the floor.

These spheres rotate and emit strange streamers from them. The rays of light intertwined and condensed to form a large net and directly shrouded kukas.

At the same time, those magicians raised their hands again to release magic. At one time, they released dozens of single spells that reached the peak of the seventh level, or even the eighth level magic power, and then pierced him like a poisonous snake.

"Your struggle is futile. In front of me, you have no means to stop." kukas snorted coldly, stepping on the void and covering the ground. For a time, the surrounding space was distorted, and countless thunder and fire drilled out of it, and then hit the big net formed by the light and those magic attacks.

Bang! The crisp explosion sounded, but at the moment of touching, the thunder and fire wiped out the optical network and destroyed those single magic. The violent breath was like a tide, centered on kukas and vented wildly around.

The breath of kukas, how violent is that? After fighting and killing in previous lives and knight training in this life, my breath has been completely turned into murderous spirit. The immeasurable killing has made wonderful changes in his own soul. Even if he stops killing, even if he cultivates himself, his soul will produce an infinite smell of killing all the time.

These murderous smells are usually hidden in the body and even in the soul. After years of accumulation, they have become extremely strong. If necessary, he only needs some small hands to condense his murderous Qi into essence and crystal.

Although the released murderous gas is only a trace, filling this huge room has brought indelible shock to all the people here.

The murderous spirit was rampant, and the ball that produced the optical net made a slight explosion sound, which was forcibly broken by those murderous spirits. The professionals around, even without the idea of resistance, were washed away by the infinite murderous spirit, even the soul, but in an instant, they became a living dead man.

There was a mechanical explosion in the walls and floors, but all the hidden mechanisms were directly destroyed by his killing breath.

The space is distorted, dozens of blood flowers emerge out of thin air, and then scattered on the ground. Those bloody flowers were scattered by some professionals hiding in the void.

The murderous spirit was rampant and easily destroyed the crystal defense formed by the soldiers with heavy shields. Without exception, all the souls, including the middle-aged man on the chair, were filled with endless murderous spirit, and then washed frantically, and finally became a living dead man.

"Poor emperor. It\'s hard to guard against my attack with these means!" kukas shook his head and sighed. He reached out and grabbed the middle-aged emperor\'s head, urged the secret method and began to forcibly check his soul.

The powerful mental power wrapped around the soul of the middle-aged emperor, and then dragged his soul out.

Finally, the dragged soul twisted in the air. Under the illumination of two golden lights, all the secrets hidden in the soul were known by kukas in an instant.

"Damn it, it\'s just a fake. No wonder the guards here are so weak." when he found that he had found the wrong target, the bald evil man was a little angry.

But fortunately, although the fake emperor had no authority on the magic net in his head, he knew some important secret places on the planet. Well, it\'s a secret warehouse for storing all kinds of precious materials.

After memorizing the location of those secret warehouses, kukas also dropped a number of special mechanical bombs here. Similarly, there are a large number of poisons mixed in these mechanical bombs. When the mechanical bomb explodes, those poisons will turn into smoke and diffuse everywhere, along with the air flow to hundreds or even thousands of miles.

According to the information in the fake emperor\'s head, kukas went to several other places to find the real emperor or magic net authority, but he didn\'t gain anything. The emperors found are all fake doubles, and those magic net permissions are just imitations of Tymoshenko empire. Although they have some strange powers, they are of no use to the overall situation.

After tossing about in Tymoshenko\'s capital star for most of the day, all the clues were broken, but there was still no harvest. In his anger, he was too lazy to stay here. After searching several of the largest secret warehouses on the capital star, he directly tore the void away from Tymoshenko and returned to the bloody queen\'s planet fortress.

When the bloody empress learned that kukas had not found the demon king authority held by Tymoshenko Empire, although she was unwilling, she had no other way. Therefore, she had to order her men to force a war with Tymoshenko Empire at a disadvantage.

Kukas didn\'t care about this. After counting the materials he obtained from the capital star, he found many precious materials that could be used for promotion. Although he had some materials, he still collected them.

"The materials needed for promotion are so precious, why should I let these precious materials flow out again? Less materials may have fewer opponents in the future."

Evil thoughts flashed through his mind and were soon forgotten by him.

As time went by, decades passed after the bloody queen fought against Tymoshenko empire.

During this time, kukas collected more and more materials. In the end, there was only one material called star sand.

At first, everyone, including kukas, did not know the origin of this kind of star sand. As like as two peas of sand, the sand and gravel were discovered on the planet of Tymoshenko after a study of the planet.

Looking through the data, torture researchers soon learned the origin of those star sands.

It turns out that these star sands are quenched by star magneto-optical. In order to refine the dozens of star sands, Tymoshenko Empire spent decades collecting them. Kukas needs tens of thousands of star sand for promotion.

"The worst result." kukas rubbed his forehead and muttered uninteresting on his face. According to the current situation, if he wants to get enough star sand for promotion, he can\'t do it in three or five hundred years. Kukas became even worse at the thought of staying in this damn plane for such a long time.

"Expand the area under our control. He said that Tymoshenko empire can quench dozens of star sands in decades. After we have enough resource planets, we can make tens of thousands of star sands in just a few years." with the passage of years, the bloody queen\'s former face gradually faded and replaced by a * * * * look.

Now the bloody queen was very different from kukas when she first saw her. She was in power, which gave her some confidence when she talked with kukas.

All this was caused by the boxes of mechanical bombs dropped by kukas on Tymoshenko\'s empire decades ago.

At that time, kukas did not get the permission of the magic net, nor did he kill the emperor, but the mechanical bomb and poison fog he left made many senior officials on the capital star suffer heavy losses.

It was thanks to the loss of senior members of Tymoshenko\'s empire that the bloody queen led his men to lay down half of Tymoshenko\'s empire in just a few decades. If there were no other Empire to support Tymoshenko Empire, I\'m afraid the losses of Tymoshenko Empire would be even greater.

"I can\'t wait that long. Now, I\'m going to start preparing the materials for quenching star sand." kukas patted his head impatiently and said discontentedly, "I\'ve been in this position for a long time. There\'s no need to delay any more."

"This will greatly delay the pace of our war." the bloody queen frowned and said reluctantly, "maybe we can try to wait another thirty or fifty years. When I completely destroy Tymoshenko empire."

"OK! Thirty years, my endurance limit is thirty years." kukas stared at the woman in front of him, then nodded and agreed.

"Thank you." the bloody queen nodded. She was very satisfied with kukas\'s promise, so that she could no longer waste war materials.

You know, if you want to harden star sand, even if it is just a star sand, it will cost enough materials for her to build nearly 100 warships. And tens of thousands of star sand, which consumes a huge amount of materials, she can\'t accept it now.

When the bloody queen came out of kukas\'s room, a young girl came up outside.

The girl is very similar to the bloody queen, because the blood flowing on them is the same.

"Mother, how are you talking?" the girl blinked her big eyes and asked curiously.

"Do you think he will agree?" the bloody queen was very satisfied with the girl in front of her, that is, her daughter.

More than ten years ago, when she felt that her life was coming to an end, she found a man to mate with him, and then gave birth to a daughter. She wants to cultivate her daughter into a second bloody queen. Of course, if possible, she also wants her daughter to mate with an ancient creature: the ash Knight kukas, and then give birth to more powerful descendants.

Unfortunately, she knew that the ancient creature kukas had no feeling for their bodies. She sometimes felt that when kukas looked at them, it was like looking at a dead man.

In this case, it is impossible for her to want her daughter to mate with each other.

"I think he will promise."



"Oh!" the bloody queen nodded with satisfaction. She recognized her daughter\'s intuition. Of course, without her intuition, she would never get the armor. Without her intuition, she would not go to today step by step.

"Thirty years later, if nothing unexpected happens, we may completely occupy all the territories of Tymoshenko empire. At that time, you will be the queen of the new empire. And I will ask the archaic knight to help you maintain your rule for a hundred years after you become the queen."

"I don\'t think he will agree."

"Don\'t worry, he will promise. There is the first covenant between us." the bloody queen raised her head slightly. The crazy eyes of the past have completely disappeared and replaced by the light of wisdom.

"Oh!" the woman knew that her mother had a lot to hide from her, but she didn\'t mind. Because she also has many things to hide from her mother. After all, everyone has some secrets, don\'t they?

While the mother and daughter were talking, kukas tore the void and came to a deserted planet. The planet is extremely desolate and has no characteristics suitable for human survival, but inside the planet, he has built a huge underground space with secret methods and magic machinery, and the underground space is still expanding continuously.

In this underground space, there are countless mechanical heads combined into a behemoth. Here, the mechanical scholar who proposed the idea at that time is operating countless mechanical brains and some of his peers to deduce and crack the rules of this plane.

"Any progress?" kukas asked in a deep voice, looking at the mechanic who only relied on the soft wire behind his head to support his body suspended in the air.

"There is no big progress, just like ten years ago. But our body has evolved again, and now its computing power has more than doubled than before." kukas\'s arrival was noticed only after the mechanical head with countless data flashing in its eyes made some thunderclaps.

"Oh! Is the mechanical head enough?"

"That\'s enough. If there are too many, we can\'t control it. What we lack now is the science of integrating mechanical brains." the mechanic said reluctantly: "unfortunately, the scholars recruited by the Empire are too conservative. They don\'t want to carry out this integration at all."

"Ha ha, those cowards didn\'t choose to integrate into the mechanical brain until they died. Now they haven\'t enjoyed enough of the colorful world outside. Yes, they are just a group of garbage who know how to enjoy, and they don\'t deserve to be scholars." another mechanical scholar woke up from the deduction and shouted in a low voice.

Seeing that there was no harvest here, kukas was too lazy to stay here. After carefully checking the energy supply device at the core of the planet, he got up and left, tore the void and arrived at a criminal plane with extremely bad environment.

Here, he cultivated a large number of fenlia warriors, but it\'s a pity for him that the cultivation time of fenlia warriors here is too short to be of any use now.

Moreover, after watching the wars of this era, he lost interest in the cultivation of brain crippled creatures such as fenlia warriors. Because he found that most of the battles in this era rely on arms, warships, battle armor and magic armor in the universe, and there are few battles on the ground.

The fenlia warriors, who can fight on the ground in this era, have no way to control foreign objects in the universe for war. Because the heads of these warriors are a little stupid. No, more stupid than the stupidest barbarians. They are like green skin. They just wave their blades and kill.

Although he gave up the cultivation of fenlia warriors, kukas did not let them live and die, but mobilized some mechanical brains and mechanical scholars to let them find ways to cultivate these fenlia warriors into a puppet, a puppet that can fight in the universe.

This time he came to see how the scholars were progressing. If the progress is OK, he will continue to support it. If the progress is not good, he will not hesitate to abandon the fenlia warriors. Let them live and die on this bad planet.