Abyss Knight

Chapter 722

"Kill me! I\'m not his woman at all. I\'m just your Highness\'s woman. No one else can think of me." mauriel, a blonde, calmly sorted out her clothes, then raised her mouth and showed an ugly smile: "more importantly, he didn\'t master the cultivation secret of gold treasures at all."

"I mastered the secret cultivation method of gold treasure a long time ago. When you and I made a marriage agreement, I got the secret cultivation method of gold treasure of your family, and your family also got the cultivation method of the glory light of our family. This thing is the witness when we made a marriage agreement. It will never be forgotten despite the erosion of years." When ulah said this, his face was sad, and even the breath from him looked dull and sad.

"He\'s deceiving you." the blonde still looked like that and said without any emotion: "you\'ll be punished sooner or later for killing so many people in the hand of glory."

In silence, kukas\'s murderous intention slowly dissipated. Ulawei\'s behavior in front of him reminds him of some things in his previous life. In view of his experience in his previous life, he has some sympathy for ulawei\'s behavior.

"Give it to me!" kukas sighed softly and stretched out his hand for the memory crystal in ulah\'s hand. The ruby master on one side opened his mouth to say something, but after feeling kukas\'s sympathy, he just sighed, then turned his head and stopped talking.

"Thank you!" ula was a little stunned, and then quickly threw the golden memory crystal to kukas. In his understanding, kukas would not compromise on this matter, but he was extremely surprised that it was beyond his imagination.

"Get out of here! There is only one most powerful existence on the Arctic ice sheet, that is me: the ash Knight kukas. Next time I meet you again, I think I will pick your head as my booty."

"I think I\'ll consider your suggestion." the Templar ula took a deep breath and nodded to show that he knew. He knew that what kukas had just said was serious, because the bald men who had been fooling around on the polar ice sheet for decades almost never made a mistake. Only the ruby master who followed him and himself could change the decisions he made, and no one else could change them, even some controllers of the abyss alliance.

"Come with me! Let\'s go home." the Templar ula reached out to grab the blonde\'s shoulder, but the other party subconsciously stepped back to avoid his touch.

"I once swore that only your highness could touch my body." the blonde stood silently in the void, without any focus in her eyes. At this time, the golden palace behind her became more and more real.

The sounds of killing were transmitted from the palace. These sounds were released into ripples and expanded irregularly around, "she wants to explode her soul!" although the ruby Sutra didn\'t see the abnormality of the blonde woman, she easily felt the breath fluctuation on her with her professional ability. In order to prevent any accident, she reminded kukas. Of course, although the voice was not loud, the Templar ulawi opposite heard it.

At first, ula thought that the blonde mauriel urged her to fight in order to deal with kukas or escape. But I didn\'t think she wanted to explode her soul.

"Is it worth it to explode the soul for the garbage that robbed you from me?" ula roared with emotion. With a strange cry, he rushed to the blonde woman, then stretched out his hand to penetrate the fighting defense around her, grabbed her body and stopped the fighting surge in her body.

"Let go of me! You have no right to touch me."

"Ha ha! Yes, I am not qualified to touch you. You are a noble and glorious hand. How can I, a humble knight, be qualified to touch you? But don\'t worry, I will never touch you. I just don\'t want you to die." ulawei\'s mood was violently turbulent because of the blonde woman\'s words, He took out some golden shuttles and stabbed them into several special positions on the woman, and then wrapped them with small chains to wrap the blonde girl mauriel.

"Let\'s go! I\'ll take you out of this dirty world and back to our plane. Even being an ordinary person there is better than floating in this dirty world." while talking, ula pulled the chain and dragged the blonde woman away.

There was a slight riot in the team he led. Finally, dozens of professionals at the gate of heaven left the team and followed URAI to fly away.

Then seven or eight divine archers tore the fire clouds in the sky and followed ula to fly away.

The roar above the fire cloud became louder and louder. Large tracts of fire cloud directly fell on the earth and burned the peaks and valleys. Countless monsters hidden in the fire cloud issued sad cries and rushed out of the fire cloud.

Thunder continued, and large scarlet clouds began to appear in the broken fire clouds. These clouds wriggled and the big rain fell down, but in an instant, tens of thousands of miles around were covered by torrential rain.

It rained heavily and the earth shook slightly. The mountain peaks in some sacred places collapsed, revealing a large number of mineral veins. However, at this time, the remaining professionals did not come forward to dig those mineral veins, but stood silently in place, waiting for the new God hiding place to come to the earth.

"Do you refuse to hand in half of the divine material income to me?" kukas was silent for a long time after the rain hit him.

Silence, thousands of professionals are silent, because these remaining people have been fooling around on the polar ice sheet for a long time. They all know kukas\'s bad name. In particular, tens of thousands of professionals have just fallen because of kukas, which makes them have a deeper understanding of kukas\'s reputation.

"If there is no objection, let\'s go on like this!" kukas muttered in a cold, expressionless voice.

After throwing the golden memory crystal to the ruby master, the bald evil man stepped into the void, and his huge body appeared directly in front of the demon ice corpse not far away: "Go back and discuss, and then leave here. From today on, only one of the most powerful beings in kukas is allowed to stay here in the polar ice sheet. You either choose to surrender, leave or die."

"Gaga! Kukas! Your request is too overbearing." the demon ice corpse\'s eyes show ferocity. Others are afraid of kukas, but his fear of kukas is not so strong. Because in the previous struggle between the two men, he feels that their strength is equal.

"We can jointly control the Arctic ice sheet, on which all materials belong to us," said the demon ice corpse "At that time, we will fully control the Arctic ice sheet. All creatures on this ice sheet, no matter which force or organization they are, will eventually be branded with our traces, become our subordinates and fight and kill for our will."

"This is an extremely beautiful idea. We have no ability to wreak havoc in the sky with those people, but we have the ability to fully control the earth. I know someone in your abyss alliance is going to attack you. Someone will help you deal with those people together, which will reduce your pressure a lot." The demon ice corpse stretched out its long tongue and licked the ugly head, then stared at kukas tightly and waited for his answer.

"The Arctic ice sheet is no longer the Arctic ice sheet. You ice corpses can\'t play your most powerful power here. Do you think you can help me now?" a mocking smile appeared on kukas\'s face armor: "not to mention more people controlling here, my harvest will be less."

"You don\'t have enough men, and you don\'t have enough powerful allies. You can\'t control the Arctic ice sheet alone." the demon ice corpse quacks with a strange smile: "we\'ve had your idea for a long time, but we haven\'t had a chance to implement it."

"Waiting for me to leave here, or waiting for me to die?"

"Yes." the demon ice corpse stretched out his arms as if to welcome the falling rain in the sky: "almost every day on the polar ice sheet, there are God hiding places. Each god hiding place is an extremely precious treasure for us. Even if you are strong, such treasure can only occupy one percent of it."

"Those portions are enough for me." kukas shook his head and his thick neck made a jumping sound.

"No, this amount is too small. Garbage like them is not qualified to waste those materials. They are only qualified to be miners and contribute to our strength." the demon ice corpse waved his arm and shouted excitedly: "I have combined Blackwater, chaotic clouds and split sky to form an alliance to control this polar ice sheet."

"It used to be the polar ice sheet, but it is still. Although the God hiding place is powerful, as long as we unite, we can restore everything here to the way it was decades ago."

"There are hundreds of powerful creatures coming here every day. Few of them can grow up, but I believe that as time goes by, sooner or later, there will be enough powerful creatures growing up here. At that time, they will threaten your reputation here. You will never notice it before this happens."